
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bates Boutique Warehouse

Carlin Bates, Erin Paine, Whitney Bates
Carlin Bates, Erin Paine, Whitney Bates
The biggest news from the Bates these days is that the Bates Sisters Boutique now has a warehouse! (While they call it a warehouse, if you're picturing a 1-million-square-foot Amazon warehouse, scale that down by quite a bit--this warehouse is on the smaller side.)

The guys in the family, especially Chad, are still working on finishing it up, but we expect there to be pictures soon. In addition to storage space, the warehouse also has a spot for photo shoots, which will prevent Erin, Carlin, and Whitney from having to rent space to shoot photos.

Photo courtesy of Carlin Stewart


  1. Sounds good for them. They have nice photos of their dresses but they must cost a fortune. Wishing them much success with their business.

    1. Have you looked at the website? The prices are fairly reasonable.

    2. Actually, their clothing is very reasonably priced!🙂. I've bought a couple of items from their boutique and love it.

    3. There dresses are quite cheap. I already have 3 and have another 3 coming in a couple of days. There beautiful dresses.

    4. Their dresses are actually VERY affordable! 🤗

    5. The clothing they sell is reasonably priced compared to most other companies.

    6. I don't think they are referring to the dresses costing a fortune. I believe they were referring to the cost of taking the photos.

    7. Must have not made myself clear. I was talking about the photos taken of the dresses. Professional photos are very expensive. Yes their dresses are very nice and well priced.

    8. Their dresses are pretty cheap but the quality isn’t that good.

    9. Chad is a good photographer. I wonder if they use him to take all their clothing pictures?

    10. The photographer Taryn Yager, friend of the Bates family, said they have been renting space for the photos -- they were not taken in her studio. They said it was expensive, and hoped to find another place to take photos. Great idea to incorporate space for it in the new warehouse.

    11. 4:13- As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. I hope their dresses wash and wear well. Too many clothes on the market today advertise low prices, but aren't made well enough to look good after more than one season.

  2. Chad is such a supportive husband! Good luck to the ladies with their business 🙌🏻

  3. My gosh, all those clothes made in factories overseas! We have a TON of discarded clothes in this world that need to be repurposed, recycled, whatever. Do we really need yet another huge warehouse of cheaply made clothes?? I would love it if they listed where they sourced their materials, the conditions of the factories, etc.

    1. MO- KitKath, I was wondering where The Bates dresses were made. I think that sites on the internet should disclose where the clothing is manufactured. Sometimes it's hard to find where a garment is made. I've never had any luck with items made in China. I've decided not to buy from those cute sites on Pinterest anymore. Cheap fabric, bad fit, and one item even had a gasoline odor. :o)

    2. Did you research the conditions of the overseas factories where your computer, phone, and TV came from?

    3. Why are you assuming the clothes are made overseas? I haven’t heard that. There are a lot of indecent clothes that shouldn’t be made at all. We can use more modest clothing in this world!

    4. I doubt even they know all the info. They more than likely purchase from a wholesaler.

    5. Just wear a paper bag and call it a day. 😜
      I am sure you never buy anything from Walmart or target who gets everything from China.

    6. MO- Nancy, I don't ware my computer, phone, or TV. And I think tech companies are much more up-front with information about where their products are made. :o)

    7. China produces a lot of beautiful items! The cheap stiff comes over here because that is what Americans want to buy! They send what is ordered and what sells successfully.

    8. 10:12. I sure don’t want to buy cheap, poorly made clothes!

    9. @10:12 I don't want to buy cheap imported stuff if I can buy higher quality USA made goods. Even if they're more expensive, they last longer and in the end are more economical.

    10. I make my own clothes and take care to repurpose and recycle, as everyone should and, honestly, it’s necessary at this point in order save the planet. We’re spiraling downward and each person has got to do what we can to help.

      I agree that all clothiers should list where the items are made, where’s the materials are from, etc.

    11. Maybe they dont care at alm about that! And a lot of womens that buy it doesnt care either... They are not claiming to be a green store or to sell national items. They just sell dress

    12. @8:00 Sounds like you're a devoted customer of cheap Chinese imports!

