
Monday, December 16, 2019

Non-Contact? What's That?

Gil Bates

"...This is non-contact, as far as like really hurting people."
-Gil Bates

Does your family play team sports during holiday get-togethers? The Bates do, when they visit Papa Bill and Mama Jane's South Carolina farm. The games are intended to be non-contact, but that doesn't always work out. In this Bates Legends video, Gil, Kelly, Lawson, and Nathan tell the story of Gil's leg injury that landed the Bates dad in the emergency room...and ended up being less of an injury than he had hoped (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Don't the girls play sports too?

    1. yes, they usually play in the baseball game at papa bill & mama jane's 4th of july picnic

  2. www. that was a cute and funny story glad you weren't hurt bad

  3. That reminds me of an experience I had a few years ago, only with the opposite results. I took a very painful fall and my shoulder took the brunt of it. I am not one to find reasons to visit a doctor, but my husband insisted I go to the ER. X rays showed no broken bones, but I was advised to see an orthopedist, as I was in a lot of pain. His X rays showed no fracture, but he ordered an MRI just to be sure. (This was now a good week after the fall.) Lo and behold, there were multiple hairline shoulder fractures not picked up on either X ray. Anyhoo, PT and recovering from that was an experience!


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