
Friday, December 6, 2019

Katie and Travis

We tried to put this post up a couple days ago, but it never went though. How embarrassing! Better late than never, right?

It has been quite some time since we have shared a photo of Katie and her beau, Travis, who is from the East Coast. By looking at the picture, can you tell where they are?

Travis Clark and Katie Bates
Travis Clark and Katie Bates

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Photo courtesy of Katie Bates


  1. They went to New York City! It’s one of my Favorite Places in the world! The setting of my Favorite Movie takes Place in New York City. Although it was a very old version of New York.

  2. Don’t many of the Bates jet set to NYC on a regular basis now?

    1. Aww! Someone sounds jealous!

    2. 8:53. I’m not jealous at all as my family is from NY My point is why the “can you tell where they are”? posts when someone in this family seems to be in NYC on a regular basis. Yes. We know where they are.

    3. MO- I don't think that the person who posted this comment is jealous. I've been to NYC many times and yes, it's Times Square. But we're watching a family with 19 kids and I'm seeing constant travel, tutors for their "home schooled" kids, a lot of meals out, etc... And I'm sure the parents and some siblings are there too. This lifestyle has gotten "over the top" just like what happened to the Duggars after a few years on the air. That's the only point. :o)

    4. Yes, why doesn't Kelly Jo tutor (aka teach) her own kids? Isn't that her job? Why does she outsource it?

    5. 9:14 I only homeschooled three kids, and it was a lot to keep up with. Trying to check three different grade levels of homework and make sure they were all learning what they need to was difficult. If Kelly Jo uses some tutors to help her that makes perfect sense with as many children as she has.

  3. That's it? LOL! Are they courting? My parents would never allow me to go with a boyfriend to NYC at 19. Please provide some background about Travis and goals. I've been a Bates fan forever and its strange that I care so much about each of them without never meeting them. Regardless, a sweet and exciting picture of them in Times Square!

    1. 3:39PM: I'm sure they were there with both sets of parents, and other siblings. They would not be there alone.

    2. I agree, it’s amazing how we get attached to these reality stars. My life is full of people I love, I am very active, but I still read these blogs. I’d like to know the psychology behind it.

    3. They had chaperones.

    4. like evan, travis is from a family of gospel singers. he is studying music education at vision baptist college in nj according to the website 'absolutely gospel music'

      i think they make an adorable couple! and i am so sure that they were not alone. the bates dont do things like that and besides, someone had to take the picture!

    5. 19 is an adult. What do you mean your parents wouldn't "allow" you? You don't need your parents' permission for anything at that age! When I was 19, I lived away at college most of the year and my parents did not know about most of the stuff that I did when I wasn't home.

    6. I thought Evan was a plumber or an electrician?

  4. New York City!!! My favorite place!!! ❤️

  5. New York City times square?

  6. Easy-Times Square!

  7. It looks like they are in New York city

  8. Are they in NYC with Crown College?

  9. I believe that they have been courting already and will be engaged very soon. The posts are behind the times in the relationships they are in. It'll be a spring/early summer wedding for these two. Wait and see.

    1. He is very young (younger than Katie) and just started his education. I doubt they will be married for several years.

    2. I doubt it as he is in his first year at Bible college.

    3. you may be right. i'd like to see a male bates, like trace, get married first though. it's been such a long time since we've met a daughter-in-law

    4. Carlin and Evan were in some friendship phase for a very long time, then they were courting forever. Then they had like a year to get married after they got engaged. Maybe Katie will take the same route.

  10. New York City at this time of year is so expensive. Starting Dec. 1st, hotel rooms jack up their prices to $400-$500 per night or more. Probably six other people were there with them, and at those high prices, I assume something important was happening, perhaps an official courtship?

  11. Awe "Lil Erin" (Katie) and her guy looking good.

  12. In an interview published in August 2019, Travis Clark said he is 18. Article mentioned him pursuing a collegiate degree with a concentration in music at Vision Baptist College in NJ.

