
Friday, November 29, 2019

Baby Cuddles with Holland

Erin Paine and Holland Grace Paine

Have you heard the exciting Bates news that was announced on Wednesday? Holland Paine arrived on Tuesday (details can be found in our "Holland is Here" post). And if you follow our blog about the Duggar family, you know that a member of that clan also had a baby this week. Anna Duggar delivered Maryella Hope Duggar yesterday morning.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Wow . . . four small children, a husband, and Thanksgiving and Erin still has time to put on makeup and send a staged photo to social media.

    1. That was probably to compensate for no-curls photo just after the delivery.

    2. Yes @5;17- I thought the same thing!

    3. Probably took her less than 15 minutes to do her makeup and post a photo. Stop griping.

    4. When a simple congratulations just won't do . . .

    5. You know, she could have laid down to rest and actually fallen asleep and Chad or another family member took the picture, right? It's not impossible for her to have makeup on and hair done. Maybe she was at a family event and went to lie down.

    6. 5:17. These young Mothers have more help than most of us can ever imagine. I’m not saying this in a jealous way, but in a realistic way. That accounts for the perfect hair/make-up photo shoots.

    7. Well good for her if she can. And maybe she moved her curls up from under her so she wouldn't mess them up. Is it really a big deal?

  2. I do like seeing a pic or two of their new babies; but more than that seems boring. How about a photo of some of the single kids and what they are doing.

    1. I agree. All these new babies and "newborn snuggle" pictures get so boring because they are all the same.

    2. I love seeing pics of the new babies.

    3. What is modest about the constant photo shoots?

  3. Such a beautiful picture! So peaceful

  4. Time 11:08PM Fri 11/29/19
    The baby is so cute.

  5. 🌺 How sweet & precious.. 🌸 Little Holland.. How blessed u are to be born into a precious family.👼. Every good & perfect gift is from above, coming down from the FATHER of the heavenly lights.. I thank my Heavenly Father for the Bates family.. 🙏 Y'all touch my heart in so many ways.. God bless y'all..😇

  6. Glad Holland arrives safely but this is such a stated photo. Look how Erin's hair has been meticulously placed so it 'flows' around her. Just sad that this family also has become a 'product'.

    1. Her hair isn’t “meticulously placed” it’s just layed out behind her head. Looking nice doesn’t make you a “product”. If someone feels up to getting themselves nice looking after giving birth and feel better when they do, who are you to complain about it?

    2. I was touched by how beautiful and peaceful she looked as the mother of a new baby; now how her hair was "placed". I, on the other hand, did not want pictures taken in the day or two of either of my sons' birth.

    3. What a beautiful picture they'll have to look back at and remember how beautiful they were together.

    4. It's obvious that Erin places a high priority on her appearance, as do all the sisters. You can take that any way you'd like.

    5. 6:44, I would take that as a good thing, Erin and her sisters don’t go around looking frumpy (and I mean in day to day life, obviously new moms don’t need to go and get themselves dolled up if they aren’t feeling up to that) The Bates girls all take good care of themselves, and that’s a good thing. People complaining about their beauty is just weird.

    6. @11:15; I find all the makeup they wear a bit incongruous with their standards of modesty and not drawing unnecessary attention to themselves. Erin still wears only skirts, yet wears more makeup than most women I know who wear jeans, pants, and shorts. It's kind of interesting that I see many Christian fundamentalists appear to overcompensate by applying inordinate amounts of it.

    7. Inordinate amounts? Subjective and harsh. I think she looks great no matter how much or how little makeup she wears.

    8. 5:16, I think she wears a typical amount of makeup, and don’t see how she is drawing “unnecessary attention” to herself with it. You could just as easily say the Bates do that by having a tv show

    9. I know feminists who wear less makeup and seem more modest than the Bates women.

  7. Erin sure has a talent for looking flawless, no matter the circumstances. I, on the other hand, have a talent for looking disheveled and bleary-eyed, even on my best days!

    1. Well, she is wearing quite a lot of makeup.

    2. 4:50, it goes beyond makeup. Erin has natural beauty that some of us don't have, with or without makeup, and some of these commenters just sound jealous.

    3. What's wrong with being jealous? Accusing someone of jealousy is just a way of silencing them.

    4. I didn't say they were jealous, I said they sound jealous. Jealousy is generally not a healthy emotion. There is no legitimate reason to see a picture of a beautiful woman and react by judging her for wearing makeup, fixing her hair, and having pictures taken.

  8. CONGRATS TO ERIN AND CHAD,Holland is beautiful. Can someone please explain to me so I can understand why with so many sisters having babies why someone can't be a carrier for Michaela she loves babies so much...just wondering

    1. That's a good question. We were never explained what condition Michaela has, but I don't think there is any condition that can't be fixed nowadays with surrogate or something.

    2. Why do you expect an explanation for such a personal matter? Just wondering.

    3. Why does someone need to be a surrogate for Michael? If she wants children she can adopt. There is no reason for any of her sisters to feel obligated to carry a baby for her. Why don’t YOU be her surrogate if it concerns you so much?

