
Friday, August 16, 2019

Bates Now Returning Fall 2019

We have some good news and some not-so-good news. The good news is that UPtv just released a fun Bates promo video that you are sure to enjoy. The not-so-good news is that Bringing Up Bates is now slated to return this fall, rather than at the end of summer. We will keep you updated and will let you know as soon as an exact date is announced.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Very disappointing. This seems so strange. Oh well.

    1. I wonder if the Bates asked for more money per episode and are receiving it, but the length of the series had to be cut shorter in order for Up tv to continue the contract?

    2. That sounds reasonable...
      Still, something doesn't feel right

    3. The longer this drags on, the more likely people will have adjusted their viewing to other things on Thursday night. More important though will be the content of this new season. Will it return to their original series type content, or do they stick with the more recent years events centered episodes with a more worldly approach?

    4. I think that the show will continue to take a more worldly approach because the Bates are more worldly. They now have more money and are enjoying a few perks of fame. I think we'll see it especially with Carlin's wedding. The budget concerns Michael had in terms of venue and dress aren't as present for Carlin.
      I am most interested in seeing how the show approaches the Bates Sisters Boutique. I would also like to see what daily life is like for the kids at home now that Josie, Carlin, and Tori are married.

    5. The only non worldly event we have seen in the last 2 yrs is Josie's wedding at the state park. Yes her dress was expensive but that's where it stopped. It only cost a few hundred dollars to rent the reception hall for 2 days. Very inexpensive simple decor mostly donated.
      It was my favorite Bates wedding. EVER. And not just because Josie is one of my best friends ♥️

      It was down to earth and so like how the family used to do things before everything pertaining to the show got out of control.

    6. 4:44
      Maybe they asked for more money and UP is still considering it. Can't move forward without a contract.

  2. hopefully that will only mean an extra week or so! looking forward to watching again. (did addie & ellie grow up a lot over the summer or what?!? they sure dont look like 'littles' any more)

  3. Hahahah! Wow, you can tell by Carlin Evan kissing under water that she’s ready for “ALL” married life has to offer! ^.^ I expect a baby announcement from them before the year is up.

    1. Just because you kiss doesn’t mean you’re gonna conceive a baby fast 🙈

    2. That scene looked like something from TLC. Totally inappropriate for the Bringing Up Bates show. If the rest of the season is like that, they will be loosing viewers.

    3. That was the THE most wasteful, childish, scene ever on Bringing Up Bates. Who writes this stuff up? If this is a sample of what’s to come, count me out...

    4. This video footage was just for fun; lighten up!

    5. Count me out too! They will lose their original fan base but are still too conservative for network TV viewers. It's a conundrum.

    6. I guess if UP was paying for the wedding clothes to be dry-cleaned it wasn't really wasteful. The kiss was a bit too personal.

    7. Some wedding gown fabrics just cannot be soaked in chlorinated water and bounce back via dry cleaning. It's still wasteful no matter who is paying.
      Will not be watching the new season. I've had enough.

    8. Did it occur to any of you that the dress and tux were just props and not the real thing?

    9. I could be wrong, but I don’t think it matters to at least a few on this thread whether the wedding attire were props or the real thing. I believe the real issue behind all the angst is where the show has gone over the years. We now watch over the top scenarios, and contrived episodes. It just doesn’t feel real anymore and I think people miss the original honest flavor the show once had.

    10. @9:27- Do fans really expect this show will remain like it was at the start? The realilty is, TV shows have a shelf life- even "reality" shows. The idea is to keep people entertained with the hopes to keep ratings up, no matter how ridiculous the efforts may seem to some viewers. Sadly, the bloom is off the rose quite quickly. Even some of the classic shows that ran for many years got stale and contrived near the end of their runs. One of my favorites, The Andy Griffith Show, failed to live up to its high standards as the years wore on. (Once Barney and Gomer left, I knew it was downhill from there!) That's just the way it is in TV Land!

    11. Very well written post 9:27
      Thank you!
      You're not wrong. I think many viewers are sad about how the show has changed.
      I don't think this show will last much longer. They are quickly losing their fanbase of humble, modest and non-affluant folks

    12. I was a guest at the wedding. The dress is identical to the one she wore. So they A: used her dress
      B: ruined an expensive look alike. It does not matter who paid for it. Waste is waste and Gil would not have permitted that just a couple short yrs ago.

