
Monday, December 9, 2019

4 Kids in Less Than 5 Years

Holland Paine
Born November 26th, 2019
Taryn Yager, the Bates' photographer friend, delivered her fourth son on November 21st, just five days before Erin and Chad welcomed Holland, but she has been sweet enough to take newborn photos for the Paines (picture above). For fun, we have included newborn pictures, all by Taryn, of Holland's three siblings, as well.

Carson Paine
Born May 14, 2015
Brooklyn Paine
Born August 6, 2016

Everly Paine 
Born March 30, 2018

Photos courtesy of


  1. How sweet! To me, Holland resembles Carson in the newborn stage. Taryn wow! 4 boys - truly blessed.

  2. I'm not a big fan of the swaddle pictures (note to those who complain about hair bows hiding a baby's cuteness - this is what you should really be complaining about). I'd rather see the babies!

    1. Swaddles are comforting to most babies, as the replicate the closeness of the womb. And once again, why do any of you need to see more of the baby than it’s face?

    2. If you look closely, you will see that the material used for the swaddle is made of gauze or a very stretchy material. This allows for the baby's breathing. Also, newborns are very comfortable in tight positions because that's what they had in mom's tummy right before birth.

    3. I like the swaddles. At least the hair bows on these little babies are small and accentuate the baby's beauty, not detract from it. We each have our own opinions.

    4. I am the OP. I understand the purpose of swaddling and I swaddled my five babies. But I don't like them for newborn photo shoots. Let us see their sweet little feet and hands, not just their heads.

    5. Babies are beautiful without head bows. They just aren't needed, and are just for the mom.

    6. 11:18, in that case, cute baby clothes and a nicely decorated nursery are just for the mom too. Hair bows are just one of many things that fit in that category. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of them.

  3. Very sweet pictures.
    In response to the title, "4 Kids in Less than 5 Years", we had "3 kids in less than 4 years". It was difficult but rewarding. Most days required hard work and lots of patience. Now,I look back on those days and realize God was watching over us diligently and lovingly the whole time. All my best to the Bates.

  4. wow! i cant believe how much they look alike! right now i think holland looks more like carson so i think she'll look more like chads side but blonde

    i enjoy seeing all the new babies but being claustrophobic, i really dont like the way the girls are bundled so tightly above, which seems to be a trend now! i'm sure i'm probably the only one who can hyperventilate just looking at how tight they're wrapped! my 2nd son, also a preemie, would scream until he was unwrapped and only tolerated long onesies. i realize it's intended to simulate the comfort of the womb so i wonder if he might have gotten entangled with the cord or something and remembered that feeling??

    1. I don't think they are thinking of the baby's comfort. I think they just like the look for photos. If they were concerned with the baby's comfort, the baby would be sleeping in a darkened room in a soft, comfortable sleeper, with gentle music playing. Sleeping under hot lights while wearing headbands and tight swaddling cannot be best for the baby!

    2. 11:18, if the baby is sleeping, the baby is comfortable. Uncomfortable babies have a habit of fussing and crying.

    3. Of course they like the look of the pictures, otherwise they wouldn't have them done. If the lights bothered the baby, she wouldn't be sleeping, she'd be crying. If the headband bothered th ed baby, she'd be crying. And most babies feel comforted when swaddled. And how would you get pictures in a dark room?

    4. 11:18, the babies are peacefully sleeping and are in no “discomfort”. They are not under hot lights, and their swaddles are not tight. Quit coming up with fake things to complain about.

    5. I'm a photographer and 75% of the babies I photograph prefer to be tightly swaddled. You can't force a newborn to do something that is uncomfortable to them or they will fuss and not settle down. Also, babies love warmth. I turn on a heater just so they relax. These babies are just fine or they wouldn't look peaceful like they do. :)

  5. Everly was cutest in these newborn pics.

  6. Holland looks just like Brooklyn! I love all the photos. Thanks for sharing.

  7. It's nice to see others with a bunch of young children too. Our fourth is due in the spring and my oldest will only be 3 1/2 when the baby arrives. No sets of twins in there either. Had them 14, 16, and 12 months apart.

  8. So cute! I think the new baby will look like her sister Brooklyn

  9. Wow! I didn't realize how close Everly and Holland were in age!

    1. ? They’re 20 months apart, that’s a pretty standard age difference.

    2. The others are even closer in ages then everly and holland

    3. I see now. It must have been fixed, Everly's said March 30, 2019

  10. All of their babies are absolutely precious, but Everly was such a beautiful newborn (and is still such a pretty little girl) Although I don’t find it shocking that Chad and Erin have such pretty children, they are both very photogenic.

  11. Love all the precious pictures. They are all so cute.

  12. Aww! Holland looks so much like her sister Brooklyn!! Love it!! I can definetly still see Carson in the face though!!

  13. I’d like to see them film when chaos reigns!! 😜😜

  14. Plus 3 miscarriages. So 7 pregnancies in less than 5 years. Beautiful babies

  15. Why do they bother the babies by posing them like that, all for our pleasure?

    1. It has nothing to do with us. Most people have newborn pictures taken of their children. It isn’t something new. Obviously they like this style of pictures. Their babies are sleeping comfortably in every picture.

    2. It’s for the parents to have pictures, and it is not harming the babies in any way. Why do you care enough to complain?

  16. Gotta be tough on her body. I’d be interested in seeing just how she runs her household with those five small children under 5 without breaking down!

  17. Having that many kids so close together sounds like a nightmare to me! Hopefully they stop now.

    1. It can be crazy and tiring, but also lots of fun and very rewarding.

  18. Those pix above, Holland favors Brooklyn So sweet

  19. Carson one day is going to say, "Why am I the only naked one!?" LOL.

  20. She needs to slow down a little, that is hard on the body to have those pregnancies so close together.

    1. She is an adult and can make her own decisions. I am sure her doctor will advise her if there are medical concerns.

    2. She’s fine, there have been too many mixed studies done to say if having babies close together is overly taxing on your body or not, so to that I say “to each their own”.

    3. 1:59- I realize that this is completely anecdotal, but I've known more than a few women, my mother included, who had 3 or more kids in quick succession. They all complained many times about the toll it took on their bodies, from bladder dropping to stress incontinence- some of the women suffered from postpartum depression with each birth. Yes, it is a case of "to each their own", but I don't think we do any favors by minimizing the trauma for some women, not only the physical but emotional.

    4. 3:13 No one is minimizing that trauma, just saying it is absolutely no ones business how often Erin gives birth.

  21. Brooklyn is actually a city in Holland.

    I'm wondering given those names, if they have Dutch ancestors. And if not, why would they choose such strange names? (At least in Holland we would consider this strange. Maybe it's just normal names in the US?) Or are they just a little too obsessed about the Netherlands?

    1. Neither name is common in the US. Brooklyn is becoming a more common name, but Holland isn't. Brooklyn is also a city in New York.

    2. It's not an obsession with the Netherlands, and neither name is obscure in the US. Brooklyn was the 54th most used baby girl name in 2019. Holland broke the top 1000 girl name ranking in 2014 and is now number 838.


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