
Friday, July 5, 2019

Update on Alyssa's Heart Condition

John Webster, Zoey Webster, Alyssa Webster,
Lexi Webster, Allie Webster
Independence Day 2019

On April 11th, we shared news of Alyssa Webster’s heart surgery. (Click here to read our post with the details.) She just released an update, so we wanted to pass it on to you all.

Alyssa's doctor has scheduled the same surgery again because the first one was unsuccessful. After the first procedure, Alyssa was told that there was a 50% chance that her abnormal heartbeats would return, and they did. Her doctor informed her that her arrhythmia is one of the worst he has seen. Please continue to pray for healing for Alyssa, a successful surgery, and wisdom for the medical staff that will be treating her.

Photo courtesy of John and Alyssa Webster


  1. Lots and lots of prayers for you! My husband had Afib and had an ablasion just last week, which was thankfully successful. Good luck!

  2. πŸ™ for Alyssa

    1. That symbol actually is a high five symbol and not a prayer symbol.

    2. No it’s not a high five. It comes up whenever you type in the word ‘prayer’ People used to hold their hands like that for prayers

    3. Actually, if I type the word “praying” or “prayer” into my iPhone that symbol pops up.

    4. Reply to 10:43 High 5 comment. MO- I use it as a prayer symbol. I guess it's up to interpretation. I choose to think of it as prayer when I see it. :o)

    5. A lot of people use it to represent prayer, it can mean whichever you want

    6. And yet many people use it for a prayer symbol.

    7. 10 43, but the hands are together as in prayer. It doesnt look like a hand up for high five at all to me.

    8. If you type in “praying” on my phone, the above symbol pops up as a suggestion. If I type in “high five” ✋ and πŸ™Œ pop up as suggestions. You may be mistaken or perhaps different phones suggest different emoticons? I do know that “thank you” brings up the same symbol πŸ™πŸ» that’s suggested for “praying”.

    9. People all over the web use it as a prayer symbol so it serves more than one purpose.

    10. Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. A common alternative use for this emoji is for prayer, using the same gesture as praying hands

    11. Emoji creators said it’s prayer

    12. To me it looks like someone with his head bowed, hands together, eyes closed. I say it's a prayer symbol.

    13. It's used for both!

    14. That was debunked. It is praying hands. Don't believe all memes.

    15. Really people! Does it matter! Send prayers for Alyssa instead of spending time debating this.

  3. Prayers for you Alyssa and your family as they are beside you. I pray that God gives you comfort, peace and a successful new surgery. Remember to lean on him and know that he is with you. Thinking about you and your family, this must be scary and tough.

  4. Prayers going up for Alyssa and her family!

  5. Praying for you Alyssa hopefully it will work this time God is good!

  6. Good vibes and wishes her way!

  7. Sending prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Love to you and your family.

  8. I had 3 failed ablations. I now have a defibrillator. That or a pacemaker may be the solution if ablation fails again. The rhythm has to show up while you're on the table so they can map it and then zap it. If that doesn't happen, they have to find another solution. It happens all the time.

  9. Prayers for you and your family !!! Hope things go better this time !!

  10. πŸ™πŸ™

  11. OSU Columbus OH Dr Hummel specialist in Afib found 4 places in my husbands heart 2 years ago. Never returned!!

  12. Of course. Prayers being lifted for Alyssa’s successful surgery and future health.

  13. Praying for this beautiful mother and her family.

  14. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  15. Jehovah Raphe, you are the creator, you knit Alyssa together and have revealed this condition to her Doctors. You are the great physician and healer. Lord, you do miracles every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Some seen, some not seen. Father we are asking for a miracle that this condition would be healed permanently. Thank you Lord for your undeserved mercy and grace on us. Your word says where two or more are gathered, You are there. We bind our faith together and ask this in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer, I stand in agreement with it.

  16. Have they checked to see if you have a bicuspid aortic valve? I was born with one & it wasn't discovered until I was 28. It causes me the same symptoms.

  17. hi Alyssa you will be in my thoughts and prayers with a complete miracle with god's healing powers

  18. πŸ™ praying you all through.

  19. Many prayers for y'all. God promised to look after us. So darlin you are in the hands of the all mighty. Good luck and much love to you and your family

  20. Prayers for you and your family!

  21. Praying for healing & complete restoration.

  22. Prayers for Alyssa ������

  23. Alyssa I am praying for U, through this next step to gaining health, and I am sure U will be OK 100%!!!

  24. Praying that the Lord holds your daughter in his hands! I pray our God heals this little heart and gives your family love & peace during your ordeal. πŸ‘❤️

    1. It’s not John & Alyssa’s daughter’s heart that has issues. It’s Alyssa’s heart.

  25. Praying for them now.πŸ™

  26. My prayer's to Alyssa and her family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™❤ May Jesus Christ in his time heal our child of god Amen

  27. Endless prayers to you Alyssa from New York...

  28. Lots of love and prayers for you God will heal and lots of love and prayers

  29. I hope all goes well for her and stays that way. She has a nice famiily and they need her present in their lives. I'm glad she seeks the medical care of qualified professionals regardless of the professionals' personal beliefs. I hope this family proceeds with caution regarding any future biological children. Seek the advice of a good obstetrician...ditch the midwives at this point.

    1. 5:51, midwives aren’t idiots, and will know to send her to a specialist if that is needed.