    13. Well said! I'm so with you. They have become way too worldly and the show is so fake now.

  4. Does it really matter? It's a difference of a few weeks.

    1. Actually, I think it can matter, especially after the above previews.

    2. And a few more weeks, and a few more weeks, and a few more..........

    3. And the many unhappy responses to the previews.
      If I were part of the production team I would be scrambling bout now for plan B

    4. It can matter very much.
      The counting on show keeps shrinking..

    5. It’s boring. And the silly courtship proposals make it so unrealistic.

  5. MO- I'm not crazy about the clip for the new Bates season. If I wanted to see goofy footage of a bride and groom swimming in their formal ware, I'd tune into regular broadcast TV on the three major networks. I don't what to see the hype, just a clean enjoyable family show. :o)

    1. I agree 100%! Who comes up with these ideas!?!

    2. I've been saying they have changed since before the wedding.

      They will add more mainstream viewers and lose some viewers who identified with the family the way they used to be.

      Our family has always been comfortable financially and longtime family friends who were always there for them,so we are happy they aren't struggling anymore.
      Time will tell how their fanbase feels.

    3. I agree 6:30 and 7:16

    4. I started noticing a difference several years ago with the elaborate courting, engagement, wedding prep, weddings, honeymoons, and of course baby after baby. To each his own I guess. Regretfully, this is not my cup of tea.
      Much prefer original slant of the show.

    5. 7:35 Me too!

      Unfortunately money changes people. Didn't expect it to happen to them though.

      BUB was the ONLY network show our family watched.
      We watch everything else through YouTube via our computer.

      Great Christian healthy programming and easy to access.

      I cut out cable today!
      Thanks UP for saving us money!

      This video was the proverbial straw :(

    6. I hear ya Rachel!
      We tuned out last year when the show really went downhill.
      We use a fire stick through our internet to
      access Christian programming, history, nature and documentaries.
      We get you tube, Amazon prime, Hulu for free!
      No cable bill!!

    7. I'm done too.
      That poor càmels back

  6. That promo video didn’t help....if anything, took away from the usual great quality of this show. What is happening?

    1. Fame is what has happened. It’s not healthy for anyone.

    2. What is happening? The original quality died.

    3. Money and fame happened and very quickly. We met them 4 years ago during the 1st season. They had a show and had been on the Duggar show but were so sweet and down to earth.
      2 yrs later, so different...

  7. Thanks for the info Ellie!! Its been a long hiatus. Can't wait for the show's return!!!!

  8. I LOVE this family and the show. I hope to continue to see them all way to Jeb's marriage and children.This is one of the few shows on t.v. worth watching.PLEASE continue to air this wholesome family show.

  9. Awesome promo! Can't wait for the season! I hope it's a long season!

  10. Looking forward to the new season!! Hopefully it will have different way to introduce the family. I hate it when Kelly sticks out her tongue. I was raised to think that was rude. I love the family and look forward to all the new babies.

  11. I loved watching Zach and Whitney’s vow renewal. It was all very genuine and touching. I’m happy she and her Dad worked through their challenges before this beautiful opportunity came to pass in their life. Zach’s a wonderful husband to support her wanting a vow renewal. He took it very seriously, too. God bless.

    1. It was all for the show!!

    2. Just about everything in their lives is “for the show”. I still believe the vow renewal truly touched Whitney’s heart. Whatever problem between she and her Dad seems to have been resolved which is a true blessing.

    3. And very contrived.

    4. I know right?

    5. 12:24, if true, that would be really sad. If untrue, that would be an awful accusation.

    6. It was a great reason for Whitney to get a new form fitting upgraded dress?

  12. So happy I have uptv back. No more amazon prime. Lol

    1. Congratulations Mashgirl101

    2. I'm happy for you if you're happy but Amazon prime tv is free if you have an Amazon prime account. If you order online it saves u money plus 2 day free shipping!

  13. They are probably adding more episodes.

    1. I hope you are right or making it an hour show.

  14. Yay!! We cant wait!! :)
    Hooper fam

  15. When is it coming back to New Zealand we haven’t seen Tori’s Wedding yet,

  16. I can't wait for the next season. I haven't watched season 8 yet going to start it tomorrow so by the time I finish the new season should gets be getting started.

