
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bates Attend Paine Wedding

If you have been a long-time fan of the Bates family, you have probably seen photos and footage of Abby Paine, one of Chad's nine siblings. Although she is from Oklahoma, she has spent a significant amount of time in Rocky Top in recent years as Kelly's homeschooling assistant/tutor.

Yesterday, Abby married Jeremiah (Jay) Unruh in Oklahoma City. Some of the Bates attended the wedding. Erin Paine, Tori Smith, Carson Paine, and Brooklyn Paine were in the wedding party. 

Kelly Bates, Abby, Jay, Gil Bates
Kelly Bates, Abby, Jay, Gil Bates

Trace Bates and girlfriend Chaney

Gil Bates, Brooklyn Paine, Carson Paine

Photos courtesy of


  1. MO- Best Wishes to they bride and groom- they look lovely. Looks like another courtship in the Bates family. I'm sure we'll hear more about it in the new season. Trace and Chaney look very nice together. God Bless. :o)

    1. the Bates family are all just wonderful beautiful people I have four daughters and would love one of them to enter that family just wonderful people God bless

    2. Have you met these “wonderful” folks or are you going by what you see on TV?

  2. What’s with Brooklyn’s hair, she’s cute, but wow, that’s crazy hair!

    1. I think she put curlers in like her mom.

    2. Nothing is wrong with curly hair. God made hair all shapes and sizes and it all reflects Him and His beautiful creation ❤️

    3. Not saying anything’s wrong with curly hair, I. Not think that’s her natural curls. Just saying, would have looked cuter in a high bun or French braid pig tails. Mabye she wouldn’t let her mom style it anymore, toddlers can be squirmy!

    4. I think I have wet hair & pink spongy roller nightmares from the 80’s...those things were so awful!

    5. I think Brooklyn did her own hair, lol. Kudos to Erin for not re-doing it!

    6. Gotcha. They sure have some precious babies!!! :)

  3. What happened to Brooklyn's hair? It's so funny what little kids will do to their hair, and it's nice Erin let her leave it like that. Adorable!

    1. Agree. Plus we know she isn’t naturally curly so someone curled it for her. I don’t know why you would do that to a 3 year old

    2. Gussying her up for the wedding! Adorable! Bet she felt like a princess.

    3. Probably it was curled for the wedding with Erin's approval.

    4. Put a three year old in curlers? That is very hard to believe. Who cares whether a toddler's hair is curly or not? Plus, it looks so funny and out of control.

    5. 12:56, you can tell this was taken later in the day. Carson is looking a little rumpled too. Let's wait to form an opinion until after we've seen the official wedding pictures.

    6. Just more of the changes we are seeing. I don't really recognize this family anymore and have stopped watching the show a while ago.
      Only come here because Ellie does such a great blog and I'm interested in other people's opinions.

    7. Is that all you do to criticize children because her mom wanted her to look cute, that's sad

    8. I don't think that look would have been Erin's first choice. Probably Brooklyn insisted on it. Maybe she wants curls like mom?

    9. 10:56, it is very common to curl a flower girl's hair for a wedding. That has nothing to do with any supposed changes in the family. Besides, the Bates girls have been curling their own hair for a very long time. Why wouldn't Erin do the same for her daughter for a special occasion? That's just silly to jump on the criticism bandwagon for something lots of people have been doing for a long time (ever heard of rag curlers?).

    10. I agree, 10:26. Brooklyn's hair has absolutely nothing to do with any family "changes". People either haven't followed the Bates family for long or forgot how Erin styled her hair as a teenager. She loves curls and big hair. Brooklyn looks adorable with her wild hair and, more importantly, she looks like she was having a lot of fun. Save the fake outrage for something important.

    11. "Wild" is a great way to describe it, lol!

  4. congratulations - y’all look terrific!

  5. Abby Paine looks beautiful in her wedding dress. Congratulations Abby & Jay.

    Brooklyn looks so cute in her curly hair. Chad looks like my brother in law.

  6. Curious. Duggar’s had a Paine sister as a homeschool tutor as well. Wondering why both families turned to using tutors after doing all of the schooling themselves for the first half of the kids? Maybe simply helping others earn money now that they can afford it?

    1. May be with many of the older Bates girls married and out of the home which, I can only assumed were a big help in tutoring the younger children.

      Beautiful pictures.

    2. Or maybe there are only so many hours in the day and having that many kids in different grades was too much to keep up with without extra help.... Some kids also need individual attention in some subjects.

    3. Response to Curious- MO- I never knew there was a tutor assisting the 7 or 8 Bates children who were still in the home schooling program. That explains how Kelly was able to go on so many outings / trips with the older girls for the weddings. Good or bad, it all makes sense to me now. :o)

    4. Most likely due to the older daughters marrying and moving away! Apparently, sons cannot teach; so to help the mothers the families hired like minded homeschooled girl grads to help teach!