    2. SVT is not life threatening. My daughter had it as well. It is scary when the heart starts racing, but it won’t cause problems with a baby. I think she is probably using preventative measures to not get pregnant until they can correctly ablate the right spot. If they are able to freeze or burn the correct location, then she won’t have any further problems.

    3. One can usually carry a pregnancy with no problems when one has SVT but.... Due to the increased blood volume of pregnancy and work load on the heart the more severe the SVT the greater the risk of a mom developing cardiomyopathy and possibly congestive heart failure. 28 years as an OB RN here. Plus, MY daughter (who was healthy) developed severe CHF with her only pregnancy. It was bad enough the docs thought she would need a new heart to leave the hospital. Thankfully she left with her old one. It's limping along, severely damaged and enlarged, until it fails a wee bit more so she can have that transplant. She does take meds and is on her second pacemaker/defibrillator.

      One must be careful with the heart when it comes to pregnancy. Obviously my daughter never had another baby. She did foster newborns and ended up adopting two of them. But I have cared for women who chose another baby. I've seen the moms pass.

  30. MO- Thoughts and Prayers go out to Alyssa and the family. I'm sure Alyssa has the best of care and hopefully this next surgery will correct the issue. :o)

  31. Praying for her

  32. You and your family are in my prayers

  33. Praying for Alyssa. May God hold her and heal her heart. God bless her and her family. They are AMAZING

  34. Praying you and your family.

    God has this in His hands and has His hands on the Doctor. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  35. Praying for Alyssa! Thank you for sharing this update.

  36. Praying for you Alyssa. I have been so worried about you. I have an SVT condition as well and take medication. It can be very scary. God bless and be with you. I will be thinking about you sweet girl. You are so strong and I know you've got this.

  37. Prayers for her and the family

  38. I'm being monitored for AFib right now. Hope my Dr can figure me out. My prayers are with you. God will watch over both of us.

  39. My late husband had that for years. When they did his surgery he never had any trouble again. God is great and so good to people

  40. Prayers for you Alyssa πŸ™πŸ»

  41. Sad to learn Alyssa continues to have problems. Prayers for successful procedure. May God bless this sweet family.

  42. I am praying for you guys. Isaiah 41:10 says fear thou not;for I am with thee:be not dismayed;for I am thy God:I will strengthen thee;yea,I will help thee;yea,I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

  43. Good luck with your surgery. May God is great and everything will be just fine. God bkess you and your family. Please keep us pisted❤πŸ™

  44. Will be lifting you and your family up in prayer

  45. My heart goes out to your family in this difficult season but have faith God will give the guidance to the Drs in this difficult procedure that she will half to endure again my love to your family

  46. Prayers are sent already, and will continue daily, Godspeed πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•Š✝️

  47. I had two ablations myself--neither worked--a calcium channel blocker controls mine

  48. Prayers for Alyssa and her beautiful family!

  49. Alyssa you are in our prayers and thoughts for a successful surgery.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  50. Praying for you God bless

  51. Sending prayers to u! And for ur family, friends and ur Drs. God will watch over and give u strength and protect u during this this trying time. All of our faith in Gods healing for u!!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  52. Prayers are with you and your family that all will be healed πŸ™πŸ’“

  53. Prayers for Alyssa our family loves you dearly

  54. Both my parents had open heart surgery and thankfully are good now. They get tired faster and need naps, but are alive. Please pray for them too. As I understand it Alyssa has irregular heartbeats but if the other parts are in good working order it a freezing progress not cutting, so not as dangerous. Will still send up a prayer though cause heart surgery is no joke.

    1. Dear Friend, praying for your parents as well as for Alyssa! This is a praying time for all! We trust the Lord and seek His Will daily! Asking for a complete healing for your parents and Alyssa! #RemainBlessed πŸ’•

  55. Praying for you and your successful surgery as well as recovery!

  56. I’m praying for you Alyssa. I hope for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜Œ

  57. I had to have my surgery twice. It worked the second time. Praying yours will be successful as well.

  58. I will add Alyssa and her family to my prayer wall. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  59. Definitely praying for God's peace to be with Alyssa and her family!

  60. Praying for you. God knows . love you all. We love your famiky and your show very much.

  61. Any further updates?

  62. Alyssa, take 5 grams of lypospheric vitamin c every day. Look up Dr Thomas Levy. He's a cardiologist who recommends vitamin c.

    1. July 7@8:44 PM. That Lypospheric does work my cousin took that and he died.

    2. Lupospheric vitamin c is safer than water

  63. I will pray for Alyssa successful surgery and complete recovery. It is not easy having any surgery, more difficult to recover while taking care of three little children. Thank goodness there are manuy family members to help. Be strong John, and all the best wishes for all of you.

  64. My prayers are with you Alyssa. My daughter has the same issue. The doctor put her on Corlanor and its working. Its been a year now. I was with her in the hospital every night for 18 months. Thank god for this medicine.

  65. Praying for her and the family as well.

  66. I had a failed ablation as well. I had a really high heart rate and heart palps every few min throughout the day. I had my ferritin level tested, by a sleep dr because of my restless legs, and my ferritin level was a 3. I have been taking iron supplements for the past few years and my heart rate is now at a normal level and I no longer have palpitations. It would be worth a try to have your ferritin level checked. Prayers to you and your family ❤


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