    4. Trusting God with their family size means being okay if He doesn’t give them any children.

    5. There's a 40 percent chance that Michaela is perfectly fertile and Brandon is infertile.

    6. Why do you say they can't be a carrier? Maybe Michaella has never asked.

    7. Twill- for starters, the sisters are too busy having kids of their own. Furthermore, expecting someone to be a surrogate is totally unrealistic, even if it's a family member. Also, you can't know Brandon and Michaela's thoughts on the matter, or even the reason for their infertility. Egg, sperm, embryo donation, or surrogacy might be entirely against their personal beliefs.

    8. It surprises me that everyone thinks Michaela is infertile. There is an equal chance that Brandon is infertile. That may be why they are silent on the cause of their infertility. She may be protecting him.

    9. Based on all of the testing Michael had done, it’s on her side. To check male fertility you do a simple sperm test, and since they continued to check her for this and that afterwards, its obviously not from him. Gil Bate’s sister also struggled with fertility, so it could be a genetic problem.

    10. Ugh @ 4:06, I hope she is not protecting Brandon.

    11. Which of you have access to the medical records? Let's not make rash assumptions; be kind.

    12. Have you considered how many babies die so that one baby can be born through IVF?
      I am sure Michaela and Brandon would not want to kill off their babies in order to have a few to raise.

    13. there is always the chioce to adopt a baby

    14. 10:19- That's a very horrible statement. You are saying that people who go through IVF are killing off babies. Some embryos or fertilized eggs may be lost in the process, or they were simply genetically incompatible with life, but without the IVF technology, there's no chance for any child to be born for some couples. Also, embryos can be frozen and used later or donated to another infertile couple. BTW, over 1/4 of all early pregnancies end in miscarriage- The number may be higher because some are so early that the woman isn't even aware she was pregnant. By your logic, no woman shouldever try to get pregnant, as she miight miscarry. Believe whatever you wish about IVF, but don't accuse those who choose it of being murderers.

    15. OP- Infertility can be a very complicated matter, not only its diagnosis but also treatments. The Keilens have chosen not to share details regarding their situation. Respect that and put your curiousity to rest. Inquiring minds do not need to know everything that doesn't concern them.

  9. This picture is too staged for my taste.

    1. And yet you don't actually know if it was staged.

    2. LOL @10:00. Of course this picture is staged.

    3. No of course about it. She looks like her normal, beautiful self.

  10. Beautiful picture. Congratulations on beautiful baby Holland!

  11. I agree with the above comments. So staged. Forget the hair make pose etc. Be what you really are. Nobody looks this good after birthing. Ledabeth Be natural

    1. I was up and moving around fully dressed with makeup on after having my third. You know more what to expect, and I always felt great after I had my children. It was a relief to me not to be pregnant anymore. Everyone is different. Erin looks peaceful, and I am glad she got to nap. It is smart to sleep when your baby is sleeping if you can. My husband took pictures of me napping with our babies when they were newborns. They weren’t staged. Don’t make assumptions!

    2. So she shouldn't wear makeup or fix her hair because she just had a baby? Honestly, being able to take a shower and fix my hair and makeup made me feel a lot better even when I was still in the hospital. I think she looks great.

    3. 4:15, actually many women get themselves ready after giving birth. No one HAS to, but to say you shouldn’t is just weird.

  12. Congratulations! She is beautiful! Thank you for sharing all your beautiful pictures

  13. What a beautiful photo of mama and baby. I love it!

  14. I long for the days when this family was simple, without money to jet off to New York or wherever. Still, it’s a beautiful picture, even if a bit staged. As far as Erin “doing it all”, I’m sure Chad didn’t expect a multi course Thanksgiving meal right after giving birth

    1. I agree. When Kelly Jo had a baby, she was filmed naturally, laughing and rejoicing in bed. There were no staged photo shoots with newborns wrapped up in swaddling sleeping in baskets. I miss those days!

    2. You long for the days when this family had less money to go on trips? Why would you even say that??

    3. It isn't so much the money as it is the shift in their priorities. They aren't the same as they were when they first entered the public scene. Not saying they are bad people, but they are certainly more materialistic now. Back in the day they were grateful for a used/hand me down minibus from the Duggars so they could all ride together. Now they jet off to New York for designer wedding gowns and can purchase Apple watches, etc. Erin's wedding gown came from the clearance rack and David's Bridal with some alterations. Carlin, Josie, and Tori all got custom or designer wedding gowns. Photos and video of Kelly Jo and a new baby were not professional. Now these women are having maternity photo shoots, delivery room photo shoots, photo shoots after the birth with hair and make up done, and multiple others along the way.

      Part of the charm of the family was their humble way of life that didn't focus on material things but rather their love of family and faith. In terms of image and perception, they are losing this reputation more and more.

    4. I miss the days of Kelly Jo with a baby in her arms, surrounded by happy kids. That was her "photo shoot"--no makeup or hair stylists needed.

    5. 11:34- Does any of this come as any surprise to you? Money and notoriety change people to a degree. They're probably still good people when you take all that away.