    13. People surely hates!!! So....sad🙄🥺

    14. KitKath, atleast you make your own clothes and not have someone else make them and them claim your talent

    15. KitKath - Ellie said it was NOT a huge warehouse so there won’t be tons of clothes laying around there. The only reason you want to know where their clothes are made is so you can be more specific in your criticism. Let it go and rejoice for small business owners.

    16. I have several dresses from them. They are not cheap looking or feeling, and wash well. They are quite comfortable, and I get comments every time I wear them. If you want to criticize, having first hand experience, would be best.

  4. I think if Erin had been allowed to study music, she might have devoted her abundant creativity to that. This dress venture seems so frivolous in comparison.

    1. Always a downer somewhere. These girls are doing amazing things. Try some positivity

    2. The bates parents actually encorage all thiers kids male and female to go to college

    3. She was allowed to study music, she has a bachelor's degree in music ministry. She still pursues music, she has released 4 albums.

    4. FYI: Erin has released several CDs of her piano music. I don't think she has let her talent or creativity go to waste.

    5. Um, she did study music. She has literally made multiple cds after years of learning, completing a music study in college, and honing her God-given talent. But nice try.

    6. Hmmmmmm She did study music at Crown College ---she has recorded multiple CDs and gives piano lessons---sounds pretty creative to me

    7. Erin did get a degree in music and she has been teaching piano. Her teaching piano is actually how Josie met Kelton, as one of Erin's students was Kelton's sister and Erin then sort of did a little matchmaking during one of her recitals. I'm sure the boutique is just another thing she does. They have a vision and a purpose and feel called to this. They are doing something they believe in. In congratulate them...btw...if I lived nearby I would love to take piano lessons from any of the piano playing Bates!! I would love to be able to play like that

    8. She has already shown that she uses her abundant creativity in music.

    9. Erin has her 4-yr degree in music! She was indeed "allowed to study music". And she has 4 or 5 CD's of her music. She can do both, music and clothing ventures

    10. She went to college for four years and studied music. It is ok to have an interest in multiple things.

    11. I’m not sure you know what you’re taking about....Erin did study music at college and has made several CDs.

    12. Huh? IF she had been ALLOWED to study music? Erin has a bachelor's degree in music.

    13. She was “allowed” and did in fact! She has a bachelor’s of music. She teaches piano lessons. She doesn’t have to limit herself to one field.

    14. Erin DID study music. She graduated with a degree in music from Crown College and has produced a several albums including Christmas music and lullabies. She has shown she is musically gifted and continues to create music. My understanding is that she is currently work on an album.

      The boutique is a business. People wear clothes. Those who buy from the store want to be "modest" yet fashionable. It was a smart move on Carlin, Erin, and Whitney's part to start a business since people were asking them to start such a store.

    15. She DID study music at Crown College. She is an accomplished pianist, wife, mother, and now business woman. Your comment was uncalled for and rude.

    16. Actually, Erin did study music. She even earned her degree in it.

    17. The Bates encourage ALL of their children to go to college, and almost all of them have. Both of them are college graduates, and think it's important for their children to have that experience, and see what opportunities there are in the outside world where they’ll live.

      Erin graduated (with honors) with a bachelor’s degree in music ministry, helped pay for college giving private music lessons, and continued giving lessons after she married. In addition to performing at family, church and public events, services and concerts, she has recorded 5 CDs of her piano music. I think she has "devoted her abundant creativity to that."

      In my opinion, it’s great that she has started a small business with her sister and sister-in-law. You need a set of skills no matter what you’re selling -- whether its women’s clothing or music books or CDs -- and I don’t think that’s frivolous. Based on your statement “If Erin had been allowed to study music,” it seems you haven’t been following the Bates very long, or you would have known that she wasn’t just “allowed” to study it, but was “actively encouraged” to get her academic degree in music, and uses it to this day.

    18. Erin has 3 toddlers. I doubt she is teaching anyone piano, unless she offlods the care if her babies in simeone else. But they don’t believe in that.

