
Saturday, January 4, 2020

33 Weeks with Layla Rae

The Stewarts still haven't received their Christmas present. It might be more fitting to call this one a Valentine's Day present, which is fitting because the Bates always have a big I Love You Day celebration. This gift will certainly be worth the wait. Carlin is 33 weeks pregnant, which means that Layla Rae Stewart is due to arrive in less than two months!

How many cousins will Layla have? Evan has six nieces and nephews, while Carlin has 12, with Tori's second son (Kolter Grey Smith) schedule to make his appearance in April.

Carlin Bates Stewart
Carlin Stewart, 33 weeks pregnant

Photo courtesy of Carlin and Evan Stewart

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  1. Yay a bump picture! she looks great.

  2. I presume if Carlin has the same condition as sister Erin she will be indused early too,so maybe her baby will arrive at the end of this month,early February at the most.

  3. Why do all girls that get pregnant these days all look perfect? I looked like a whale when I was pregnant

    1. I know! I’m still in my 1st trimester and I am trying my best to not gain too much weight but the holidays and having no energy have not helped!!

    2. They pick the picture that makes them look the best! Right angle.

    3. I saw her a few weeks ago in person, and she was so tiny! It's not just the angle of the picture!

    4. @5:18pm---PLEASE think of the health of your child. It's important not to get too heavy but everyone is different and not everyone has the same body type. Not everyone is that slim when pregnant.

    5. It really boils down to genetics. I gained 19-40 pounds during my pregnancies. I had 6-8 pound babies. I always slimmed down without trying within 6 months. Don't hate me; that's just the way it was for me. You can't tell I had babies, unless you lift my shirt and see my soft, a little saggy belly.

  4. Carlin looks amazing for 33 weeks. With her clotting disorder, I predict she will be induced on Feb. 1st.
    How are Trace and Chaney doing? Did they spend time together over Christmas and New Year's?

  5. Carlin is absolutely beautiful!!

  6. So excited for Carlin and Evan. Tori is next with her baby boy!
    Hopefully we will have two more weddings by the end of this year...Trace and Katie! And maybe by the end of the year, there will be more babies on the way!

    1. Katie's boyfriend is 18 and just starting his education. I doubt they will marry anytime soon.

    2. Katie is dating a guy younger that her. He looks even younger than he is. They need to wait!!But mostly it is their decision not fans of their TV show.

    3. @12:55- It doesn't ever occur to me to wish or hope for someone else to get married or have kids, let alone people on TV I don't even know. I figure people can figure out their own lives without anyone else putting pressure on them to do certain things on a certain timetable.

    4. Guaranteed they will not wait.

    5. 12:55 what’s the rush????

  7. Is she working? She did get a degree from Crown, right?

    1. She actually transferred to liberty university to graduate faster. You could tell college didn’t interest her that much. But she does work on the boutique with her sisters

  8. Wow! She looks great. So so tiny for 33 weeks. She carries well.

  9. She looks amazing for being 33 weeks! And Erin and Whitney from recent pregnancies were so much bigger!! Only Alyssa carried it very small.

    1. Was it necessary to compare bodies? Every single person carries differently.

    2. Erin and Whitney have had previous babies and miscarriages, and yes Alyssa has seemed to "stay" small pregnant but EVERYONES bodies are different.

  10. Is Kolter a real name?

    1. Smacks of trying too hard...

    2. I've heard of the name Kolter. Stop being bratty.

    3. Not everyone agrees on names and is simply a matter of personal preference. It's one of those topics where you refrain from commenting negatively on someone else's choice for their own child. It's simply the polite thing to do.

  11. Here we go again with the tight shirts when expecting. I'm sorry but it's not a good look nor is it a modest look. Wear clothing that FITS.

    1. it would be a good idea with their clothing store if they could have some modest maternity dresses.
      i agree, it isnt an attractive look and calls much more attention than is necessary.

    2. What?! Its clearly maternity wear, yano designed for pregnant women...what else would you have her wear?! A mumu?! Come on, shes just a young pregnant woman, leave her alone.

    3. The shirt is NOT tight. There's plenty of fabric you can pull away from body without moving the rest of the shirt.

    4. You sound fun and super judgy. Not sure if what she or anyone else wears is anyone’s concern but hers. And before you say you aren’t being judgy - you are. You called her out With the intent to chastise. That is judging.

