
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Erin and Her 4 Babies

2020 is the year when Carson turns five, Brooklyn turns four, Everly turns two, and Holland turns one, but until those birthdays, Erin and Chad can say they have four children ages four and under. Gil and Kelly Bates were in a similar situation back in 1992, when Lawson's arrival meant they had four children under age four. (Zach was three-and-a-half when Lawson was born.)

Erin Paine, Everly Paine, Holland Paine, Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine
Erin Paine, Everly Paine, Holland Paine, Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine
Photo courtesy of


  1. Our fourth is due in May and our oldest will be three and a half. All our family is four hours away so I don't get help as I'm sure Erin does. Life is busy and can be rough with lots of youngsters but one day they will be grown and I'll wish for a baby again. I'm the oldest of fourteen, married when my youngest sibling was two and had my own baby nine months later. Most of my life has been spent changing diapers...cloth ones at that ...

    1. Wow. To each their own, but this is the opposite of what I want to do in my life. I’ve never changed a diaper 😂

    2. 8:40 As long as you're content, that's what matters. Two kids were enough for me.

    3. It’s so important that everyone set their own standards for their life and not do something a certain way because someone else does.

  2. LOVELY photo of Erin and her babies... it would be Interesting to see the children's bedroom. It was barely big enough with 2 kids in there.

  3. What a joyful picture!

  4. Oh my goodness Erin looks beautiful in that picture. Her hair style is gorgeous. She looks so put together for a mom with four young children. I only had two and looked frazzled. They are, indeed, a lovely family.

    1. This is another "staged" picture. Erin's hair, makeup, lighting, setting all set for the the viewing audience. These kinds of photos "set ordinary women up" for failure. We compare ourselves to her and wonder why we don't look/feel so attractive. There's lots going on behind the scenes regarding this photo. Let's not be naive, ladies. (As a mom of 3 kids under 4, I have first hand experience/knowledge).

    2. Here we go again with the "staged" refrain. Stop labeling. It's another form of mommy shaming, which I assume you are not a fan of from your comment.

    3. Why do you assume it's staged? You don't think her husband or someone could watch the kids while she did her hair and makeup and put on a simple outfit for the day? The lighting is nothing special. The background only shows a tiny bit of her house, and for all we know that little bit of her house could look the way it always looks. We all know that Erin likes to present herself well and that she is a whiz at beautiful hairstyles. It's not being naive. I also have firsthand knowledge of being a mom to many small children. Believe it or not, there were times my house didn't look like a disaster and I was presentable looking. I agree that we shouldn't look at anyone else's pictures or life and judge ourselves by them. We don't know what it's like to be in someone else's shoes. Neither do I think it's ok to judge anyone else by their pictures. We do not have all the facts.

    4. I don’t think it is staged or set up. Chad or someone was there to take the picture... so she had help at the moment. She looks nice but not made up like she is going out on a date. She just looks relaxed and happy. I am sure she looks frazzled sometimes too. Kids will do that to you, but most of us wouldn’t post a picture looking like that. She has made comments before about being in pj’s all day, so she has her rough days too.

    5. Seriously you need to figure out your priorities in life. If you are coming to this blog to just complain because others have succeeded, it's just petty jealousy. I'm amazed at Erin and I do realize she's got 'help' to look so good, but it still can't be easy. Re-examine your priority to criticize others before you read any more of blogs and videos meant to ENTERTAIN YOU. If she looked like trash, you'd not go back. Can't satisfy some people regardless of what you do.

    6. If Erin looked like "trash", that wouldn't stop me from watching the show or reading this blog. I don't judge people by those standards. Erin doesn't have to look good for me to be interested, however, some people feel that she does.

    7. 10:07, there are many days where Erin makes looking nice a priority and there’s nothing wrong with that. Stop judging other moms for doing things that you aren’t willing to do, and then saying that they make you feel less than because they’re put together.

    8. I am the OP. I didn’t think my comment would gather any comments. I think Erin has a natural beauty. She is also very good with hair and make up, but doesn’t need to do much to look lovely. I admire that.

    9. Sometimes candid pictures look staged when you time it just right.

  5. Gil and Kelly had 5 children ages 4 and under in August 1993!!!

  6. Not easy but sure is a blessing. When my oldest was 3 and 8 months i had my 3rd child.

  7. Actually 3 for gil n kelly.. zach then michela then erin.. had 3 kids before lawson arrival

    1. Lawson was the 4th. She didn't say 4 "before" Lawson, she stated that Lawson's arrival meant 4 under 4.

  8. Beautiful photo of Erin and her four beauties.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  9. That's amazing ! A wonderful gift from God ! I was unable to have children but believe each one on this Earth is a great gift. Are they still in their tiny house ? Are they going to move or add onto it ?

    1. Was adoption not a consideration for you?

    2. Ouch! We don't need to know 2:39's personal info.

    3. Perhaps she doesn't want to adopt. I am an adoptive parent myself, but not everyone wants to choose this path.

  10. That's amazing! Such a wonderful gift from God! I was unable to have children but each is a great gift on this Earth ! Are you still in your tiny house ? Are you going to add on ?

  11. Love the video in here of Brandon and Michaela ! So glad they moved back to Tennessee! Sorry to all the couples but they are my favorite! I pray for them everyday that God will bless them with a little one. All the best to the two of you in your new adventure and Nursing school!

