
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Season Finale This Thursday

Gil Bates and Carlin Bates

"You look like a real princess. You are a princess."
-Gil Bates

This Thursday at 9pm ET/8pm CT, tune in to UPtv for the season finale of Bringing Up Bates season nine. It's the one-hour Bates/Stewart wedding episode--bring on the tears! In the sneak peek video below, Gil sees Carlin in her wedding dress for the first time.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. This is the season finale? Feels like they just came back on.

    1. I know!!!! These seasons are stupidly short!!!!! ☹️

    2. These past few episodes were a continuation of the 8th seasons. The long break we had was a mid-season break. The season had 24 episodes total...

  2. It seems so staged and fake.

    1. Oh my......changing channels is always an option. I think she looks beautiful and it seems she has a very close relationship with her father. I envy that as I lost my father when I was 10.

    2. It seemed pretty real to me!

    3. I don't think Carlin can cry on command. Don't try to judge other people's emotions.

    4. I think Carlin is a fine actress.

  3. i love the flower crown and the dress and you really are a princess

  4. In this picture Carlin is very beautiful, she also is very close to her father

  5. Oh gosh, that engraved sentiment was genuine and sweet.

  6. What a precious moment <3 and what an amazing Dad Gil is... seriously, those girls are super blessed to have a father like Gil. Some kids don’t have one at all and many do not have one who loves them like Gil loves his kids. Truly an example of Christ and His unending and unconditional love for us all.

    1. 4:09 you are exactly right. My father was an alcoholic. He wasn't physically abusive but verbal. It cut to my core. Of course I have forgiven him, but words can never be taken back and the pain they cause.

  7. Carlin seems like she is acting.

    1. That is such a ridiculous thing to say. It is her wedding day, of course she was incredibly emotional!

    2. carlin seemed like she was trying so hard to hold it together but totally losing it. probably why gil kept telling her not to cry before hand, and they cry later

    3. Have you watched this show? Carlin is one who wears her heart on her sleeve.

  8. I wish I could have a moment like this with my Dad. How special for both of them....on another is this the finale? we need longer seasons....there is plenty of story lines to follow.

  9. I can't wait for the wedding, but I wish it wasn't the end of the season. I will miss watching it on Thursday nights.

  10. Gil has ten daughters and he is acting like Carlin is the first and only one to get married. Is there a reason why they are so close, or did he act this way with all the married ones? Just wondering...?

    1. Yes, actually. He tears up in his couch interviews when he talks about his daughters getting married and has for years. He is a very loving and involved dad.

    2. It makes for good TV. If he acted indifferent or casual, they wouldn't have anything to film. They want the show to continue.

    3. Clearly you are not a parent! I have 3 children and every experience is special. My son graduated high school this past June, my daughter will graduate this coming June - should I not be excited at all about my daughter's graduation because I've already had a child graduate before?

    4. lol, gil is a basket case every time a daughter gets married. you'd think they were the only daughter he has.

    5. I don't know, it appeared he was close with all his daughters from Michaela done. He struggled with all of them getting married and moving out; at least that's how it seemed to me. I would have given anything to have my father, who had passed several years before, at my wedding.

  11. omg after watching the clips, there is no way i'm going to make it through this episode with dry eyes!

  12. Relationships - this family has taken such care and love in building relationships. To God be All Glory!

  13. I agree, they worked long and hard on the relationship they have with each other! And God has blessed them for that!

  14. I much prefer the Duggar scheduling and 1 hour programs.
    It is so convenient having the option to view the current 1 hour show even before it comes on in the evening. I wish Bringing Up Bates would do the same or lengthen their season. Both shows are delightful and well done. I don’t mind a little staging.

    1. The Duggar show is not put together as well as Bringing up Bates. If you ask me. It's very staged and boring. I can't make it through an entire episode of counting on anymore.

  15. I wish the show was an hour long. It seems the season that I was anticipating is over to soon. God bless the Bates family one and all.

  16. Gil and Carlin are almost the same height! Carlin isn't tall so Gil must be about 5'2". Gil is a small man, but big in heart!

    1. Carlin is 5’3” plus she is wearing some pretty tall heels for the wedding so that’s why to look similar heights. I would guess Gil at close to 5’7”.

    2. Lol, he is nowhere near 5’7”. He’s barely taller than tiny Alyssa.

  17. What do you want her to say...she looks like a college graduate (which she is)?!?! She beams at being told she looks like a princess.

  18. He said she looks like a princess. And she does.

  19. He's supposed to say, when he sees her dressed up for her wedding, that she is so smart and strong?

  20. Smart and strong is a great compliment! Much better than a silly word like "princess."

  21. Carlin you are beautiful inside and out! I wish my Dad cared for me the way Gil does. Who cares how tall Gil is? Comments about how short he is, is hurtful. As a tall woman it gets old when people talk about my appearance. Like geez you're tall for a girl. I dont say geez your fat for a man. Height is a subject people think is okay, it's not. He is a man who loves his family and Jesus. Congrats Carlin and Evan!

  22. Yeah, but on your wedding day when you want to look beautiful, smart and strong just doesn't do it.

  23. "Carlin, you're such a smart and strong woman" is exactly what she wants to hear when she's spent hours on her dress, hair, and makeup. She doesn't want anyone to notice how she looks, let alone compliment her on it. 🙄


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