
Monday, October 14, 2019

Designing with the Paines

Erin Bates Paine and Chad Paine
Chad and Erin Paine

Erin Paine: "...Up until this point, I've kind of just done design projects for friends and family, just for fun cause I really enjoy it. Actually doing it for a job is exciting, just because I can't believe people would actually pay me to do something like that."

Chad Paine: "I can believe it."

In this video, a preview of Thursday's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, Erin and Chad Paine meet with a client to discuss the design project that they will be doing. The client is a couple that would like the Paines to renovate their baby's nursery. As you can imagine, Erin and Chad are tickled to be working together.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I think Erin’s talent and eye for design is developing. I feel people who are hiring now are looking to hire a reality show star; not an interior decorator.

    1. How rude! I love Erin’s style except maybe the pink bedding in the master. My husband would never allow that lol

    2. Probably not. They've probably seen what she's done and thought she did a good job.

    3. I agree. They are hiring her because she is part of the Bates family. She has no education or training in interior decoration and most people would want that when they are paying for a decorator.

    4. I think she would do an excellent job decorating; she definitely has an eye for it!

    5. She does an ok job and has potential, but she mixes styles with no real understanding and has some issues with functionality. She's not even close to a designer.

    6. I agree, too. I think she is in the beginning stages of learning about design. Someday in the future, she will have the experiences and education to work in interior design. I kind of get the impression she thinks she and Chad are the up and coming Chip and Joanne!

    7. I feel bad for people who went to college and got a degree in interior design only to lose a job to someone with no credentials.

    8. 9:00, I feel sorry for them too, but I think people often put more emphasis on a degree and education than talent. I'm not saying Erin has more talent than a professional designer, but I personally like her style a whole lot better than *some* well-known designers because it looks classy without being impractical. Each to his own though, thankfully we have the freedom of choice!

    9. is pick apart Erin day! Many can't afford a professional interior designer and are glad to have someone with an eye for what looks good. I for one do not.

    10. Anonymous 9:00
      I don’t feel sorry for someone who paid a ton for an education that loses out on a job to someone who can do the job and didn’t have student loans or college debt.

    11. Nobody has to feel sorry for anyone. People who like Erin's style will hire Erin. People who don't will go elsewhere.

    12. 10:23 but Erin can’t do the job better, which is what makes me mad. Also. Many people go through college without debt

  2. Time 4:58PM Mon 9/14/19
    Happy COLUMBUS day everybody. Wish the best of luck with Erin & Chad s project .

    1. I do not think Columbus is worthy of being celebrated, as he was not the first to discover America. He was also a murderer, tyrant and slave trader.

    2. Columbus Day is being abolished in many states and renamed to honor others because Columbus was basically not a good guy.

    3. Happy Columbus Day to you too Neddy!

  3. Wow! For a second I thought Erin was Katie! They look so much alike!

  4. My thoughts too. What they called designing when she did Torrie's nursery almost anyone could do.

    1. Exactly! Chad on the other hand; has talent.

  5. i hope they continue to post updates on their projects together

  6. oh this is so Awesome, Erin you are amazing and can do anything........then you put you and Chad together and WOW.......

  7. She has a goodish eye, but she is decorating not designing.

    1. Right! She has sweet taste; but is missing the bigger picture of interior design.

  8. Let me know if you'll design New York!

    1. Why? NYC has a million amazing decorators!

    2. The “couple” is probably friends from church and not an put of circle client.

    3. Why is couple in quotation marks? Do you think the clients are not actually a couple??

    4. No, I think they are friends of the Paines and not a random couple; hence the quotation marks.

    5. So if they are an actual couple, there's no reason for the quotation marks.

  9. I thought the girls bedroom is sweet.Rather plane. Erin is very talented. Yes she has no training in interdecoration.But has an eye for clean plane rooms.

    1. Lately the style has become more "plain." Regardless of the style, it is a form of decoration.

  10. I think it's great that Erin is doing something she loves. Plus, working with Chad will help her confidence. Erin's style is very elegant, and I believe anyone that hires her will love what she does for them.

  11. This is wonderful, Chad and Erin!!!! Congratulations!!!

  12. Congratulations Erin. You go girl. Love how you are doing something that you really enjoy and love and makes you happy!👍🏻😀

  13. MO- After HGTV's popularity, we all think we're designers! Haha! (Don't get crazy, I'm joking.) If someone wants to pay for Erin to fix up a nursery, I say go for it. :o)

  14. I feel sad about sone of the negative comments. The Bates are real peeople with real feelings. It takes courage to share your life with others.

    If Erin lived near me, I would be waiting outside her door for help. She has incredible taste. Remember, she works with a limit budget to make her transformations (thirft store runs and refurnished items). She makes it looks like a thousand dollar.

    1. The Bates are being compensated well for their show, and they are all in it together and have each other for support against the negative comments. Because of the show the couples get beautiful weddings and over-the-top honeymoons. Even the courtship proposals have become trips to very nice places. The publicity from the show has helped the Bates sisters online dress shop be a success. It has helped Lawson's singing career and Nathan's medic ministry roo. The rewards are more than the drawbacks. The negative comments are the price to pay, and will never go away, but the other benefits make up for it.

    2. Very well stated.

  15. Way to go Erin, proud of you. Your style is beautiful!!
    For all your critics out there, do you not ever LOVE what you do and you share it with others. I don’t think I have ever heard Erin says she is a designer. Everyone else is saying that, she is simply sharing her talent with others of decorating. Now if someone wanted to pay me. You better believe I would be thrilled!!

  16. So exciting Erin! Her or anybody else’s success does not take away your success or potential

  17. Love Erin and Chad, but why don't they ever use color?? Why does everything have to be so plain and neutral? Especially for a babies room.

    1. You must have missed the very pink room she decorated for Zach's girls!

  18. Young people in this day and age sometimes seem so helpless. They need experts for everything. In my day, we decorated our own nurseries, and it was fine. The baby didn't care! We saved our money for essentials and retirement. The idea of paying someone to do this job--which is one of the joys of new parenthood--was unthinkable.

  19. If the camera crew is "just following Erin around," then why was there a shot from inside the friends house, opening the door to reveal Erin and Chad? The camera crew must have gone inside to film Erin's arrival. That sounds very staged.

    1. It’s a tv production, there has to be some forethought and preplanning obviously. Designing this family’s nursery I’m sure was a real event. They just did a little staged filming to show viewers a part of their lives

    2. Why are you sure it was a real event? Couldn't it just as easily been a staged event, to help Erin get her decorating business started?


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