    5. i'm not sure about how long the bates have but i do know the duggars have pretty much always had a tutor or someone helping with the schooling. (the johnsons helped with spanish, the quaries(sp) with music)
      in some of the older shows and some pictures, you can occasionally see a young lady in the shot, usually when they're in the living room on the couch. kelly had once mentioned she helped her out which is why she often was with them on outings but i dont know if that was abby or not though

    6. Because no Mother truly wants to homeschool 19 children.

    7. Remember she didn't have to teach all 19 at once! Lol

    8. 5:53, it's not a matter of not wanting to, it's a matter of time and energy! I homeschool 5, and it is very time-consuming. Besides, with the age span, neither she nor Michelle has ever homeschooled 19 at the same time.

    9. Perhaps that have some formal training as well, sorry but it is important, especially if a student needs assistance.

    10. I'm not sure how having a teenage homeschool grad teaching kids is any better than public school. Public school has its faults, but the teachers are educated.

    11. 11:22, if a teenager is properly educated themselves, they can explain concepts to younger kids. There are teens who tutor. My 11th grader has been able to help younger siblings with math sometimes, for instance.

    12. "Helping" sibs with math is far different from being the teacher for a bunch of kids of all different ages and abilities. One teenage girl cannot handle all that, she simply can't. No wonder little Jeb said he "didn't like school." I wouldn't like it either, if workbooks and teen teachers were al I knew.

    13. 12:13; that's hilarious. If all it took for a school to be labelled as bad was for a little boy to say he "didn't like school" then we would have to close down all the schools.

  7. Brooklyn is just a doll and Carson is handsome little man all dressed up.

  8. Carson's outfit is for a much older boy, or a man.

    1. Or a ring bearer. He looks fine for a formal wedding.

  9. Congratulations to Abby and Jay on your wedding.

  10. Brooklyn is darling in that outfit and with those curls!💗

  11. Erin should put Carson in short pants while she still can. So much cuter.

    Adorable family!

    1. he does wear shorts a lot of the time but being in the wedding party, he's wearing what the bride and or groom picked out for his role in the wedding

  12. Congratulations to Abby.She is a beautiful bride. Erin's kids are adorable. Trace and his girlfriend make a cute couple. It's time for the boys to start getting married

  13. Both Carson and Brooklyn look adorable! Congratulations to the bride and groom!

  14. Her wedding gown is gorgeous!!!

    1. I agree! Her wedding dress is stunning!

  15. Trace your girlfriend is beautiful. Lawson we have two lasies in my churvh. They are Christians, beautiful, and a Dr in Pharmacy. One can sing and play drums.

    1. That much education might be intimidating.

    2. Lawson is a high school grad! He isn't going to want someone with a college degree, and four years of post grad education! They will be in completely different places. He has shown no signs of being interested in science at all.

    3. @11:21-how do you know what Lawson is looking for in a life partner?

    4. 11:21. That was incredibly rude and presumptuous. Maybe Lawson is man enough NOT to be intimidated by an educated woman.

    5. Way to throw Lawson under the bus@11:21.

    6. She’d be way more educated than him. Really an unequal match, in terms of education.why would a young wonan who values higher education wamt a man who does not?

    7. @11:24- I have a Master's degree and my husband never went to college. We've both had successful careers and have been happily married for 30 years. Just because someone doesn't have a college education does not mean they don't value learning and expanding their minds. There's something called reading that is pretty much free and available to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge.
      I hope that answers your question.

    8. A doctorate is very different than a masters. You can get a master in a year. A Doctor of Pharmacy studies for four years after college, takes myltiple professional exams and can be referred to as “Doctor.”

    9. Your time line is wrong that is for MD. or Do. Doctor of pharmacy is not 4 year more then a master's.

  16. Congratulations Abby and Jeremiah. Brooklyn and Carson look so adorable.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  17. i'm so happy to see the words 'girlfriend' for chaney! looks like trace has found his happily ever after!

  18. Gongradulations and may you both be blessed with a beautiful and happy long life together

  19. Une famille juste magnifique et admirable... J'espère vous voir très longtemps encore sur nos chaînes françaises..vous êtes un exemple pour nous français.. J admire 😍😍😍


  21. Brooklyn is so adorable... love the hair. And Carson is looks very handsome.

  22. It’s a beautiful wedding photo 🤗🎊🎂🎊 . Congratulations ! That you for sharing! God Bless is

  23. Everyone looks cute or nice.

  24. Thanks for sharing the pictures of Abby's wedding. I always thought she was a pretty girl. Her husband is nice looking also. Carson and Brookie are absolutely gorgeous!! I love her curls and her little dress is just so cute. Best wishes to the bride and groom.

  25. Congratulations Abby. Brooklyn and Carson are absolutely adorable! Love Brooklyn's curled hair.


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