
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Introducing Layla Rae Stewart!

Evan Stewart, Carlin Stewart, Layla Stewart

Layla Rae Stewart is coming up on 24 hours old. For her birth details, check out our other post. As you can tell, the new parents are over the moon! A quote from the new couple and additional photos can be found on the UPtv website.

Carlin Bates and Layla Rae Stewart
Carlin and Layla Rae Stewart

Photos courtesy of


  1. Congratulations! She's beautiful!

  2. Congrats on the blessing!

  3. Carlin is glowing. Evan is very lucky man.

  4. Baby Layla has Carlin's beautiful lips. Congratulations! She's beautiful. My guess was Feb 1st a few posts ago...close!

  5. I know Carlin had to be induced early, but she probably chose Jan 31st over Feb. 1st, because too many birthdays Feb 1st (Jeb & Trace).

    1. Actually she was induced right at 38 weeks which is standard, so I doubt that came into play at all. Plus you never know how long you’ll be in labor, so she easily still could have had Layla on her brothers’ birthdays.

    2. 1;08. Carlin was 38 weeks and the baby was still only 5 pounds? I don’t know what’s average for a baby at 38 weeks, but that sounds little. Maybe it’s just that humongous babies run in my family so 5 pounds would be a micro-preemie in our household!

  6. God Bless you bothπŸ™❤️✝️‼️I mean 3πŸ€—

  7. Dear Carlin, WOW she's beautiful, and I LOVE HER name, Layla!!! I love that song, Layla, "she's got me on my knees Layla"...!!!!!!!!

    1. You do know that Eric Clapton wrote that song about another man's wife, don't you?

    2. Yep. George Harrison's wife, Pattie, who ended up with Eric Clapton ( Layla; Wonderful Tonight were written about her as was Harrison's song Something in The Way She Moves)

    3. Hey I guess I listen to that song when I was an innocent kid, so I never clued-in!!!!

    4. I'm probably a tad bit older than you :)

    5. Regardless, Layla is a great song! I think Layla is a cute name too,

  8. She is adorable! Sad that they put that ointment in her eyes though, it’s completely unnecessary unless the mother has an STD (which we know Carlin does not). Really wish doctors would informs new mothers that it’s not necessary otherwise.

    1. 10:54AM: The antibiotic ointment on newborns eyes is still used to prevent pink eye infection from other bacteria, such as e-coli, not just STD's. I would say it's still necessary.

    2. Give the unsolicited medical advice a rest. Just say congratulations.

    3. Wow, that was ... quite the comment to make. How about a simple congratulations and move right along.

    4. Besides helping to prevent STD transmission, it also protects against pink eye. All mothers receive it because, who are you going to ask, "By the way, do you have an STD?" Many new mothers would not know that they do have an STD and some would not admit to it.

    5. They give the ointment to everybody because they don’t take your word for it that you don’t have an STD. You’d be surprised how many women lie about that. I’ve thought before that my baby won’t need that ointment, but it won’t hurt her to get it either.

    6. 5:24, actually as Carlin needed blood testing during her pregnancy it could easily be confirmed that she did not have the two STDs that the ointment is for. My sister is a nurse and it’s really not to prevent pink eye, that’s just what new parents are told so that they don’t decline it, although really that is not a doctors call to make. Also as far as it not hurting babies, there are multiple side effects aside from it disrupting bonding and in some cases making it harder for the baby to nurse.

    7. The ointment isn’t given without permission from the mother. My babies don’t get it. But I agree with the others—that’s a weird comment to make on a precious birth announcement.

    8. 6:17, actually at most hospitals (at least in America) it’s given without the parents input being asked.

  9. Congratulation on a beautiful girl and such a beautiful girl

  10. Layla Rae is absolutely precious. Congratulations to Carlin & Evan & their families on the birth of this beautiful little girl.

  11. Congratulations!!A NEW BABY!!!!πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆ

  12. she is sooo cute!!!

  13. Congrats on your precious daughter

  14. So practically little Layla arrived 8 months after Carlin and Evan got married. I know, Carlin had to be induced, but it's like a fast forward marriage.

  15. Goodness! Carlin and Evan take so many photos of themselves and now baby. Every move they make is documented by photo and video. I guess its a generation thing.

    1. Nope, I'm old enough to be Carlin's mom, and we got lots of pictures of our babies.

  16. Wedding night baby it seems!! Glad all was okay being induced due to Carlin having Erin’s same blood problem. Thank god she was tested so a miscarriage didn’t happen.

    1. Why is it necessary to comment on when the baby was conceived?


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