    19. There is a big difference between a music degree at Crown and the music degee Erin could have gotten at the University of Tennessee. UT has world-class music teachers and a variety of orchestra and emsembles. Crown does not have these things. Erin was not allowed to be the best musician should could be, because her parents wouldn't allow her to go to UT.

    20. anon@3:27- Do you know for certain that Erin wanted to go to UT or any other college or that her parents refused to let her go to anywhere but Crown? I get that the Bates are strict Baptists and it's likely that they prefer their kids to go to a religious college, rather than a secular one. At least they've encouraged their daughters to further their education in some capacity.

    21. Anonymous 11:51 agree. Why does everyone these days (millennials) think they can successfully have their own business? It’s almost like everyone is in a dream state. Everyone wants to live their “dream”, but sorry that’s just not reality.

    22. Anon @ 11:51 Are you saying that a music degree is more important than opening a business? That seems rather elitist to me.

      Anon @ 10:33 In the recent past, there were many more locally owned small businesses than there are now. So it isn't just millennials who start businesses. Today,everything is a chain store and all the malls have the same stores in them. Are you suggesting that no one should ever attempt to open a business? Maybe some people have a vision for their future and are willing to take a risk to fulfill that vision. I think the ladies involved in this venture should be congratulated instead of criticized. They get so much criticism for "just" staying home and having babies, and now they are criticized for trying to be business women.

  5. Nice that their business has grown to that level!

  6. That's great the business is growing fast

  7. So cool! Congrats Erin, Whitney and Carlin!!

  8. Congrats on this next step. Way to go, grow that business!!!!

  9. How are they affording all this

    1. Seriously, why do people still ask this? They are wealthy reality tv, US, People magazine celebrities. Women/girls within this culture will buy these clothes just to say they are from the Bates store. No need to anyone to keep asking how they afford anything. That ended several years ago.

    2. Do you need a business statement? We know their dresses have been selling like crazy.

    3. They have a tv show.

    4. Yes I seriously do need to know. I would love to start my own clothing business, just want some advice

    5. They have a VERY SUCCESSFUL REALITY TV SHOW!!!!!! How much longer please........ it’s getting old and tiring same question over and over........🙄

    6. Retail clothing is NOT a frivolous venture. I, for one, believe most people want to look good. If you feel that you are presentable, it really does help your self esteem. The Bates sisters have tried very hard to give their customers clothing that is well-presented on-line, looks nice on various body types, offers variety, is affordable, gives women a place to find modest clothing, and is easy to purchase.
      You go, ladies!!!

  10. I'm curious to know where their merchandise is made.

    1. These dresses are all sold on Amazon. They just buy some and resell them from their shop.

    2. Probably the same place that your computer, smart phone, smart TV, etc is made.

    3. So there’s not too much talent here, it’s not like your making the dresses. Just have the cheap China labor do it all. Um I think a lot of us could design those dresses

    4. They are not claiming that they have so much talent. They are running a business. 🙄

    5. Great, 5:37! Let's see some of your work.

    6. @5:37- I don't think they've claimed to be designing the dresses, just selling them. I guess you have to give them credit for taking the bull by the horns and starting up a business for themselves. Income from the show has likely provided start-up funds. I hope it works out for them.

    7. @5:37- It does take skill and talent to run a successful business. We just have to wait and see how theirs does in the long run.

    8. 5:37pm, are your designs selling as well as their products????😜

    9. 7:34 - are the dresses really sold on Amazon. To resell them doesn’t seem right somehow.

    10. I know! Buying dresses and re-selling them to make a few bucks? Why even bother? I think the girls just like dressing up and modeling, and having their picture taken. They seem to love that, actually. I doubt they are operating in the black.

  11. good for these ladies!! i wish them much success in their business!

    1. Someone that has purchased a dress from their online store should be able to tell us what the label says about where they're made.

    2. Let them be AMERICAN made clothes not from CHINA! Lets keep the money in the GOD BLESSED USA! Just my comment , glad someone asked about this. Maybe they can employ some one who really needs a job. Thank you, Alexandreanna

    3. People need jobs in China too. We are all the same in God’s eyes. And Chinese goods are not all “cheap.” Other countries purchase beautiful luxury goods from China. China sends us junk becaus that’s what we order and are willing to pay for.

