
Thursday, November 21, 2019

'A Wedding Worth the Wait' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Wedding Worth the Wait"

  • The wedding is almost here! Carlin and Evan are practicing their first dance, to a song that Lawson wrote. “I had never imagined that this could just get this complicated,” Lawson says of the dance steps.
  • “I’m thinking y’all are going to need a lot more practice before Saturday,” says Trace, chuckling.
  • “I feel like, if you stumble and mess up the whole dance but you get the ending right, it’s okay,” says Carlin.
    Carlin arrives at the nail salon with her best friend, Joy (Duggar) Forsyth. “My friendship with Joy is just such a treasure to me,” says Carlin. “So for her to be here is just so sweet, to spend that last bit of time single with your best friend.”Erin and Tori, who are also bridesmaids, arrive soon after.
    “Carlin is so sweet,” says Erin. “I think she’s pretty much asked my opinion about every little detail about her wedding, which makes me feel so honored and special. I feel like, ‘Wow, I’m getting to kind of redo my wedding in a way and change up all my choices.’” Chad laughs.
  • It’s 94 degrees during the rehearsal. Carlin’s wedding Bates party is the largest so far, with 12 bridesmaids and 12 groomsmen.
  • As the couple stands before Gil, one of the two officiants, he encourages them to stand close. Carlin puts her arm around Evan’s neck, but Gil puts the kibosh on that. “Hey, hey, woah, no, we’re not into that!” he exclaims. “You’ve got 23 more hours and 27 minutes.”
  • After the rehearsal, everyone is eager to get to the rehearsal dinner, which is in an air-conditioned building. The Stewarts have done an amazing job. Carlin stands up and shares heart-felt words of gratitude with her parents and siblings. Evan does the same. “I thought Carlin’s speech was wonderful,” says Lawson. “…It really just shows how close everybody is and how many memories there are.”
  • On the day of the wedding, all the ladies get ready together, while the groomsmen quickly put their clothes on and then enjoy refreshments and games in a room at the venue.
  • During pictures, Callie breaks down. “On the day of the wedding, it just starts dawning on me that they’re leaving for good,” says Callie. Carlin gives her a big hug.
  • Another emotional moment comes when Gil sees Carlin in her dress for the first time. The bride gives her dad a tie with the inscription, ‘I’ll always be your little girl.’
  • Just before Carlin walks down the aisle, Erin and Whitney pray with her. “I don’t thing [Carlin] could have picked a more perfect place for her and Evan to have their day at,” says Lawson.
  • Evan sees the dress for the first time when Carlin walks down the aisle, and he gets quite emotional.
  • “It’s a hot day, so I have been informed that my charge needs to be short and sweet,” says Gil during the ceremony. At the altar, he reminds Carlin and Evan to cherish each other and not to let anything come between them. “Carlin, you treat this man like he’s Superman, and he will be Superman,” encourages Gil. “The more you brag on him, they better he’ll get. It just works for all guys. You tell them they’re good, even if they can’t fix anything…they’ll find out how to do it. They want to be your hero.”
  • The couple exchanges traditional vows. When it’s time to sing the duet, they pull it off beautifully. “Baby I’m going to show you, with every step that I take, all of my ‘I dos,’ vows that I make.”
  • When it’s supposed to be time for the kiss, Evan’s pastor says, “Let us pray,” which is apparently something that he has done during past weddings. After the prayer comes the kiss.
  • Carlin and Evan run down the aisle and disappear. They arrive at the reception a short while later. The guests have been fed, and it’s time to cut the cake, made by Kelly’s sister Kay. Carlin and Evan do end up rubbing cake on each other’s faces.
  • Ethan, Whitney, and Erin give speeches. During hers, Erin makes a cryptic announcement: “So it’s my bet that out of all of Mom and Dad’s children that you will be the best to have the most children. Me personally, I’ve made my contribution, contributions. Four is getting close.”
  • The guests look around, wondering why Erin said four instead of three. “Oh, sorry, four,” says Erin. “Yes, I’m pregnant, for everybody that didn’t get that.” Everyone cheers.
  • “I accidentally slipped,” says Erin later. “I was not planning on that. I think it’s just cause it’s on my mind. Like I’m so shocked at myself for having four children. I mean, that’s a huge feat.”
  • After the speeches, everyone gathers around the outdoor dance floor and watches the couple share their first dance. Then comes the daddy-daughter dance. “Just watching Carlin enjoy that time with Dad, knowing the effort that Dad put into it--because he doesn’t dance--they did a beautiful job together, and it was just a really sweet time knowing how much it meant to her and knowing that he was willing to do anything to make her day special,” says Michael.
  • The episode ends with the sparkler send-off, and the couple drives away in a green sports car.


