
Thursday, October 24, 2019

'New Beginnings' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "New Beginnings"
  • The idea of some of the Bates ladies starting a boutique had been thrown around for a while, until Carlin finally decided to give it a go. Erin and Whitney were eager to join the venture.
  • Chad, Erin, Whitney, Zack, and Carlin get together to discuss the Bates Sisters Boutique. They have applied for a business license and are working on the website. When the topic of the return policy comes up, Erin is embarrassed to admit that she once wore a dress with the tag on and then returned it. “That’s probably not very honorable,” she admits. “I took good care of it.”
  • “One of my biggest things for the business is to help other young moms and girls find dresses that are affordable but also comfortable and stylish," says Erin. "Carlin, of course, and Whitney are more stylish than I would be considered. I am more about comfort."
  • Kelly takes Addie, Ellie, and Callie to the high ropes course at Ijams Nature Center. Kelly has been very busy with Carlin‘s wedding, and she wants to spend some quality time with her younger girls. “I’m not very adventurous, but I will do anything for my kids,” she says.
  • “There’s a lot of ways you can describe my mom,” says Lawson. “Very adventurous when it comes to seeing things, scenic places, but some of those adrenaline rush things, not her cup of tea.”
  • The ladies do great on the easy course. “There was one little moment where Callie started getting nervous,” says Kelly. “She started getting scared. Then she started panicking.” Kelly and the sisters encourage her, and she is able to push through and enjoy the rest of the outing.
  • But then Kelly starts freaking out. “The girls were really patient with me, but I was determined to do it just for them,” says Kelly.
  • The Bates appreciate their mom's can-do attitude. "It is super fun when our mom takes us out somewhere because she doesn't just sit back," says Addallee. "Whatever you do, she'll do it with you."
  • "Well I'm really proud that my wife is willing to do things that are very uncomfortable for her and scary for her just because she loves the kids," says Gil. "She wants to be the mom that's there for every kid for everything they do."
  • Carlin and Evan are honored that their wedding shower is the first official event in the new church building. The parents and grandparents each share a word of marriage advice. Kelly encourages them to continue holding hands, hugging, and kissing, even when they're married. Gil tells them to always put the other person first. Denese Stewart urges them to kiss goodnight and cautions them against going to bed angry. Paul Stewart reminds them to continue going on dates. Everyone laughs when Papa Bill tells Evan to listen to Carlin. "Just remember this: If she's not happy, you're not going to have a good time."
  • The most thoughtful gift is from the mother of one of Carlin's piano students. It's a painting of Portland Head Light, the Maine lighthouse where Evan proposed.
  • "Watching my family standing around in the room and all of them working and taking their time to invest in our lives, there's nothing like it," Carlin says, with sincerity.
  • The episode ends with the dedication service at the new church building. "Our hearts were just overflowing with gratefulness," says Kelly. Evan's family is present, and they sing for the congregation before Gil begins to preach.
  • "It's amazing how God, since it's His church, has been involved doing some miraculous things, says Gil. Having a building for his flock to call home is a dream come true for Gil.


  1. Could you post some before and after pictures of the church?

  2. Why do they tie a knot over by the ankles when modeling some of those dresses for the boutique? People aren't going to wear them like that; they would trip. These ladies are 5'2" to 5'4".

    1. I think they don't want to bother hemming the dresses. Too much trouble, I guess.

    2. Most models on apparel websites are at least 5'8". I am 5'6" and it's rare for me to find something that I don't have to hem up. The clothes on the Bates' website come that way from the factory. I don't think they're in the custom clothing business. I agree that tying a big knot in the hem looks rather odd.

    3. It’s actually in style right now to tie your dresses that way. It’s also a wya to give your dress sort of a “high-low” look if you so desire. It’s meant to add some definition to your outfit and add a pop of texture. :)

    4. I guess I'm a bit confused. I see the pictures of the Bates ladies modeling these dresses (for sale), yet I never see pictures of them wearing these dresses in their own daily lives.

    5. A trend. Albeit, tying a knot at the hem makes the dress look hard to walk in.

    6. The knot makes it easier to walk, because you're not tripping on the dress and it isn't in your way.

    7. If you are in danger of tripping on your dress, then probably pants is the more modest choice. Nothing modest about tripping.

  3. what a fun show that was! i really like that they (uptv) arent just focusing on the weddings & older kids, but taking the time to film the younger kids too.

  4. What qualifications does Gil have to preach?

    1. What qualifications did Peter, Luke, James, and John have? Nowhere in the Bible does it say you have to have a piece of paper saying you're qualified to share the Word.

    2. Does Ups TV do they know, how much Canadians miss The Bates!!!!! Please tell them to make it available!!!!!!! I done all those site where U can pay for it, but it still did not work!!!!

    3. One of the greatest preachers in history John Bunyan who wrote Pilgrims Progress went to jail for not having a preaching license. I am glad that in the USA we have the freedom of speech and any MAN can preach if he wants to.
      Your general tone indicates you dislike the Bates and conservative Christian preaching.

    4. LOL, freedom of speech refers to freedom to criticize the government. We do not have an unlimited freedom of speech. Our speech is restricted to protect others. For example, you cannot yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre. Licenses to preach are in place to protect vulnerable people from unscrupulous preachers--that's a good thing! I'm not saying Gil is unscrupulous (he seems quite honorable to me), I was just wondering what steps he had taken to protect himself and his flock.

    5. I'm Roman Catholic and we have priests who studied in a seminary. Even so, I think anyone can open their own church and I think that is great as long as they preach love and kindness and focus on the Bible. You do not need any 'qualifications' except a thorough reading of the Bible in order to inspire others to follow Christ.

    6. If you are NOT a 501 c non for profit organization you can do whatever you want. So I will quote another one Freedom of Religion
      We have the freedom to read the Bible and for men to preach what they feel is necessary. I go to a Mennonite Church and most men take turns preaching. No seminary required.

    7. I think there should be standards for an important job like preaching.

  5. It's probaby not honorable to wear a dress with the tag still on it and then return it? I'd say it's definitely dishonest, Erin, because your intent was to just use the dress once and then have your money refunded. You'd have taken the tags off before wearing it if you'd meant to keep the dress. How you took care of it is beside the point.

    1. I think she admitted she shouldn't have done it.

    2. Of course she took good care of the dress. She wanted to get her money back.

    3. MO- AGREE!!! :o)

    4. Yeah; very dishonest. Erin wouldn’t have shown any report for that decision had she not been called out on it by her sister! Can only imagine the convo after that blab!!!

    5. I was very surprised to hear Erin say she had worn a dress and then returned it. Shocked!!

  6. When the Stewart family was singing they used an electric keyboard. I didn't see the baby grand piano anywhere on stage which was odd since there was a big segment about it on last week's show.

    1. It was moved to the other side of the stage before the filming of the church dedication. That's where the piano now sits.


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