    4. 10:22. The point is that China treats their factory workers little better than slave labor. That’s what many people have a problem with. China has also been known to export shoddy and sometimes outright dangerous products.

    5. Are the family confident that the workers producing the goods are not being exploited. Have they been to the factories to check in working conditions and rates of pay? I think we all need to be much more circumspect about where/how our goods are produced. But if we are selling them to a third party we have a greater duty of care to ensure we are comfortable that they are ethically produced.

    6. 10:22....yes, people in China need jobs, but businesses in the U S. need sales. Money spent on Chinese made goods goes back to China. Money made on goods made in the U.S. stays here. There may be luxury goods from China, but these dresses are not them.

    7. 10:52 Have you been to China and inspected their factories, or are these ideas you picked up on the internet? American factories were famous for ill-treating its workers till our government forced them not to. We are all the same. Racism has no place on this blog!

    8. Mabye they should sew the dresses themselves

    9. 1:53- It was the unionization of workers that brought about change in the US workplace and subsequent laws passed to protect them. There are no such protections in communist countries.

    10. 1:53. It isn’t racism to not support oppressive governments. The US State Department acknowledges serious human rights violations in China. China has one ruling party and it’s Communist. Read a bit of history.

    11. 1:53- China is a communist country. Their government does not have the same consumer or worker safety protections as in the US. Watchdog groups have investigated factories in China and their findings are disturbing. This is not internet propoganda. Being concerned for their citizens and being critical of their form of government is not racism.

    12. We are all the same in God's eyes. The people in China want to eat and have good housing in the same way we do. They are no different than us. It's ugly to see racism on this blog. God did not say Americans were more worthy than any other group of people.

    13. 1:53: Conditions in Chinese factories are known through outside watchdog humanitarian organizations, that actually go there and interview people. There have been notes describing inhumane treatment from Chinese workers, smuggled out in shipments, which are found by Americans. My niece spent a year teaching there and has stories to tell. China is not a democracy, like the US. The people are ruled by a one-party Communist government, that squashes any kind of descent. You can pick up any history book and read about it. It is not racism to recognize when a country is oppressing it’s people.

    14. It is not racist to be critical of the government of another country. It is disgusting that anything a person disagrees with is labeled racist. That word has been misused so much that it totally lacks credibility thse days.

    15. Respectfully,10:52, I can assure you that I am not racist and I am sorry if my remarks were construed as such. I am not American so cannot comment on working conditions. I do have some knowledge of Chinese conditions ,not gleaned from the internet incidentally. This has led me to be more circumspect in my own purchases... but need always to be more mindful. It was not my intention to offend... merely to question were this lovely family confident that those producing the garments were being treated appropriately. Employment conditions vary vastly.., as the ‘middle man’, I trust that they are happy that their workers are receiving a fair wage and are treated as we would wish to be..

    16. I suspect the person who thinks the word "racist" is overused is a person who has never experienced racial prejudice. They are tired of not being able to say what they want to say!

  12. Wishing them great success! Influencers now on two levels!

  13. Let’s see more of Kelly showing great styles for us middle aged/young at heart girls!!!

  14. Congrats girls on this adventure. Please let the negative comments of those opinionated folks roll off you like water on a ducks back. I am glad to see you all working together.

  15. Ii have a dress and it says "made in the USA Bombom" Perhaps this will relieve some of peoples's concerns.

  16. What happened to Whitney’s real estate career?

    1. I've been wondering that too

    2. It's entirely possible that she's still doing that, perhaps part-time. Lots of women have more than one part-time job.

  17. congratulations, whitney,erin & carlin for expanding your business! Glory to the lord that he had blessed all of you.I don't want to be mean to those who always come with negative comments but I don't think is important to ask where mencandise come from, from where they are affording this,it's not our business. the only I can say is that I love their dresses because are modest and affordable prices, just the way the lord wants to be dresses not showing skin and dress appropriate the way the lord wants us.I know many people would not agree with me because many believe the lord only see your heart but I think the lord counts from inside to outside and we as real Christians should give the example in our behaviors and our clothing too. may God continues blessing the bates boutique.