    6. Kelly Jo is big on pictures. We just heard that when they were putting together a scrapbook for Carlin. They are able to look back at all those pictures and remember how they looked at different ages. The photo shoots produce beautiful pictures that preserve those special moments in time. We have tons of casual pictures, but I wouldn't mind having some photo shoot pictures when everyone looks their best.

    7. Completely agree 11:12 and 11:34. I don't watch the show anymore, nor do I let my kids watch it. I don't want them to think all the materialism is normal.

    8. Casual pictures are so much nicer, especially for kids. They show the real personality of the child. I think that a hapoy child's face (instead of a forced smile) is how a child "looks their best."

    9. Don't get me wrong, casual pictures are great. I love looking at all the candid pictures, but even most of them are my kids smiling for the camera. I would just like to have some "photo shoot"-type pictures with the artistic backdrop, a cohesive color scheme, good lighting, and excellent resolution, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    10. Personally, I find such pictures forced. Kids never look comfortable.

    11. Huh. The studio pictures we got of our kids were fine. They smiled and now we have adorable photos. Go when the kids are rested and fed, pick a photographer who knows how to work with children, and most of the time the kids are fine.

  15. I just returned from attending the Bates church and baby shower for Carlin. Such a blessing to be with them again, hear Gil preach and speak with him and Kelly, his parents, her mother and her husband and several of the children. Erin was there briefly without the baby! A joy to see two babies, Chloe Bates and Willow Balka. It is such a privilege to be connected with this special family. We love them all and thank God for using them to His honor and glory.

    1. Khloe will have her name misspelled all her life.

    2. 11:00- If that's the biggest problem she will face in life, she will be getting off easy! My maiden name was a humdinger to spell and pronounce and I was just used to spelling it out for people. I thought my married name was more common and easy for people to spell and pronounce, but no! I find myself having to clarify it for some folks.

    3. We don't know if it's the biggest problem she'll have (I hope it is). Nonetheless, it will be an issue all her life. You can see Anon 5:00 misspelled it, and she's a fan who follows the family.

  16. Sorry but I'm not a fan of the name, there are so many pretty names for girls, why Holland? Strange to me. That is a last name IMO, not a first name.

    1. I'd say that the spelling of Chloe/Khloe would cause her problems in school but since these children are homeschooled, that's a moot point.

    2. Lelia- Generally speaking, people don't put out public opinion polls when naming their children. There would always be someone complaining about whatever name is chosen.

    3. Khloe may not have problems in school, but one day she'll be an adult, interacting with people every day. She'll also be spelling her name for people a lot, and seeing people misspell it. Certainly no one is going to remember the little accent mark. If that's OK with her, that's fine, but why create this issue for your child in the first place?

  17. I think what the person was getting at with the mentioning of trips and money was that this families priorities seem to have shifted a bit. They’re consumed with purchasing the “perfect wedding gown”, or staging the perfect engagement spot for pictures. Everybody likes nice things, but they shouldn’t be as consumed by them. They did seem to be simpler and more focused on just being a family than they are now. So that’s probably “why the person said that”

    1. They don’t seem consumed by any of those things, this is just the stage of life that they’re in. Why should it bother anyone that this family has the money to get to live their lives to the fullest. Complaining about what other people have just makes you sound jealous and bitter, even if that’s not your intent.

    2. 6:00- They have to jazz things up for filming, don't you think? Kind of goes with the territory. Otherwise, the show might be a real snooze-fest if they featured just run-of-the-mill stuff average people do.

    3. I don’t think they need to jazz things up as much as they need to be true to themselves, whatever that is at this point in their lives. If the latest wedding was an example of where they are at in this transformation, I believe they will loose a certain element of their viewer audience and pick up those with a more materialistic, showy
      mindset. But in either case, I believe the show would be much better off to go with 1 hour segments and longer seasons. The past season was disappointing.

    4. I don’t think the wedding was over the top. It was at a beautiful location. They had a lot of family members in it but that was just sweet. They weren’t dripping in diamonds. There weren’t elaborate decorations... no fine china... normal looking food. They had a couple of dances but that didn’t cost extra money since they were already using the venue. I would assume the wedding dress wasn’t ridiculously expensive since it didn’t fit and had to be altered. She didn’t have it specially made for her by a designer. Kelly has said before that they give each couple a specific amount to spend on the wedding. If they go over that amount, they have to pay for it. If Carlin and Evan wanted to spend their hard earned money on making the wedding nicer that is their business. Some people feel that is really important.

    5. I just watched the wedding, and while the dresses and the setting were stunning, it didn't look over the top at all.

  18. Some of these comments are RIDICULOUS!

  19. I looked like I escaped the looney bin after I had my kids.😋 At least the first couple days after my csections. The glam squad is out on Erin. 👑👸
    I think I like Whitney the best, she dresses nice but there are a lot more pictures of her kids then her. The song, I'm pretty, so pretty is coming to mind now.

    1. Do you mean "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story? What's wrong with feeling pretty?

  20. Unless they put Holland to sleep with a bow on her head, that photo is staged.

    1. She wasn't "put to sleep" in the sense of being put down by herself. Her mom is snuggling her, and perhaps they both fell asleep like that.


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