
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Kelton's New Company

Josie and Kelton Balka have an exciting announcement. Kelton started his own business!

After becoming a fifth generation licensed plumber at age 18, earning a finance degree from Pensacola Christian College in 2017, and working in his family's plumbing business for multiple years, Kelton is going off on his own, with his family’s full blessing. His company is Tennessee Standard, LLC

Bobby Smith, Kelton's best man and college roommate, is joining him as the administrative director. Bobby has worked with Kelton at The Plumbing Authority since he and Tori returned from Nashville last spring.

If you live in the Knoxville area, be sure to give Kelton a call the next time you need a plumber.

The Balkas will have another career announcement to make soon, this time from Josie. 

Photo courtesy of Josie and Kelton Balka;


  1. Thats great! Congrats to them.

  2. Good for these young fellows! I know there's a shortage of people working in the trades in my neck of the woods. Finding a good plumber is a challenge. Good luck to them!

    1. No luck required. They are celebrities. They have national advertisement.

    2. It says “be sure to give Kelton a call”. I’m sure as a “Bates” he will have more calls than he can handle.

    3. Most people have no idea who the Bates are.

  3. I wonder what career Josie will be pursuing! I'm so happy that it's not another pregnancy announcement for once.

    1. I hope it’s more than just being a mom. I was thinking of an actual job with a paycheck. It’s totally possible to be a good mom and work outside the home.

    2. I hate when people say that being a mom isn't an actual job. Like that paycheck is the all-important determiner of a women's living up to her potential. 🙄

    3. Maybe they don't need the money.

    4. I’m thinking Josie will open a hair salon in their house

    5. It is possible but do you want to? As a single mom, I would LOVE to be a stay at home mom and focus on my child only. True it is a choice having been out in the world. They may not know how blessed they are to be stay at home moms but I know. Cherish this chance as so many American women have to leave their kids at daycare missing most of the day.

    6. Of course it is. No one is saying it isn't, Anon 814. But maybe Josie doesn't need the money. Maybe she wants to be home with her infant,and they can pay the bills. That's also a good choice.

    7. @ 11:25: I so agree! Let's respect whatever choice a woman makes in working or staying home and be as supportive as possible. There are pros and cons to both!

    8. Willow will be an infant for exactly one year. Or 365 days. If Josie wants to spend all that time with Willow, and she can afford it, I say that's great! It will be different when Willow is 13, lol, and less anxious to spend time with mom. I don't "hope" she'll go back to work asap, if they are able to pay the bills as they are.

    9. Working at your career while being a mom has nothing exactly to do with Josie; it has to do with every Bates/Duggar/Maxwell Mom and all the other IBLP followers that are Moms. It doesn’t seem to be allowed; yet never directly mentioned!

  4. MO- As long as Kelton has his families full blessing, congratulations Kelton!! (We don't want any family troubles!). And as for Bobby, all I can say is you sure have a true friend and fantastic brother-in-law in Kelton! Hum- I have a guess of what Josie's announcement might be.... we'll see. :o)

  5. What happened to Bobby’s ministry plans? That lasted less than a year.

    1. Yep. I think it was for a story line.

    2. No pastor would hire an assistant pastor for a story line. 🙄🙄🙄

    3. 8:36 - of course they would, if they get exposure on national TV and money. People are like that 🤷🏼‍♀️

    4. Doesn't appear those plans are going forward and were rather short lived.

    5. Ok, some pastors might, but I highly doubt that his particular senior pastor would do that.

  6. I respect these men have jobs outside of reality tv.

  7. Kelton is a nice young man. I wish him and his new business well. Good go have his friend, who he can trust, with him on the job.

  8. What happened to Bobby’s ministry? All the son- in-laws, with the exception of John Webster, abandon their careers to be back with the Bates. I don’t see this as “cleaving and leaving”.

    1. And I predict it won’t be too much longer until the Webster’s move back.

    2. There is nothing wrong with staying close to family. The culture of ancient Judaism is very different from American culture and the Bible passage you’re speaking about was directed towards the cultural norms of the time when women would leave their families and become part of their husband’s household which included the entire family.
      And there is little to no money in ministry for a young family. It doesn’t make sense to stay in a job when you’re constantly stressed about providing enough.

    3. “Doesn’t make sense to stay in a job when you’re constantly stressed about providing enough...”

      Ministry is a calling God puts on our lives. It’s not about making money. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense and it is incredibly hard to make ends meet, but that is when God so beautifully provides for us and meets our every need- needs not wants! I speak from experience. I've wondered about Bobby leaving his job in ministry. I wonder if he’ll go back to it someday or still do work as a youth pastor part time. Working with youth is something that just grabs ahold of you and is so hard to walk away from when you realize how important they are to the future of the church and how precious their souls are in a world full of selfishness and lies.

    4. I speak from experience too. And between doctors bills for our special needs children and all the various medications and therapies they NEEDED, God’s provision came in the form of a higher paying job.
      Ministers are very much needed but I will never be on board with the pressure that many are under to stay in a position that is draining them financially and emotionally. It’s good that you have found a good life in this vocation, but it’s not for everyone and young families need support when they choose a different path...not grief

  9. Best wishes! With Josie's, Bobby's and your family's support, you are in to a great start!

  10. Congratulations! Is Bobby a plumber, too? Not sure what “adminstrate director” means?

    1. He’s the secretary. They are called “ administrative directors” now.

    2. MO- I think Bobby's in training to be a plumber. This "title" makes it look like he's on the business end of things to me. Kelton has a plumbing license and a degree in accounting so Kelton could run the business on his own. He's helping his best friend out maybe? Tori's pregnant and he has a little boy, he needs a job. :o)

    3. He might do the scheduling, order supplies, keep the books, do the advertising and web design.

  11. Anon @ 10:55 Since John's family lives in Fla. and his family business - which he works for - is located there, I suspect the Websters will stay in Fla. Plus, I think Alyssa likes the more peaceful environment there. I don't think she enjoys the chaos that exists in her large family. JMHO.

  12. Hmm, maybe Josie will open her own hair salon? Though, the baby is just 6 months old, it could be difficult to combine a business and taking care of a baby.

    1. @anon 6:51- of course running your own business and parenting a baby can be difficult; but many women do it successfully all the time!

    2. I homeschool my 3 children and am self employed, working from home in the evenings. Many, many of my friends do the same. Taking care of 1 baby and a house is hardly time consuming. I'm sure I could fit more into my day than I do should I want/need. :)

    3. Maybe she doesn't want to. Focusing on Willow full-time could be wonderful for her and the baby. Plenty of time to start a new business in a few years.

    4. DF taking care of q baby and a house can be super exhausting and timd-consuming. My first kid woke me up at every bour of the night during the first 6 months and I was a wreck. Add a difficult pregnancy to recover from, and that's enough to keep you busy!

    5. 11:13, I was seriously sleep-deprived for the first six months with my oldest too. Going back to work would have been a nightmare! And there's no way I would have let someone else watch my sweet baby every day anyway. He's a senior in high school now, and I do not regret staying home with him for one minute! They're little for such a short time.

  13. If Josie opens any business, it will be an at-home business, either on-line or out of the home, which is perfect as she can take care of home and family and run a business.


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