
Friday, October 18, 2019

The 14th Bates Grandchild

Bates babies galore! You’ve already heard that three granddaughters will be added to the family by next spring--due in November, December, and February. But the girl trend is about to end. Someone is pregnant with a boy! Who are the lucky parents? Tori and Bobby Smith. Tori is due in April 2020 with her second son, Kolter Grey. When the baby arrives, older brother Kade will be about 17 months old. Additional photos and a quote from the couple can be found on the UPtv website.

Bobby Smith, Tori Smith, Kade Smith

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager, UPtv


  1. I had a feeling she was pregnant. Congratulations!! Never heard of the name Kolter before

  2. Honestly I don’t like the names Kade and Kolter. I’m not into the “made up name” thing, or the “Creative spelling” thing with all the K’s. What happened to good old classical names? Some names I see nowadays are just soooo bad

    1. I think Layla is a classical name. I

    2. All names are made up.

    3. Wow! That it so rude! Didn't your mom teach you that if you don't have something nice to say then say nothing at all? Kade and Kolter are not made up names! I know boys with each of those names.

    4. *Congratulations!

    5. Feeling the need to express your opinion of a name someone else likes is top notch self-absorption.

    6. I agree. Kolter is going to have to live with that name for his entire life. How embarrassing and annoying to have a name you are constantly having to spell or repeat.

  3. Congratulations!🎉

  4. Congratulations Tori and Bobby!! :)

  5. Why have kids back to back in a rush? Kade even be a year and a half when this new child is born. I don't think that's good for Tori's health.

    1. There’s actually a study from Mayo Clinic saying how bad pregnancies so close together are for your health and your babies’ health.

    2. Well, her mom did the very same thing, you know.

    3. *Congratulations!

    4. It’s fine. Calm down.

    5. Tori looks pretty healthy to me!

    6. Last I remember Tori wasn’t asking for your useless opinion. :) they have a beautiful family and my sister is 14 months younger than me and she is my very best friend. Toris health appears to be in good condition don’t you worry

    7. Chill out, he could have been a surprise baby, and even if not that’s none of your business. I was a surprise baby, born 17 months after my older sister just like Kolter will be 17 months younger than Kade, and my mother and I were both completely healthy.

    8. i have boys 17 months apart too! i think she'll love having them close together. my health was fine and it appears hers is too so i wouldnt worry about her choices

    9. Alyssa also seemed healthy. But her back-to-back pregnancies may have caused her heart condition. You can't always tell by how someone looks.

  6. Here in the UK, nobody would dream of announcing the name of their unborn baby to the world. What if they changed their mind once baby is here?

    Congratulations to them though.

    1. I love how the uk royal family does not announce the gender or name of the baby until after it’s born. If they hand announced Kate and Meghan’s baby gender and name beforehand, their pregnancy, labor and birth announcement would be far less interesting.

    2. right! and what if the baby doesnt fit the name you previously picked out? not everyone does this though. a lot of people dont announce the name because they dont want anyone else to 'take' it while others dont want to hear the negative comments. that was me with the negative comments over naming my 3rd son aron. "thats a girls name" was the most common so i reminded people moses' brother was called aaron

    3. I really don't think the royal family is trying to get people interested in their pregnancies and royal babies. If anything, they'd like there to be less attention focused on little royals. It's people like the Bates that seek out attention.

    4. I agree, if is very strange!

    5. Keep the names private or you end up with the opinions like here on this page, being expressed. I know a couple of my relatives who changed their minds when the babies arrived. They both said he/she didn’t look like a ***** or a ******. Changed the names they had always wanted😜😜 By the way , I like Colter but with the C. I’ve heard it before.

  7. Contrats !!! So happy For you!!!
    I feel a little bit sad for Michael .....

    1. A "little bid sad for Michael"? It breaks my heart for her. I understand she feels joy for her siblings babies but each time it must break her heart. Life is not fair on this earth!!

    2. Yes of course, sue was married two years before Tori and Tori will have her second child ! But she is always happy for each new pregnancies, and she start nurse school. I hope she will have one soon

    3. 12:40- Michael is moving on with her life. As someone who went through the same thing, I doubt she wants people feeling sorry for her. And yes, life is not fair. No one ever promised that it would be. If someone truly wants to be a parent, there are ways to achieve that. We grew our family through adoption. I wouldn't trade my kids for anything!

    4. How do we know Michael cant' carry a child? The fertility problem might be Brandon's. Half of all infertility is caused by the male.

  8. Kolter?! Did she make that name up?

    1. No, she did not make it up. I know a boy with that name.

    2. Of course it’s made up!

    3. I wonder if they are trying to do original first names since their last name is Smith.

    4. It not make up name.i have myself a son with the name kolter and both my grandfather and great grandfather was also named kolter.its a unusual name but i like second son is named jethro.people think kolter snd jethro are weird names but we dont care.we like the names just like Tori and Bobby like the name is also a much better name then Winifred.

    5. I wonder if all their children's names will start with K?

    6. Did you ever think that anyone didn’t like the name you chose for your children . I know people that didn’t like my choice but when it came down to it it was my baby my choice and nobody else’s business .

