
Thursday, February 13, 2020

I Love You Day 2020 Prep

2019 I Love You Day couples dinner

As the Bringing Up Bates "I Love You Day Special" comes to a close on UPtv, the Bates family is busy preparing for this year's I Love You Day celebration. The Websters have arrived from Florida, and the family is getting ready to party. The theme is the "roaring '20s." The Bates' usual Valentine's Day festivities include a couples dinner, followed by a fun-filled gathering for the entire clan.

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. As I said on the Duggar’s Blog, it sure is nice to read The Bates Blog, about an Exciting meaningful activity involving the family. The Duggar’s Blog has had so many birthdays. While they are important and nice to acknowledge, the comments are all the same and get so boring.

    1. I agree about the birthday comments, but that's what happens when you have so many birthdays in one family!

  2. This is a lovely idea. It would nice if my family did something like this.

  3. Wouldn't the 'roaring 20s' go against their beliefs? The flapper girl dresses would not be in their dress code. The 20s represented a party lifestyle and bootleg drinking. How are they symbolizing this era and keeping in their belief system?

    1. I think it’s time for everyone to stop believing what the Bates say vs what they do...just sayin.

    2. I'm curious about this too!

    3. I guess they did not cover the Roaring 20s in their homeschool curriculum, because I was wondering the same thing!

    4. Any outfit can be made modest, and besides other styles of dress were worn besides the flapper dress. They also wore modest drop waist dresses, and many folks during that time were all about prohibition.

    5. @10:35. Apparently true. I never wanted to think that way about them, but after the last over the top wedding and now this...Will the real Bates family please step forward?!

    6. You guys think way too hard about this stuff. Just relax.

  4. I love the roaring 20’s. My favorite movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them is centered in the 20s. It’s a really fantastic movie. My favorite character is Newt Scamander. I
    absolutely love the movie!

    1. The 20's were roaring because of drinking at the Speakeasy's, women shortening both their hair length and hemlines, and the Advent of "talkies" and flappers. Odd that they would choose that time period to celebrate.

    2. Anonymous February 15th, 2020 at 1:02 pm, Guess what? There was a speakeasy in Fantastic Beasts. You should really check out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. You would really enjoy it especially if you like speak easies.

    3. Anonymous February 15th, 2020 at 1:02 pm. Guess what?! There’s a speakeasy in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! It’s called the Blind Pig and the four main characters go there on a quest. There is singing and even one of the characters has a sip of this drink called giggle water that makes him laugh and chuckle. The characters are even dressed kind of like flappers. You should really check out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them especially if you're into people dressed like flappers and speakeasy’s.

  5. Roaring 20’s. Ok. They refuse to call this day by its name, St.Valentines Day, because it’s named for a Catholic saint(who was imprisoned and lost his life to honor God and the sanctity of marriage), but they are going to celebrate a time in history associated with sexual immorality and debauchery? I guess they justify it by making it “couples only”.

    1. Yep. The spin will be fantastic I’m sure😬

    2. When did they ever say they don't call it Valentine's Day because of the religious implications? I've seen every episode of Bringing up Bates and I have never heard them say that.

    3. @7:12- I think of the Roaring 20's as a period of economic prosperity and tremendous growth in modern technology. Women gained the right to vote and with it came a cultural shift and break from many traditions that had them living as second class citizens. Whether or not it was a time of rapant immorality and debauchery, more than any other time, is a matter of opinion. Perhaps before that, all that went on but it was kept under wraps. No doubt, all the Bates will do is dress in period costume, likely provided by UP TV. It's unlikely they'll be doing the Charleston or swilling whiskey.

    4. I get what you are saying, but at least be honest. Technological advances and women voting is not the first things that come to mind with Roaring 20’s. Also, Bates have hardly been known for espousing the advancement of women’s rights. And, what period costumes will they dress up in? Flappers? Yeah. Because they were known for women’s voting and inventing the light bulb.


    1. No, that's not what they've named their special family celebration.

    2. Haha! I hear ya..literally. And agree with the other poster who is scratching their head over the fact they shudder at calling this holiday by its proper name do to the Catholic inference, but will celebrate the Roaring 20’s.

    3. 10:41. The Bates can’t just rename a holiday. They ain’t that special or powerful.