  1. I hope Erin had Carlin's permission to make a pregnancy announcement like that at the wedding! If she didn't, it was very selfish and tacky for her to do that.

    1. She slipped! Carlin didn’t look like she cared. She only seemed happy for her sister!

    2. Did you actually read what it said above, that she accidentally said four? You don't ask permission for a slip of the tongue.

    3. I'm sure Carlin didn't mind. She was smiling and laughing, and seemed really excited for Erin. They are close sisters so I'm sure Carlin was just happy for her.

  2. So was Joy shown on the episode? I thought they weren’t allowed to to do that because of network issues.

    1. yes she was and you are right. i was so happy they did show her. in fact when i saw her i said to myself 'oh good, i'm glad they got rid of that non compete clause' lol. glad i wasnt the only one to remember that

  3. Way to steal the spotlight, Erin!

    1. Why are you jumping on her for accidentally saying something? Maybe she would have preferred to announce it a different way.

    2. Seeing the joy and excitement on Carlins face, and because of the love she has for her sister, I have the feeling she didn't mind sharing the joy with a sister she loves.

    3. 10:42, there is no way that was an accident. And there was no reason for her to make it about herself in the first place talking about her “contributions”

    4. Um, yeah, there is a way. I've been a pregnant mom of several kids, with "mommy brain," and I can totally see myself doing the same thing. And you know what, I'll bet a bunch of busy moms with too much on their minds would agree.

    5. 9:39, she went out of her way to make the situation about herself. (Even if she hadn’t announced her pregnancy that was an extremely rude thing to do) This isn’t like it was some random situation where she slipped up, she CALLED the attention onto herself. It was very much o purpose.

    6. Why are people so quick to judge others based on what they themselves would do, or think they would do without actually being in the situation?

  4. I find it hard to believe Erin "didn't plan that."

    1. Like she said, it’s heavily on her mind. In her mind, she has four children. Carlin didn’t seem to care!

    2. She probably didn't. It was just in her mind, so she must have just slipped. We all do at some point.

    3. Then she should have said, "No, I meant three," and moved on to talk about Carlin. The fact that she said, "Oops, I slipped, I'm pregnant!" indicates she wanted the attention on her.

    4. 11:06, it doesn't indicate that. Judge less, enjoy life more.

    5. 11:06, if she had corrected it to 3, she would have been lying.

  5. I like the way Gil puts the responsibility for a happy marriage on the wife. If only "be nice to him" actually worked. There are men who have their own demons, and that advice will fail with them.

    1. How do you know he didn't say anything to Evan too?

  6. I'm so glad UPTV let us fans subscribe for 14 day trail for $5.99 and watch the wedding in full.
    Carlin and Evan's wedding was Beautiful...The song they wrote to each other omgosh it will sell a lot of copies.. now I cant wait to see the reception and daddy daughter dance.

  7. Such simplistic advice from Gil. Too bad real life is not that simple. Besides, what about Even "bragging on" Carlin--isn't that important too?

    1. In my opinion, many women are raised to be focussed only on themselves and pick, pick, pick over everyone. In my workplace, the women spend all day saying catty things about their husbands or boyfriends. On the other hand, men are generally quiet and do not pick at each other let alone at women. So, yes, many women need to be reminded to say nice things to their husbands. Sad but true.

    2. Perhaps women have more to complain about. What are these men doing, to cause their wives and girlfriends so much pain? As for picking, you are picking on an entire gender!

    3. Complaining isn't a very nice attribute. Even a person who has many reasons to complain is a happier person when they choose to direct their thoughts and words in a more positive direction. Did you know that complaining rewires your brain?

    4. 5:56, that’s a total joke, men complain about their wives/girlfriends/coworkers all the time. Just because they aren’t complaining to YOU doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it.

    5. When someone is behaving badly, it's very helpful if those around him are told not to complain, that complaining is bad, etc. It makes it much easier to continue behaving badly.

    6. Complaining is NOT the way to handle someone behaving badly.

  8. It was a beautiful wedding. So many sweet emotions and heart felt moments. Everything about was so perfect for Carlin and Evan! They are a beautiful couple! Congrats on such a beautiful wedding day! Made me smilele the whole time.

