
Friday, October 4, 2019

The Bates' Crazy Dog

Bradley Bates
Bradley Bates and JJ

Nathan Bates: "My mom wants Johnny Junior to be an in-house dog."
Kelly Bates: "I'm begging, bring that puppy in!"
Zach Bates: "Evidently, people are tired of just having one shoe left."

While Kelly wants to bring Johnny Junior inside, some of the other Bates are against it. So Gil and Zach and some of the kids put together a dog house for JJ. Check out the web exclusive video below, and make sure to watch last night's episode (and read our recap) if you missed it.


  1. All dogs should be inside. They are family.

    1. I have to agree. The Bates and Duggars have never been great caregivers to pets. That puppy should be in the house, especially till it can defend itself against coyotes and such. I was disappointed in their "attempt" to make provisions for it.

    2. Dogs were made to be able to stand living outside. Whatever they decide to do with their dog is fine. It is their decision.

    3. Um, no. During the day the dog is perfectly fine outside. You can not compare a dog to a human by saying “it’s family”.

    4. Dogs are animals. God created them to be able to withstand outdoor temps. Sorry—dogs aren’t “family”. Totally different species.

  2. The dog is not crazy the dog as a puppy and puppies chew on things and puppies are energetic. the bates also live in Tennessee which gets very cold and which has snow. there is no way that a dog of any age much less a puppy should be left outside.

    1. My mom said the exact same thing basically. That dog house is not enough for Tennessee winters. It's not fair to the dog. Their house is a mess anyways inside, the puppy can't cause much more havoc.

  3. That IS a crazy puppy, oh my!!! Keep him OUTSIDE, lol!

  4. Pets are part of the family and should be inside with them! Think about it. You took the puppy away from it’s pack, it’s family, so now it’s part of yours. It’s sad when left alone. Dogs are only happy when with their pack!

    1. It has many people that love and care about it. I think that whatever decision they make is fine. It's their dog anyway.

  5. I SO wish they would let him be an inside dog and part of the family. They're home so they could watch him & train him, it's not that hard. Good for Kelly for wanting to let him in.

  6. puppies r puppies. not going have then in the house DONT GET 1, children also need to TEACH RESPECT TO ANIMALS feel sorry this puppy gets cold in the winter. just my opinion have a blessed day

  7. This dog chews excessively. I was worried for that little boy, I think Chad & Erin's son? JJ was getting aggressive towards him. These people have no common sense. If the other dog behaved like this, why would they get another one? Did they expect different behavior from the same breed? Silly people. I also noticed that this puppy did not have toys around to chew. They need to go to WalMart and purchase lots of chew things for him to chew on...not the family and their clothing.

  8. If you aren’t inclined to put in the time required to train a puppy, don’t get one. This pup is just being a pup. He’s teething and needs to chew. You’d think in this huge family, someone could step up and take responsibility. I feel sorry for pets that are left outside all the time.

    1. I agree. It takes lots of time and patience to train a puppy. The Bates could show "teachable moments" with this pup in regards to God's creation.

    2. I agree. Training a puppy takes lots of patience, perseverance, love, and respect. The Bates could share these "teachable moments" regarding God's creation.

    3. I believe this post is created from many assumptions. I believe the Bates’ family is training the dog. Just because there are a few clips showing how hyper the puppy is acting does not mean he is not being trained. Training a puppy does take time and to assume just because the dog is staying outside that it is somehow untrained and neglected is silly. Many dogs would rather be outside most of the time anyway. Animals aren’t humans and they were created for the outdoors. Just because a pet spends a majority of time outside doesn’t mean it’s neglected.

    4. 7:05 It is evident in the clips that the family was allowing the puppy to pull on and act aggresively towards the little kids in an attempt to play. There were many adults around who seemed to be oblivious to this. Airing this segment was not a good idea, IMO, as it did not set a good example on puppy training or teaching the kids who will interact with it.

  9. Puppies are animals and prefer outside. They belong outside and if the weather is extreme make accommodations. It’s not unloving or bizarre for a person to have an outside dog. Its only been the past 20 years or so that I’ve seen an in fluctuation of big dogs in the house. They’re stinky and get hair all over the house. Before you know it we’ll be seeing cows, horses, and pigs in out living rooms.

    1. LoL!!! Ya, I agree with you. No way would I let our big dog in our small house. They are dirty animals no matter how clean you keep them. At least cats wipe up their behind. Dogs don’t then after they poo or pee let them into the house and on your couch or beds-gross no way! Wow, live with parasites galore in your bodies huh. In our doghouse for the winter we pile it with hay inside and my husband bolted a baseboard heater to the side and we keep it on low through the harsh weather and it’s very nice and comfortable inside there as he’s a longhaired dog.

    2. I have no problem with any pet being inside. Noah had and Ark full of all kinds of animals.

    3. A dog whose purpose is to be the family pet should be inside as it is HUMANS who took him from his pack.

    4. Amen! Well said!

    5. I've never seen a dog that didn't want to go inside with its master. Especially a baby, which is what a puppy is.

    6. All those grownups, preening for the camera, and no one helping little Carson.

    7. 10:36- You are making very broad assumptions about dogs based on what is likely just your own unfortunate experiences. I have had many dogs over the past 60+ years and recall only one that didn't like to be in the house. Your dismissive and hostile attitude about domesticated dogs shows that it might be best if you don't have one. Regarding keeping them outside, I've seen all to many irresponsible pet owners who keep the animals tied up on a short chain in the backyard or in a very small backyard kennel most of the time. Dogs need human companionship and lots of exercise. Most rescue organizations now will not approve you for adopting a dog if your plans are to keep it outside all the time. Yes, having any pet can be a lot of work and training involved. However, you can maintain a tidy house at the same time if everyone pitches in.

  10. No dog should live outside. Dogs are members of the family. They need to be inside for proper socialization.

  11. A puppy at this stage has boundless energy and will chew on things. With proper training for both the dog and it's people, along with lots of exercise, the rewards of having a dog are endless. Those small children should not be unsupervised around any dog for any amount of time, let alone a puppy that just wants to play. It can get too aggressive very quickly. The kids need training, too. Relegating a pet to the outdoors all the time because you've not trained it properly is rather cruel, IMO. It isn't the dog's fault, after all.

  12. The puppy is not crazy , its acting the way a puppy is to act. Teach children the respect of PETS also indoors. Olivia Ohio

  13. In Pittsburgh they recently passed a law limiting how much time a dog can be outside in extreme weather. Don’t get a dog if you plan on having it live outside.


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