    4. 5:15, their family can call the day whatever they want. You can too. There is literally nothing to stop you (or them).

    5. There's a difference between renaming a holiday universally and calling your family celebration by a different name. πŸ™„


  8. The Bates family gathering for the Holiday episodes are my absolute favorite. Especially the I Love You Day celebration ones.

  9. Maybe they will turn the house into a SpeakEasy.

    1. MO- Haha! Well now that they're dancing, I guess you just never know! So many things have changed because of the show... But we all know the show won't last forever. :o)

  10. I find it a little odd that the Bates named their theme "the roaring 20's".
    The Roaring 20's were a time of bootleg liquor, speakeasies, and "loose" behavior. It was a wild time and good morals were abandoned.
    The only reason for this theme that I can think of is that most of the Bates kids are in their 20's and having a "roaring time".?

    1. And...there is the first fan spin

    2. And what about Easter and Christmas? Pagan holidays in history

    3. anon@4:05 You can thank Prohibition for the rise of speakeasies, bootleg liquor, and subsequent growth of organized crime during the 20's.

    4. 2020 is 100 years after 1920, so it's an appropriate theme for this year, and the fashions are sure fun.

  11. I hope they read the Great Gatsby. It’s an American classic.

  12. 4:05- Prohibition was behind the bootleg liquor industry during that period of time and organized crime was certainly going gangbusters as a result. It was called the Roaring 20's because it was a time of economic prosperity and unprescedented industrial/technological advancement. People may have been abandoning Victorian codes of behavior and dress, however to say everyone was loose, wild and operating with no moral compass is a huge stretch, to say the least.

  13. I think next year the theme will be Mardi Gras! Throw them beads!

  14. They probably got the idea because it's 2020. It's all in good fun and I'm sure that whatever they do, it will be creative and in good taste. Also, I'm pretty sure they don't actually have a problem with the term Valentine's Day. They just chose to call this particular family celebration I Love You Day because this is their special day of they year when everyone gets together to express their love to one another and exchange gifts since they said they don't do gifts at Christmas. Whatever they do or whatever they like to call it, they are a close, loving family and they are a blessing and a joy to watch. I can't wait for the upcoming season!

    1. Thank You. I was having a hard time putting my thoughts together without blowing it. I appreciate that you so eloquently put this. Please can't you all just enjoy this family as they are, without a putdown? Stop looking for wrong doing. They're human just like you.. Jealous much?

    2. I don't think most people are jealous that the Bates put their kids on reality TV. Most people would never put their kids on reality TV. I also don't think they are jealous that the young women give birth on camera. I'd never want my daughter to do that--too immodest. Even the scenes of labor and husbands acting like coaches--these are all private matters.

  15. I love the Bates and I think they’re just trying to look at the positive part of the 1920s. Every decade has sinful immoralities because this is a fallen world and will never be perfect until It is made new after the millennium.
    To me, one of the most sinful decades would be the year of the decade that playboy magazine began.. Because then began the open sale of pornography which ruins the mind. It brought about increased immorality, adultery and child abuse.
    Anyway, God bless the Bates. πŸ’•πŸ™✝️

  16. anon 2/14 @ 7:12 - and others new to following the bates. you may be surprised to know that it had absolutely nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the children receiving gifts. several years ago kelly gave the reason for the 'i love you day' celebration. she explained that at christmas the children received so many gifts from others that they decided based on that, not give gifts to family members on christmas at all. instead, they would take one other day to focus on family and exchange gifts. it was alyssa who suggested valentines day and from their the 'i love you day' took shape

  17. Sounds like fun a fun gathering!

  18. My late mother, born in 1921, would disagree on the roaring 20s nickname. She recalled the hardships of the era but as the baby of her large family was spared much of it. The Great Depression came and you had bread lines, men out of work etc. There were roaring fires in trash cans to keep people warm etc. But I digress- they also had a great dance- the Charleston- that came out of it! So to the Bates I say,”get up and dance”. Enjoy the day. We’re lucky it’s the 2020s❤️

    1. I thought the Great Depression was in the 30s.

    2. @9:42- The Stock Market Crash didn't happen until the close of the decade in 1929 and the Great Depression followed during the 30's. As crazy as it sounds, it was war that eventually brought us out of it.

