
Monday, December 30, 2019

Bates #1 Turns 31

Happy 31st birthday to Zach Bates! Today, he is celebrating with his wife and three kids, including seven-week-old Khloe.

Whitney Bates, Kaci Bates, Zach Bates, Bradley Bates
Whitney Bates, Kaci Bates, Zach Bates, Bradley Bates
4th of July 2019

Zach and Whitney Bates
Zach and Whitney Bates
Chuck E. Cheese with the family, summer 2019

Whitney Bates and Khloe Bates
Whitney Bates and Khloe Bates
Christmas 2019

Photos courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates,


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACHARY Wishing you a year of happiness and blessings.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  2. Happy Birthday Zach

  3. It is also Jedidiah and Jeremiah Duggar's 21st birthday today.

  4. Happy Birthday to Zach 🎉. Also wanted to wish Gil a early Happy Birthday. 🎂

  5. This habit of “decorating” small children with bows and hair gel is interesting. The kids themselves don’t care. Bradley wouldn’t even know what gel was if his mother didn’t use it on him.I wonder what the point is.

    1. The point is to look good. Never to early to teach self-respect, which does involve proper grooming.

    2. Why are you so obsessed with posting about the parents “decorating” their kids. Little kids couldn’t care less about fashion or hygiene, so it’s their parents JOB to take care of that. It’s completely normal. If the parents let their kids walk around looking unkept, I could understand you posting about that, but you’re complaining because they makes sure their kids look nice? It’s so weird, and you need to stop.

    3. Why are you making a big deal about it? It really isn't. We live in a world full of variety, from God's vast and varied nature to the huge variety of personalities, cultures, styles, and tastes in people. Part of living in a free society is that we have the liberty to wear our hair or dress our kids however we choose. I don't have to dress my kids like their kids or your kids. I don't have to wear my hair like you or anyone else. It's great, really.

    4. If the kids don't care, why do you?

    5. I wonder if they’d know what clothes are? Maybe they shouldn’t clothe them.
      I wonder if they know what healthy food is? Maybe they should just give them candy.
      Yet another pathetic comment from some one that just wants to complain about this family. LEAVE!!!

    6. Small kids don’t need this stuff to look good! They are beautiful just the way they are. And bows and gel have nothing to do wirh hygiene

    7. Response to 7:04 PM. MO- I don't think it's very nice to tell someone to "leave" a sight because they have an opinion that is different from yours. I find that all the comments are interesting, even if I don't agree with the person. And telling them not to post, well that's just nasty. :o(

    8. 2:42, no, they don't have to have bows or hair gel to look good. I agree. But it's also fun, harmless, and legal for a parent to use them with their child.

    9. This habit of commenting on how families groom their children or 'decorate' them is interesting. The readers don't care whether you comment or not. Some posters wouldn't know whether a comment is justified or not. I wonder what the point of negative commenting is. Really.

    10. I wonder what the point is of commenting in a derogatory fashion, repeatedly. Some wouldn't know a compliment from a putdown. I find the need to comment negatively is interesting.

    11. Bradley’s hair is fixed like his dad’s. There isn’t anything wrong with that! I would rather see a child with hair gel than one who has greasy hair from a lack of cleaning. Hair bows are pretty. Again it is better to see kids who look well taken care of... clean and healthy!

    12. @9:23- You’re having to make quite a stretch to find fault with this family. Why does it concern you how other people choose to dress their kids or style their hair? You must be incredibly bored.

  6. Happy Birthday Zach! Hope you had yummy food and a delicious cake.

  7. Wishing him a super exciting birthday!!!

  8. I thought comments that were insulting or in poor taste weren't allowed, but I've seen multiple comments like that lately. Just be kind. It truly isn't that hard. Remember everyone has feelings.

    1. I agree with December 31st, 2019 at the 11:02pm. It’s like she said. Be kind, don’t try to hurt or ruin anybody’s feelings! You don’t know what they’re going through. There are why too may bullies in the world. And unfortunately I think it’s starting to carry onto forums like this.

  9. Is Whitney still working as a real estate agent or was that just for the show?

    1. Yes, I'm sure they just made her a real estate agent for the show. 🙄

  10. I truly think the world of this family. I hate seeing negative comments being made, causing others to jump in and defend the members of the Bates family. They are a kind, loving family that lives their lives in a Godly manner. I think they set a wonderful example for parents and children. I say thank you, Gil & Kelly Jo & all your children and the rest of your extended family. Your show has meant a lot to me, especially this past year!! We live in western Tennessee, and I keep a close eye out when we are traveling through your area in hopes that I might meet a member of your family in person.


Thanks for leaving your comments! Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.