  12. Why would they want to tie down with kids when there childhood was raising there brother and sisters it's crazy

    1. Because they enjoyed helping out not raising their siblings but helping,Kelly was very much involved as she is now ,she was'nt sitting with her feet up and her kids looked up to her for being such a selfless person and inspired them to do the same so as to please the Lord and of course they have much pleasure in being oarents too look how happy they are,it's what they want not everyone wants the same things in life and that's ok,how would you like it if someone told you you're crazy for choosing a career instead of children,live and let live.

    2. Obviously they found good things to like about that lifestyle or they would have run in the other direction.

    3. Because they love children?

    4. 8:56, um because some people actually enjoy raising a family and prioritize it? That doesn’t have to be everyone’s choice in life but don’t judge women when it is their choice, just as they shouldn’t judge you if you choose to have no kids whatsoever.

    5. I agree. I think Gil and Kelly must live an exemplary life that is totally fulfilling, modeling love, family, and faith. Their children have chosen to follow in that lifestyle, and managed to find spouses who also embrace that lifestyle. It had to be a positive experience to grow up in such an environment, for the children to want to emulate it. I suspect the family’s solid upbringing has a lot to do with putting God first.

    6. Because they don't believe in preventing pregnancies.

    7. Na@8:56 If the kids follow their parents' example, they won't do anything to prevent pregnancies. If they're happy with the lifestyle and they can support a big family, that's what counts. It doesn't mean it's right for everyone, however. Everyone has to decide what's right for themselves when it comes to family planning.

  13. They look fantastic! All beautiful and healthy. A home is just four walls and a roof where life happens. As long as it holds the weather out and the love in nothing else matters! May God continue to bless them and their growing family!

  14. MO- Cute picture. Brooklyn looks she's not camera shy anymore and Everly is just precious. She looks like a china doll in this picture, beautiful. Erin & Chad are Blessed but have their hands full!! :o)

  15. I am overwhelmed just looking at this picture. How can anyone adequately care for so many children so close in age...unless Erin expects, or pays, some of her younger siblings to come over and assist her, which is another issue. I just don’t get it.

    1. With each child, you figure out a new normal. It requires self-discipline, organization, teamwork in the marriage, prayer, and love.

    2. The older two are able to play together and “help” by getting diapers and things. Most kids love to help with new baby siblings. They will kiss them and talk to them and try to make them smile. I am sure things are a little crazy at times, but it is doable by yourself. They don’t have a huge house to care for which I am sure helps.

    3. I don't think Erin pays her siblings to babysit. In the end they are siblings, they just help each other.

    4. I agree that kids love helping with new baby sibling... Though there are now 3 small kids, 4, 3 and almost 2, and they need to be supervised,organized, they might have fights and fits, they need attention too. It's a lot of energy to keep it all under control. It's doable, but it's 24/7.

    5. Motherhood can be overwhelming, no matter your circumstances. I’m sure Erin has her trying days like the rest of us have had. She’s lucky to have family support close by. That helps a good deal. Four that close in age presents some challenges, no doubt. But Erin chose to have them.

    6. 8:40, some people just thrive in that type of situation. Personally I deem it to be a talent, some people just have a knack for taking care of small children.

  16. I'm sure she has a lot of help from her family since they all live close to each other.

    1. That’s true, but how much help can Kelly and Gil be with 10 plus grand children? Is it Even feasible for them and their own children still in the house to be expected to baby sit all their nieces and nephews? I can’t see their married children doing that to Gil and Kelly, at least I hope not.

  17. Erin's kids are adorable. Amazing how she had several miscarriages before her first child, because of her blood condition, and now when they finally found how to handle it, she is having all these wonderful children!

  18. Even more jaw-dropping - Kelly delivered #7, ten days before Zach turned 7.

    1. At that time Michaela was almost 6, she and Zach probably could help with the younger kids. Now Erin's oldest is a 4 year old, he is probably a sweet boy but definitely can't really help with others.

    2. If 5.5-year old Micheala could be a help years ago, why can't 4.5 year old Carson?

    3. its not a competition to see who can have the most babies in the shortest period of time... goodness. plan the family that is right for you. these are all little individual humans, not pokemon to collect as quickly as possibl for goodness sake.

  19. Erin now is 28, will be 29 in May. Kelly had her 6th child (Alyssa) just about 10 days after her 28th birthday. Zach was not even 6 at that time, he turned 6 later in December of that year.

  20. Beautiful photo. Erin looks beautiful and so do her precious children.

  21. Erin has a nice family. will have many kids.

  22. Did anyone pay attention that they have plant pots placed on books, behind them? Every plant sits on several books. I wonder if it was done for decoration when they were taking pictures, or it's always like this, but then why would you put plant pots on books?

    1. Why not? She could have just found some books at the thrift store and done it for looks. As long as you are careful about watering, the books will be fine.

    2. Yes, I noticed that. I think it's just how she chose to decorate. Notice that she used different heights of stacks to make the plants different heights.

    3. I think it's supposed to be 'a look', one you could likely find on Pinterest.

    4. I noticed and I would be always concerned about water getting spilled during watering the plants. One thing it is spilled on some regular surface, the other is that it spills on books!

  23. Replies
    1. Having a lot of kids doesn't make you a supermom. It takes more than that.

    2. I'll bet the number of kids was not the sole criteria for 9:00's comment.

  24. "This is how we treat books, kids."

    1. Why not? If I had books I didn't particularly care about, I might do the same thing. Not all books are equal.

    2. I stack things on books. What's wrong with it? The plants have saucers. Books are not sacred.

  25. With four small children, I am astonished she has a white sofa.


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