    3. By the end of the 1920s things we’re getting bad eventually leading into the ‘29 stock market collapse etc.

  19. Another bad decade would be the one when abortion was legalized! I think that would be really the worst decade, and equal to the selling of pornography. So every decade has its immoral behavior.I think I would rather live in the 1920s that did not have a portion and pornographic magazines at our disposal.

    1. anon@10:40- Abortion was commonplace during the 20's. The only difference was that back then desperate women were maimed or died as a result of unsafe procedures. Outlawing abortion doesn't put an end to it. It just rearranges the dynamics to make certain people feel better. BTW, the first abortion restrictions put in place in this country were in the mid-19th century. This was to address harm to the mother when certain toxic substances were being given to induce abortion.

    2. 6:10, every time an abortion is successful, a child is maimed and dies.

    3. 1:18, and your point is?

    4. 6:10, in case you didn't catch it, my response at 1:18 was in regard to 6:10.

    5. 8:20, I know who you were responding too, I just don’t understand the argument you are trying to make? How is your argument going to stop desperate woman from seeking abortions?

    6. Just trying to point out that abortion takes a life in a most gruesome way. Desperation does not mean you have to have your child put to death.

    7. Desperate women desperately need to know that God loves them, that God loves their children, and that He can provide a way where there seems to be no way.

    8. @10:47, still not a great argument.

    9. 5:45, I'm sorry that the violence of abortion is not enough for you. How many women have changed their minds about abortion after seeing pictures or ultrasound that makes them realize it's not just "a blob of tissue"? How many have become pro-life after seeing a presentation on what actually happens to the baby during an abortion procedure? It happens. I don't think women and girls are always fully informed before they succumb to the pressure.

  20. In all honesty-I don't think the Bates know that flappers were loose girls and the roaring 20's was all about booze, sex and more. They just saw it as a unique theme. I wouldn't read to much into it. For Pete's sake, they are not saints - just a family trying to be good and close knit. If anyone should be raising their eyebrows, I would think it would be Gil's parishioners that this theme was chosen and held in their church! HA! (I speak as a former Baptist)

    1. If the Bates didn't know about the reputation of the Roaring 20's and then took this theme and partied at their church, that's quite the faux pas. How embarrassing!

    2. I don't think it's anything to be embarrassed about. The 20's fashions were fun. Man looks upon the outward appearance, but God looks at the HEART. 1 Samuel 16:7

  21. I think some of the posters here are assuming the Bates celebrate I Love You Day because they are opposed to Valentine's Day being named after a Catholic priest. I don't recall them ever saying that this was the case, but rather they decided to get together on that day as a family and exchange gifts. This was easier than trying to do it on Christmas. If they did have a problem with Valentine's Day, they'd also have an issue with Christmas, as it has pagan origins. Catholics decided to celebrate Christ's birth on Dec. 25 and gave it the name which means Christ's Mass. Is the choice of a Roaring 20"s theme odd in the Bates' case? Maybe, but it's no skin off my nose how they choose to celebrate any holiday.

    1. Celebrating the birth of Christ does not have pagan origins. Don't believe everything you read. Yes, the date of Dec 25 is not correct, and the date does mean Christ's Mass, but His birth was celebrated in the early centuries, and there's nothing wrong with celebrating it today.

  22. What is super disappointing is Brooklyn dressed like a flapper in red lipstick- what in the world were they thinking?!!!this is the first time I ever hoped the Bates would actually hear these comments because I think they might need some biblical brotherly exhortation to step back and examine this decision.

  23. As far as I know, "I Love You Day" already HAS a's hearts, flowers, etc. No need to have a costume party with varying themes. This family is nothing like they started out to be and publicly claimed to be.

    1. They have had an awful lot of family fun together with those themes, though. I think it's a fun twist on what has become a major family holiday.

    2. 4:30 they have a theme every year. Nothing wrong with the 1920s, it's a part of our history and not everyone was dressed in flapper dresses, drinking it up and rolling around. I applaud this family for having a special day of celebration. It's refreshing to see everyone put aside a day of the year where they can all come together, especially now that many of the older children have extended families.


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