  9. Carlin and Evan have held hands, hugged, and had their arms around each other many times throughout their relationship. Why all of sudden does Gil tell them not to touch at the rehearsal? He may have meant it to be funny but it just seems a bit Ludacris at that point in time.

    1. I think you mean "ludicrous." The whole thing was staged. We've all seen her hug him plenty of times.

    2. You're right. Misspelled and didn't mean to capitalize.

  10. Erin should learn to take a step back now and then - it was wrong of her to announce her pregnancy. . IT WAS CARLIN'S day. Erin has a habit of being front and center all the time.

    1. It was an ACCIDENT.

    2. 10:31, did you WATCH the clip, that was not an accident

    3. Of course she said it was an accident. She doesn't want to be called an attention stealer. Yet that is what she did.

    4. You know what, I don't think it's healthy to assume someone is lying when you have no actual knowledge of their thoughts.

    5. @9:41 I don't think it is healthy or wise to ignore the obvious.

    6. The "obvious" is still conclusion-jumping.

    7. 9:57, actually it’s just being observant

    8. 3:31, actually you cannot observe someone else's thoughts and motives.

    9. Bingo, 11:15. If you are not in their brain, you have no idea.

  11. I can't access the episode, but it sounds beautiful.
    I wonder if Evan also had a special dance with his Mom, after Carlin's dance with her Dad.

  12. Carlin was gorgeous and her dress was amazing! The ceremony was lovely and loved the father/daughter dance and first dance as husband and wife! It was, also, refreshing to see real food served to the guests at the reception!!!

    1. I agree, 6:35! When guests travel a distance, and bring a gift, it is good hospitality and “thank you for coming” to serve a meal.

    2. I attended another Bates' wedding and there was a full meal. I was really impressed by that because the wedding I attended did not even ask for an RSVP. There was plenty of food and plenty of leftovers.

  13. it was beautiful to watch, but it seemed more like a show than a wedding.
    As a viewer, the sacredness of the event was overshadowed by the performances of the scheduled events.

  14. I find it hard to believe that Erin didn’t think about what she was going to say before her speech. But even though no one can be sure if it was just “a slip”, I agree she needs to take a step back from drawing attention to herself. This behavior is what is making people not believe that it was a mistake or slip

    1. Exactly. Even if it was a slip, Erin could have just glossed over it. This wedding was a big deal for this family. That should have been on Erin’s mind too. Erin was being ego-centrical to go on and on.

  15. Ok...time for a new topic. Any updates from other family members?
    Can’t wait for the new season and getting back to basics. ; )

  16. Erin announcing her pregnancy at her sister’s wedding was extremely tacky. And don’t come saying that it was an accident, that was extremely deliberate🙄

    1. Agreed, if you haven’t announced your pregnancy yet then not slipping is big on your mind. No way she did that on accident.

  17. As one of 19, Carlin probably has never had a day that was all about her. I don't know why Erin chose to grab the spotlight. Is this what it is like in a huge family, with everyone fighting for attention? I'd say both Erin and Carlin seemed starved for the spotlight.

    1. Really how much spotlight did she steal? It was after the wedding was already over during the reception. So what if a few people told Erin congratulations? I doubt a few minutes of attention taken away from Carlin and Evan bothered them at all.

    2. But it was Carlin’s day. There are so few of those special days in a big family. Let her have her day in the sun!!!

    3. I thought Carlin showed a lot of grace towards her show-off sister.

    4. Just maybe Carlin isn't so self-centered that she would get upset at someone else sharing good news. Really, the spotlight is that important?

  18. I love the way Erin congratulates herself by saying having four children is "a huge feat."

    1. For her, it was as she'd had quite a few miscarriages prior to having them and had to administer regular injections while she was pregnant.

  19. Carlin was being gracious about Erin’s announcement. We don’t know if it really bothered her or not. Let’s use this as a teaching moment for people to realize that proper manners dictate that Nothing, Nothing is supposed to detract from a bride on her wedding day

  20. 2 pregnancies announced at a celebration for Carlin. One at her party and one at her wedding. Hmmm,not cool guys! Erin comes across as an attention hog, notice she's in the middle in a lot of pictures.

  21. Let’s not rip Erin apart! They are imperfect people like everyone else but their love of God outshines that.

  22. You can’t help noticing things. They put themselves on social media. We’re not really ripping Erin apart as much as trying to prevent this sort of behavior in the future. A bride has a right to her day ...


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