  9. Congratulations to Tori and Bobby

  10. Congratulations Tori,Bobby and Kade.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  11. Yay! Congrats! I am due in April too! I think it's cool the way they announce everything at once. I like to wait on announcing my babies names when they are born so that I don't get people's opinions, because let's be honest whether you like the name or not the parents do. Good luck to the couple!

  12. Everybody, please don't complain about the name...... It's THEIR child, not ours.

  13. Congratulations to Bobby & Tori! I love the name!! So happy for you all <3 Kade is going to love having a little brother (I have 3 boys & 3 girls); the boys will have a blast being so close together and Kade will have a chance to help you set a good example for Kolter.

  14. I"m so excited for them to be having another baby! Kade is so cute! I'm sure that Kolter will be cute also! Tori seems like she is a great person to be a mom of boys!

  15. Congratulations!! Love the name too!!

  16. ❤️ The name Kolter means, GIFT from GOD.. I think it's a perfect name for this little sweetheart from above..��

    1. I googled it and it means Quilt Maker... not gift from god

    2. It actually means “quilt” not sure where you’re getting that from

    3. where did you find this definition? i could not find the name in my baby books but found 'colter' which means 'herd of colts'. i've also noticed other names mentioned that i dont have listed in any of my books (like addallee) and wonder if maybe there is a book of 'christian' names? my most recent book is from 1999 and i would love to update them. i love names and have come up with names for others when they've asked me so i'd really like to expand my library. thank you for your help

    4. It seems there are quite a few names that people claim mean 'gift from God.' I looked up the name Kolter and I found it means 'young horse' on one website and 'speed' on another. Others couldn't determine the origin or meaning. It is an uncommon name.

  17. Congratulations! I love the name, so original.

  18. Replies
    1. I looked it up and the name Kolten exists and not Kolter
      so they did make it up but if they are going to have large family with K names they need to make them up as there aren't many,looks like they are honouring grandma Kelly with the K theme,that's nice.

    2. Well, "Kelton" doesn't make much sense either. I guess they have an extravagant taste for names.

    3. I googled the name and found it on a bunch of name websites. One even said that its use as a first name goes back to 1880! And I'm not sure how Kelton or Kolter is "extravagant." Unusual, yes, but nothing that matches the definition of extravagant.

  19. Bobby and Kelton were roommates in college... maybe Kolter is "after" josie's husband kelton??

  20. Congrats!!! I DO feel bad for Michaela though, it must be tough for her to watch her sisters constantly getting pregnant, and I know Michaela would be such a wonderful mom, I just pray that she can get pregnant or adopt, but that’s their life, whatever they decide to do. I would be over the moon if Michaela got pregnant, I think everyone would be, I just hope she has her special time, she’s been so humble

    1. It would be awesome if one of the sisters could carry a baby for Michael?

    2. 12:34; I think it’s time to move on and put the topic of Michael’s fertility to rest. They don’t need advice from strangers.

    3. @12:34
      I was thinking that as well.

  21. I love the names Kade and Kolter and see nothing unusual about them at all. I think they are adorable. Everyone can't use the same names. Bobby and Tori look happy and glowing and I send my congratulations.

  22. I'm not into the first name, but Congrats to the family!

  23. Congratulations! Just love the name kolter,my youngest son who is eight months old is also named kolter-rober who we call kol named after my grandfather and great grandfather.robert after my father who died a month before birth.while my two other children is carson and anthony.But are a bit curious where tha name actually comes from.

  24. is it a little early to tell what it is and already saying a name. they need to at least save that and not tell everyone so soon. congulations.

    1. They don’t “need” to do anything

    2. No, they don't "need" to do any such thing. Every couple gets to choose what they announce and when.

    3. Now a days you can find out the sex pretty early through blood testing

    4. Obviously, it is not too early to tell if they know it’s a boy.

    5. If she is due April 1st she would have been at the farthest 16w1d along in her pregnancy. So they either got an elective ultrasound for the gender or got the genetic test done.

    6. They need to do what they want to do. Some people wait a long time to make an announcement and others are quick to announce it. Everyone should do what is best for them and not worry about what others think. Why is your opinion more important than theirs?

  25. All of the Bates daughters are so beautiful! I think Tori is especially pretty and she doesn't even need make-up to look gorgeious.

  26. Kolter Grey sounds like a country singer's name.

  27. come on people! with a last name of smith, it only makes sense to have a less common first name. put what some of you consider 'normal' names with smith and you get hundreds of them! kade is only robert ellis iv's nickname but it certainly distinguishes the 2 robert/bobby's in the household. i think its great and especially helpful for genealogists

  28. Congratulations to such a beautiful family, love the names of both boys, very original.

  29. Congratulations Bobby& Tori! I like the name Kotler

  30. Is it just me, or have the comments lately gotten nastier? You can express opinions without sounding judgmental, stating what someone else "should" or "shouldn't" do when it is clearly a matter of personal preference. What someone names their child, how close their children are together, what color they decorate a room, what length dresses they sell, etc, etc.

  31. SO EXCITED!! I was hoping that Tori would have another baby soon! Kade and Kolter are such cute names!

  32. WOW 2 kids, That's amazing, 2 sons, now I have to say I love U 4!!!!!! Take good care of yourself, and put your feet up!!!!!!!!!!


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