    5. Are you seriously offended by seeing a pregnant woman's growing belly? There is no skin showing at all and she is PREGNANT growing a beautiful little baby. If she wants to celebrate that and show it off then go for it. If you don't like what she is wearing then don't wear it. It is as simple as that. You might enjoy life a bit more if you become less judgemental.

    6. It's possible to get maternity tops that are not skin tight over the belly AND are also not tents.

  12. What they started out trying to promote seems to have changed. So many young women think this is the norm. But that is the way of reality tv which is not reality at all.

    1. I agree. So much more mainstream now.

    2. MO- Yes- I agree. The Bates family has changed dramatically. It's interesting to me that this family/UPTV doesn't seem to remember or care why their show was a success to begin with. I know that this doesn't matter to her fans... But to me, this type of show is more like network TV that I don't care for. It's become very materialistic. :o(

    3. @3:54- I think the main reason the show was a success at the start was because viewers were simply curious about a family that's so large. I agree, the show has changed, as have the Bates family members as they grow up. A network show has to keep evolving to keep up the ratings. They won't please everyone all of the time, that's for sure. Regarding "reality" TV, most of it wears pretty thin after a certain length of time. Most people understand that much of it is staged and scripted. The Bates have been blessed with attractive children, so it stands to reason that they focus on appearance.

    4. Money and notoriety will change people. Whether or not the Bates have been influenced negatively is a matter of opinion.

  13. 7:00 - I don’t understand what you are referring to.

  14. In my opinion nothing is wrong with her shirt. It is actually quite modest. It’s a maternity shirt for one witch is made to fit a certain way. The only thing it’s snug to is her baby bump witch is perfectly fine. I agree we should dress modestly and keep our areas covered. If she where wearing something immodest, we should call her out but she isn’t. I hope their isn’t any hard feelings toward my comment. 😊

    Have a Blessed Day!


    1. I don't think it's up to anybody to call out another person on what they choose to wear. It's really no one else's business.

  15. why are they giving names months before the kid gets here?

    1. Because it’s their child not yours. They can do whatever they please whether or not it suits you.

    2. With both my boys I told their names right away because my husband and I both agreed on the names and nothing anyone would say was going to change out mind.

  16. I’m curious about Michaela journey to get pregnant...I know she hasn’t but we haven’t heard anything about what’s going on with her

    1. @9:50- She moved back to Tennessee with her husband and she's going to nursing school, that much we know. I don't think we need to ask anything about her efforts to have children, unless she chooses to share them.

    2. Maybe we haven't heard anything about Michaela's efforts to start a family because she chooses not to. She doesn't owe anyone explanations. The hardest part of infertility is sometimes when people look to you expectantly, waiting for updates when there simply aren't any. I just assume people will let me know if they have something to say on the matter.

    3. She had originally made a blog about her journey but nothing was update 🤷‍♂️

  17. had a dream last night that Josie was pregnant lol

  18. I didn’t recognize Carlin at first. Hoping she is well.

  19. Maybe she can wear some of the dresses from the Bates' clothing line. Those dresses look fashionable and comfortable. I would order a dress for myself but I am quite short (under 5') so a lot of hemming would probably be required.
    I'm glad they had a nice Christmas and look forward to what 2020 brings.

    1. Most of the Bates women are on the shorter side, too (between 5’1” and 5’3”). On the website, it says the height of the model on the photos of most dresses. They could work for you after all!

    2. The Bates girls are also very short (some of them are between 5’1-5’ 3)

    3. The Bates women sell (or re-sell) the dresses, but they almost never wear them. They prefer more fashionable clothes.

  20. I don’t understand the hype surrounding Bates pregnancies. They announce the gender and name way before hand so there is nothing to look forward to excepts seeing the child. Even then they all marry people similar to their apprentice so she will look like every other baby in that family.

    1. Well, there's the baby to look forward to. That's something. It's true, though, that there's a remarkable lack of diversity in the partners. They are all white people in their twenties, with the men in the trades. The Bates seem to stick to their own type.

    2. I only started watching their show within the last year, but one of the first things I noticed was how very much all the girls’ husbands look alike. Interesting.

  21. That is not a maternity shirt.

    1. It is. It is ruched on the sides, and it’s long enough. I have several maternity shirts like that from my pregnancy and they are several inches longer than the non maternity ones. It’s not a mumu.

  22. Their children are all adorable, but hardly identical.

  23. Cant wait to see how she will look,ans what a beautiful name,always loved the name Layla but cant use it because my cousin name is layla and rae is actually both my cousin and mine middle name.Also loved what shes wearing,have the same clothes,can see we both have same taste.lots of love from Evelyn


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