    1. I hope they get to know each other/court for a while before going doing the aisle like Carlin and Evan did. They’re both so young.

  13. I bet Zach looks at these pictures thinking that things sure have changed a lot since hé had to beg his patent’s forgiveness for kissing Whitney.......

    1. The Bates kids all still wait to kiss, or at least have so far. And change is a good thing in some circumstances. An adult feeling the need to apologize to their parents for kissing their fiancé is definitely something that needed to change.

  14. I think the wedding will be very late in 2020. They seem to be taking their time, as is Trace. I think they are in NYC with the college. I think it is too soon for courtship announcement.

  15. Why can’t they have a kiss ( only a kiss) prior to marriage, but they are able to travel and share intimate experiences through travel? NYC is very romantic when you’re there with your love interest. I’m just baffled by some of these rules.

    1. They don't go anywhere without a chaperone- at least the females don't. I dunno about the older Bates sons.

    2. I doubt it is super romantic with both sets of parents around. If Katie is there with Crown College, then she is there to sing as part of a group. They probably didn’t get to spend much time together.

    3. intimate experiences? They have chaperones. I admire their dating rules.

    4. it's not that they arent 'allowed' to kiss, they have just decided to save that part for marriage. they do seem to enjoy other 'intimate' experiences like hugging and holding hands though. gil had said before that they 'prefer' they dont kiss until marriage but each couple sets their own 'accountability standards' and it seems like they prefer to save that part.

    5. @1:19 pm,because kissing can provoke impure thoughts,but travelling together is a great way to get to know each other prior to marriage as you get to experience life together as a couple.

    6. Anon @ 10:20 When an adult has to apologize for kissing his fiancé, I'd say that indicates they are not allowed to make their own courting rules. Do you really think Gil and Kelly would say it was ok if any of their kids announced that their courting/engagement standards that they chose as a couple included kissing or even just going out without a chaperone? Zack and Whitney are the only ones who had any private time together because he stopped for lunch in the restaurant where she worked.

    7. We really have no idea what they do when they’re alone

    8. The older Bates sons appear to have a lot of freedoms to travel on their own for their careers. I highly doubt they’re lonely or deprived of unchaperoned female companionship. That could be why they’re in no hurry to get married.

  16. 12/8 @1:19pm.… I agree with your completely about 'special friends' traveling with each other. Yes, with the family too, but I would think some of them, like the Duggars have the courting guy with them in the motor home. Such close quarters, 24/7 isn't very nice of the parents to tease the couple like that. A lot of temptation to at least hold hands.

    1. They are adults, not children, and shouldn’t be treated as though they are by having chaperones follow them around everywhere.

    2. Who cares if they hold hands? Or kissed even, they’re adults and can set their own standards.

    3. While I wouldn't abide by those rules, the whole no kissing/touching thing is part of the Bates brand.If a couple chose to go against that, it would be news.

  17. Cute couple, but I hope the don't rush into marriage. 18 and 19 is so young, especially when they have the first baby ninth months after the wedding. There is so much more to life than that; I hope they take time to experience it.

  18. They look far too young to marry. He looks like he’s in high school!

  19. Here we go again! Man it's like a cycle of turn 17, get into a courtship, get engaged, marry and start having babies! All before turning into an adult at age 21! WOW!

    1. SallyV- This is simply their culture being represented on TV. If it works for them, it's not up to you or I to say they're wrong. However, I do think that impressionable viewers may come away with the misguided notion that being devoutly religious or that young marriage and lack of family planning guarantees a life of happiness and fulfillment. Nothing could be further from the truth. What works for some, does not mean it works for everyone else. Most anything I see on so-called reality TV, I take with a big grain of salt.

  20. Katie looks like his mom, almost. I think if she used less makeup she'd look more youthful.

    1. He definitely looks way younger than her, like one of her younger brothers.

  21. I Would love an update on Katie! Is she still in school? When will she finish?
    And what about the older Bates boys, well men. Nathan?

  22. Travis is such a cute guy I hope Katie and travis will end up getting married someday they look very happy


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