
Friday, August 9, 2019

Kade Turns 9 Months Old

Robert "Kade" Ellis Smith IV, is nine months old today. Time sure has flown by--it feels like proud parents Tori and Bobby Smith were just sharing the first photo of their son, and here he is approaching his first birthday. Below are two pictures, a new one and a newborn one, so you can see how much he has changed.

Kade Smith, (almost) 9 months old
Kade Smith
Kade Smith, newborn

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Photos courtesy of Bobby and Tori Smith


  1. He's beautiful!!! Looks a little like Bradley now.

  2. I think he looks the same He's adorable.

  3. If they wanted to name him Kade they should have. It’s weird that his real name doesn’t have anything to do with Kade, but they call him it.

    1. A lot of parents have nick names for their children. My nick mame growing up was tricyclicla....which is no where near my real name. It never bothered me. Matter of fact I thought it was cute.

    2. I don't think it's weird. His name is an alternative spelling for a word meaning the fourth. They chose his name, and it's perfect for him.
      By the way, I've seen him in person, and he is the most pleasant, content baby! He's precious!

    3. Not weird at all. I went to school with a boy called "cotton". His hair was almost white. Another boy called "Bones". Not sure why but neither had anything to do with their names. I could go on and on. Cute nickname and their choice. Not weird at all.

    4. Bobby explained that Kade means 4th generation in latin. And Carson doesn't have much to do with Charles either. And who cares? It's their kid they can do what they want.

    5. Kade is Latin and Gaelic for four or the fourth child. Perfect nickname since he is Rbert Ellis Smith IV.

    6. They wanted to honor the family name. Since he's the fourth, they chose to call him Kade, their version of Quade, the fourth. Chad and Carson Paine's names are really Charles, also a family tradition.

    7. I dislike it too! Lawson and Nathan’s names are William and Kenneth legally. Why bother?

    8. Kade means 4th generation and he is the 4th son in a row to be called Robert Ellis smith.

    9. Kade means fourth, and he is the fourth Robert Ellis Smith.

    10. Because he is the fourth cage means the fourth in Latin if I'm not mistaking if that's not if I'm sure that's what they said so yes it does make sense

    11. Because he is the fourth cage means the fourth in Latin if I'm not mistaking if that's not if I'm sure that's what they said so yes it does make sense

    12. Their kid , their right to call him whatever they please.

    13. Kade is a nickname meaning 4th generation. He is the forth in line to have this name. Don't be so mean.

    14. I agree with you. They should call him Rob or Bobby instead.

    15. Why is it odd? I am a fourth generation woman in my family named Amelia but go by Maya as a nickname. My mother went by “Alice” and her mother was Milly.

      It only seems strange because it’s not traditional. Live a little!

      Isn’t Erin’s son’s name not his legal name? Which I cannot recall. Carson and__? Charles?

    16. It's just a nickname. Like when people call Anthony Tony. I call my oldest Monkey, because he was very active while I was pregnant and still is, plus his Chinese sign is the monkey. I call my 2 month old Tigger because he loves to bounce. Nicknames are cute and fun.

    17. Kade does not mean fourth in Latin. While I don't have a problem with the name, let's not perpetuate the mistake of saying that is what it means.

      Kade in Latin is round and lumpy.

    18. Kade means 4th. It’s a clever and special way to distinguish him from his namesakes.

  4. His still adorable πŸ’– Happy 9th months birthday πŸ€—. God Bless him always and mom/dad tooπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  5. Tori is probably pregnant again.

    1. I hope not! She's only 23. I was hoping that she would teach for a few years before having more kids. She worked so hard for that degree and did not get a chance to use it because she got pregnant so soon after her wedding.

    2. 10:47, I doubt Tori is going to leave her own baby to teach other people’s kids. Now that they have started their family they might as well just have however many children that they want, she can homeschool them if that’s her plan, and then when they move out she can put her teaching degree to use.

    3. @12:09 She'll have to maintain a teaching license in the meantime, which means documenting and submitting continuing ed. credits to the state board of education.

    4. Any teacher, working or not, can get continuing ed credits. You just sign up for one of the many available classes. It can even be done online. She can easily maintain her license.

  6. Happy 9 months kade..🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈..

  7. Agree. They tried to explain saying it means “fourth”. It doesn’t. It’s Germanic meaning “round, lumpy”. If you want to call your kid Kade just name him Kade.

    1. Not the only derivation. It's also Scottish, meaning "from the wetlands," which is perfectly appropriate for a baby. πŸ˜„

    2. LOL! It seems to mean a lot of things except 4th”. Can’t change Quade to Kade no matter how much money and fame you acquire. You know, a rose by any other name and all...

    3. I see several of you have googled the word “kade” and/or are making fun of this baby's parents. Tori and Bobby NEVER said “Kade” was a translation of a Latin, German or Scottish word for “the fourth" or anything else.

      They were looking for a nickname related to “the fourth” -- as in Robert Smith IV (“the fourth”). The Latin word “quartus” means “the fourth” and is the root word for "quartet" (4 people singing), “quart” (4 cups), "quarter" (1/4 of a dollar), etc. Just like many parents before them, Tori and Bobby started thinking of a possible nickname -- not a literal translation -- and both of them liked “Kade."

      As for the pronunciation of his name: "K" and "Q" have the same hard sound in American English (which Tori and Bobby speak) -- whether you have money and fame, or not. The words quartet, quart, quarter and Kade all start with a hard "k" sound.

    4. Sherry, it's still a stretch.

    5. Sherry, actually they did say it was a Latin translation. Please refer to the episode with the baby shower. Bobby literally states it is a direct translation.

  8. I think Kade is a wonderful baby, he is going to be the best BATES ever!!!! 100%!!!!!


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