
Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Fam Meets Khloe

There has been a lot of excitement in the Bates family over the past two days, following Khloe's arrival on Thursday. As you can imagine, Zach and Whitney have had plenty of visitors. The Bates are always thrilled to pieces when new babies are born.

Kelton Balka, Willow Balka, Josie Balka, Khloe Bates
Kelton Balka, Willow Balka (almost 4 months old), 
Josie Balka, Khloe Bates

Photo courtesy of Kelton and Josie Balka


  1. What does Josie always wear that hat? She’s too cute for that!

    1. I love the hat! She looks great in it.

    2. She has her own sense of style....and looks cute, even with the hat.

    3. She does hats well. I think she looks adorable.

    4. Yes, why a mans hat? Maybe it’s for a woman but is not feminine at all. Look like it’s made for a mans head. Ya, a Stetson on a country boy. So unlike Josie. Oh well! (Maybe it needs to go on keltons head?)

    5. it Is because she is so cute that she can where that hat anytime.

    6. Maybe she just had a bad hair day.

  2. Why do the Duggars and Bates always wear hats inside?

    1. Why shouldn’t they?

    2. Did you know that there is no rule that women shouldn't wear hats inside? It only applies to men.

    3. 8:26, and there is really no reason for guys not to wear hats inside either. I say everyone do as you wish on that front.

    4. 7:35, the older generations still alive right now have been brought up with that rule of etiquette, so doing as we wish in that regard is going to be seen by them as rude behavior. I think we ought to respect that. But I can see the rule being completely gone in 20 or 30 years. I see no real reason to keep it, with the exception of formal settings or in church.

  3. Cute baby but I hope they stop at three!

    1. I have the same exact thoughts!

    2. I hope they stop when they are ready to.

    3. I don’t see them having many kids at all. Same with Alyssa and John

    4. Rude! It’s none of your business!

    5. Why? I hope they don't listen to other people's opinions of their lifes

    6. Because children are such an awful thing. 🙄 When I finally got my baby girl after three boys, I got comments about our "voluminous" family, how my husband should spend more time sleeping (so offensive and mindblowingly ignorant), etc. I have five now, and I can't begin to count all the amazing and wonderful things we would have missed out on if we had not had our last two or three children.

  4. Willow is getting bigger and cuter every day. All these baby girls that will be close in age is so fun. Josie and that hat though, sorry. I don't like that hat. It looks like what an Amish man would wear.

    1. Amen! Totally an Amish Man’s hat!!!
      Does not look good on Josie!!

    2. It does, doesn’t it? Looks either Amish or cowboy and Josie does not personify either one LOL

    3. Yeah, I agree it is unneeded and not the most stylish-cute looking accessory

    4. 😂😂 at the Amish man comment. So true!!

  5. Thats cute Willow looking at Khloe!

  6. Aw Willow's face is like why is mamma holding another baby.

  7. I get the impression from the narrative and the picture that the extended Bates family is coming to the hospital to see the new baby, Khloe. I'm surprised the hospital is letting so many visitors walk through there- germs, infections, etc. Baby Willow has little resistance to germs and infections so present in our hospitals-making a health hazard to her.
    Also, most new moms are sent home a day after giving birth. Couldn't the Bates wait another day or 2 before visiting Khloe? I think it's important to think of everyone's health first.

    1. In America you’re typically at the hospital for two or three days, depending on what time of day you gave birth.

    2. Ridiculous comment

    3. I work on a mother baby unit. We would never tell our patients to limit visitors. It is all about patient satisfaction. We ask guests to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer. We ask that sick guest refrain from coming on our unit, but then again it is the patients say, not ours. Personally, I would wait and have family visit me at home, but at our hospital we let the patient make the decision as to how many guests come and visit. As long as it doesn’t affect the care the patient receive it is about patient satisfaction.

    4. Wash up before you hold the baby, don't go if you are sick. She will be fine. And many moms are in the hospital for several days.

    5. When I had my 3rd baby my 1 year old came and visited right after birth. I didn't get sent home for 3 days after I delivered.

    6. If I were the new parents, I would think it was really strange not to have my family come see the baby as soon as possible. As far as germs go, they could carry those to their house just as easily as they could to the hospital. They are smart enough not to visit if they are sick.

    7. Every new mom I know gets sent home 24 hours after the birth if there haven't been complications.
      I know several families who requested no visitors for 6 weeks to let the mother recuperate, let the bonding between parents and child take place.
      I hope this hospital thinks of all its patients as the Bates family comes through.

  8. Congratulations Zach and Whitney! Little Khloe has an amazing extended family and I know Bradley and Kacey will take care of their baby sister.

    1. Kaci not Kacey ;)

    2. And Klhoé not Klhoe they like to add the special é. Check the spelling next time.

  9. Josie, just a word of encouragement, I wish that hat would complement your features but needless to say it is huge distraction to your tiny features. And I’m sure it gets in the way at times :/

    1. She looks cute in anything. And she can figure out to take it off if it gets in her way.

  10. Congratulations another little blessing to love and cherish.


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