  17. Awful promo! How silly. I don't like to see the bride and groom swim in their bridal clothes.

    1. Why would they do that to expensive clothing?? I haven't watched it yet, but that just sounds silly.

    2. They are not the same frugal, down to earth people we met 5 yrs ago. I miss the 1st seasons :(

    3. They're not frugal anymore. Money really can change and hurt people.

    4. In their defense, I'm sure UP paid for any dry cleaning after the shoot.

    5. Perhaps the clothes were just props, provided by TLC. In that case, the original dress and tux were not used in the pool.

  18. Although excited for the new season, the clip of everybody in Erin's room fighting for the chance to hold the new baby was disappointing! I couldn't help but have tears run down my cheeks when, ever so briefly they cut to a shot of Michaela by the wall holding one of the older babies. That poor sweet girl had such a look on her face... it just looked like it was so full of pain.
    Even though I'm not related to the Bates family, I keep Michaela and Brandon in my prayers every day. They are a perfect example of the kind of young couple that some other's would do well to emulate. I never had children of my own either, so I can understand what they're feeling. If I could I would give them a little baby. Any child would be infinitely blessed to be raised and Loved by Michaela and Brandon. With their standards and morals they would be a good choice of a set of parents who would be guided by virtue and an upright values.
    I just hope that whether it's a biological child or an adopted baby they would offer a wonderful home to any child. I know they're happy for their siblings but I know there's pain there too. So, I'll keep the prayers and good thoughts for their good fortune in my heart, and pray it wont be very long before they too are blessed with a baby...
    Love and blessings from Arizona...

    1. They are trusting in God and accepting whether he gives them a baby or not.

    2. Arizona, You have a kind and loving heart. Many people would do well to emulate YOU too! I just said a prayer for you 🙏

    3. Unknown- I think you have to be careful not to project your own feelings on someone else. Michaela may very well have had mixed emotions, however I did not see a pained look on her face during one brief pan of a camera.
      I was never able to have biological children and my husband and I built our family through adoption. We came to a point where we had to decide what is more important- having a biological child or being a parent to a child. Regarding the Keilens, we simply don't know what avenues they may be exploring in an effort to become parents.
      Some people are not able to come to terms with the loss of their fertility and can't accept the idea that it's possible to love an adopted child every bit as much as they would a child to whom they'd given birth. I find that the saddest thing of all.

    4. Aw, yeah. I know she loves all her nieces and nephews, but that has to be so hard for her, time after time. It doesn't seem right, when she was the one who always wanted lots of kids. I had a relative like that who had a huge heart for kids but never had any of her own. God used to her to love on other people's kids who came from messed-up homes, but it was still sad that she never had her own.

    5. 8:20. No one is ever promised that life will be fair.

    6. 11:26, you're right, which is why I didn't mention fairness. I said it didn't seem right, not that it wasn't right. Our perspectives are limited.

    7. @10:11 Ok, no one is ever promised that life will seem to or be right. We can wring our hands over what appears as life's absurdities to us, but it doesn't accomplish anything. You move on and do the best you can with the cards you are dealt. The Keilen's don't come across as the kind of people who expect others to feel sorry for them. I could never have biological kids and was always uncomfortable with the sad looks and patronizing comments, especially when someone else was having a baby. It was if I was expected to fall apart at any minute and people were walking on eggshells around me. We can express sympathy and concern when life hits us with tough times and it's a good thing that infertility is recognized as a significant loss, but give people credit for having the resilence to ride through the heartaches that life will undoubtedly come their way.

    8. 8:40, correct, which is why I used the word "seem," and why I said, "Our perspectives are limited." I fully believe, as I think the Keilens do, that God has a master plan for them and that they can rest in that faith.

  19. Yay I can't wait for the new episodes. I'm hoping that Trace's girlfriend will be added in this season. This is definitely my favorite show to watch that shows just good wholesome family fun.

  20. Can hardly wait for the new season. Love this family! A great tv show for the whole family to enjoy.

  21. I love the clip. I hate it when people have to complain about the clip if you can say anything nice don't write it down.

    1. You love the clip.
      Others don't.
      It's not that people aren't being nice. It's about everyone having the right to nicely state their opinion.

  22. We love your show, and cannot wait for its return this fall! Don't change a thing! It's great to see a family keeping it real! Thanks for just being you. It's a breath of fresh air!

  23. I think they are headed to cancel the show


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