
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Keilens Celebrate 4 Years

Has it really been four years since we watched the beautiful wedding of Michael Bates and Brandon Keilen? Happy anniversary, Keilens! For fun, we have included a video of the two newlyweds on their Montana honeymoon.

Michaela and Brandon Keilen
Michaela and Brandon Keilen
Michaela Keilen and Brandon Keilen

Photos courtesy of


  1. ...It hasn’t quite been four years since we watched it because the video aired several months later

  2. Happy Anniversary Michaela and Brandon


  4. Happy Anniversary

    Brandon & Michealla Keilen

  5. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary! May you continue to love and support each other.

  6. What do Michaels and Brandon do for work now that they have moved???

    1. I remember reading that Michaela was going to start school for nursing, not sure about Brandon. He’ll probably work with Gil in a religious setting like his last job.

    2. I believe Michaella wanted to attend school for Nursing and Brandon is a Videographer.

  7. I truly believe that this pair is one of the three most spiritual and "in love" newlywed couples I've seen in the last few decades. They are an absolutely beautiful example of the morals and standards that more young married couples should be holding themselves up to in this crazy world today.
    I love the way they lean on each other and support one another in everything.
    Congratulations Michaela and Brandon on your 4th anniversary! May you have 4 X 40 more beautiful years together...

    1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the both of you!!! I totally agree the both of you have shown the morals you both was raised! Thank you fir showing the love of Christ thru your actions. This crazy world we dont see muvh of that now days! Have many~many more yrs. together!! Your an amazing couple!!

    2. Brandon and Michaela seem like a very nice couple, but how do you come to such grand conclusions about them when their time on the show is really quite limited? I certainly can't vouch for anyone's spirituality or relationship with Christ just by watching them on TV. What actions are you referring to that places them on a higher moral ground than most other people? Most people I know care for others, are loving, and try to make the world a better place. I feel sorry for you if your world is so very different.

  8. HAPPY 4th ANNIVERSARY MICHAELA and BRANDON. Wishing you many,many more.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  9. Oh my goodness!! Wow has it really been 4 years?!? What an amazing couple!!

  10. Duggar and Bates FanAugust 15, 2019 at 5:45 PM

    Congratulations on 4 years. Can’t wait to see what this year brings. I feel that one day they will have a baby and I will continue to pry for one

  11. May God continue to shine His face upon your marriage!

  12. Happy Anniversary! ❤️

  13. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  14. “It’s better than I thought it’d be,” says Brandon when asked how marriage is going. Uh-huh.

    1. That is the least excited I’ve ever heard anyone about marriage. What does that even mean? He was expecting it to be bad—he even said so himself in the “our story” section of their website. Don’t believe me? Look it up.

      There’s just something that doesn’t sit well with him, and Michael deserves better.

    2. KiKath - I haven’t watched Bringing Up Bates, but I have followed this blog. It makes me sad to think that what you say might be true. Michael seems, from what I read on this blog and the Duggars’ blog, such a lovely, deserving.

    3. KitKath, what are you talking about??? Brandon praised her to the heavens in his story on their blog. He said absolutely nothing about expecting their marriage to be bad.

    4. Kitkath i read the our story section where it was Brandon's story , 3 times, and i didnt see the line in quotation marks that you listed. But i can assure you, that even it were those words coming from his mouth, Brandon is so very humble that he never thought " a jewel" like Michaella would be interested in him. Little did he know she was interested the whole time! 😊 He sounds like a wonderfully humble gentleman!

    5. Kitkath
      I get what you're saying about not sitting well. I'm also a very intuitive person.

    6. So an intuitive person gets to make things up? Kitkath claimed something that was absolutely not true, and several of us caught that.

  15. one of my favorite couples. Hope they had a good anniversary

    1. I can't imagine anyone taking the time to design the ring and plan the proposal to the depth that he did for someone he didn't love. I took his comment to mean that he thought marriage would be good/great, but it was far better than he anticipated. I would think it would be very difficult to be "intuitive" from comments made on the internet. Congratulations to Michaela and Brandon on their 4th anniversary!

  16. Congratulations 🎉 on your anniversary ! I see Christ shining thru the both of you. May God continue to Bless You and Brandon.

  17. I just can’t believe you’ve been married for 4 years already! It seems like yesterday I watched your wedding on television. I remember the big smiles on your face seeing each other that day. May y’all continue to look at each other that same way as the years fly by. Keep being a blessing to each other and to everyone you encounter.
    May Jesus guide your path for another 4 years and there afterwards.

  18. Happy anniversary Michael and Brandon. Hope everything goes well in your new location and with school, etc. Also, I wanted to ask if we have a date yet for the return of Brining up Bates? Thanks so much.

  19. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ❣️ Michaela & Brandon.

  20. Happy Anniversary Michaela & Brandon!

  21. Happy Belated Anniversary to the Keilens!

    Ellie-would you mind finding out if Michael plans to re-open her online baby blankets and such store?


  22. So when are they adopting kids? That’s the question everybody wants to know!

    1. They have so much love and care to offer. It would be great if they had a large adopted family some day.

    2. 9:12 As an adoptive parent, I can tell you that your question is out of line and one you should never ask someone else. It's like asking when they are going to get married, have kids, or experience any other significant life event. It's personal. Wait for the indivdual to tell you, if they so choose. Don't resort to passive-aggressive meddling over matters that don't concern you.

    3. It takes years to adopt and they don’t want bio siblings within a year of placement. Probably 4 couples in this family will have a hard time. There are not thousands of kids waiting in orphanages with deceased parents and no extended family just waiting to be adoption. They aren’t in their late 30’s. They have time for kids, time to adopt, time to do both.

    4. 7:09. There’s no shortage of kids in foster care, waiting for permanent homes.

  23. Happy Anniversary to you both 😎💖


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