    1. 10:16- As consumers paying for a product, we have every right to ask where it's being made. For me, it's important to know this and business owners have an obligation to provide this information to their customers. Regarding your opinion that clothing choices are a sign of who is a "real" Christian, I could not disagree more.

    2. 5:47, the place to ask about origin is the product website, not the fan blog.

  18. Congratulations girls!!! Starting a business is HARD WORK.

    It's so easy these days to say unkind things about what other people are doing. People complain that these girls don't work...then they complain because their business is too successful.

    The money for expanding...sales. Sales from people who are fine paying in the $20's and $30's for a nice, modest dress. This is not Goodwill. A fortune would be paying much, much more than what they are charging.

    Have you asked where your toothbrush comes from? China. Have you asked where your cell phone comes from? China. Have you asked where your $5 shirt comes from? Oversees. Please leave these girls alone.

    1. I do pay attention to where things are made and will patronize USA made products whenever possible.

    2. “When possible” means “when it wont cost me too much.”

    3. When possible means when it is possible. Some products are not made in the United States. I do my research and won't buy from a company that uses child labor or the such. Anyone in business is well aware that such things are looked at and examined.

      I am also careful about what products are made from and what chemicals or processes they go through. Does that mean that I boycott certain companies? Yes. It also means that I sometimes have to make decisions about such things and compromises because there are not always the best solutions available.

      It's not always about money.

    4. What hard work, the people in China are the ones actually sewing it together. I could understand if they actually did the work of sewing it together. At least Michaela makes her own baby stuff, she actually designs and does the work. Love Michaela!!!

    5. The Chinese people are hard workers, that’s for sure. I wish we saw that work ethic in the US!!

  19. Has anyone else noticed that they are all essentially the same dress? Very similar cuts on every dress...and most in such tiny sizes.

    1. Have you also noticed, with the exceptions of Kelly Jo and Micheala, none of the girls actually wear those dresses? Whitney and Erin wear much form fitting dresses.

    2. 6:57. I have noticed that as well. None of the girls outside those you mentioned dress “ Fundamental/ATI” anymore. And those dress styles seem to represent a season of style they no longer adhere to. I’m happy they are developing a business, but maybe would like it to be a little more authentic to the styles they have evolved into.

    3. Carlin does wear them a lot

    4. 2:33- I noticed that, too. It's probably cheaper to manufacture one basic dress style with minimal details or variation.

    5. Yep totally noticed that. It’s also because some of the Bates girls are a little more petite, they show off their bodies more.

  20. Do they make any baby clothes?

  21. In the Netherlands more and more people find it important where and how the clothes they buy are made. They ask these questions because they want to be certain that the people who made these clothes are well treated and get paid a decent wage. They also want to know how these clothes are made, because some productions processes are not environmentally sustainable. Suzanne from Holland.

  22. I recently bought a dress (The Abby) from their boutique but despite having followed their sizing chart, it was too small. When I emailed them to inquire about how I should go about exchanging it, Zach promptly emailed me back with instructions, an apology, and a discount on my next order. The discount was unnecessary but very, very kind! The dress was well made and absolutely gorgeous, simply too small. I look forward to doing more shopping there!

    1. Looks like they need to correct their size charts!

  23. According to their size chart I’m an XL. I’m a size 10 medium, that makes me feel fat

    1. I'm guessing the dresses are made in China then.

  24. Why aren't the girls helping to build their own warehouse? Can't Carlin help, at least?

    1. Um, the ladies don't actually have any building experience, do they?

    2. I think the ladies have their hands full with running the business plus their own homes. Building is in Chad's wheelhouse, anyway, not theirs.

    3. They can’t paint? Drive nails? Use a saw? The Duggar women do these things easily enough

    4. Why do we have to insist that the women should be doing the same thing as the men? Do you think the men should be watching the kids and fixing the meals and filling the dress orders while the women build the warehouse? Why can't there be a division of labor according to interest? I think they are doing things the way they want to, and if they wanted to do it any other way, they would be.

  25. Ladies, let’s be ladies that encourage each other, inspire each other and cheer each other on.


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