
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Layla Returns to Hospital

Carlin and Layla Stewart were discharged from the hospital, but Layla was re-admitted after a short while at home, due to a spike in her jaundice levels. We know that Carlin and Evan would appreciate prayer as they navigate these first few days of parenthood with a sick child. Layla is five days old.

Layla Rae Stewart
Layla Rae Stewart

Photo courtesy of Carlin and Evan Stewart


  1. About the same age, my youngest was hospitalized for jaundice. Her bilirubin levels were so high, the doctors said that she would likely have brain damage. Through much prayer, she is 12 years old and healthy. Absolutely no brain damage. Keep praying. We will as well. You guys will be home in no time.

  2. Oh the poor little thing. Thank you for letting us know and I will be praying for that sweet baby. Lily or Ellie, please update when you are able.

  3. MO- Of course prayers go out to Layla. Jaundice isn't uncommon among new-borns. My son was under the lights for awhile after birth. Still, it's scary just the same. :o(

    1. Especially for new parents. I cried so bad with my first because she had to be under the lights at night instead of with me.

  4. Praying for sweet Layla and her parents!

  5. Sick? Oh, please! A lot of babies have jaundice. There's babies out there who have cancer and fatal genetic conditions. You don't know what sick is.

    1. Just because there could be worse problems, doesn't mean you couldn't consider her "sick."

    2. What a horribly insensitive thing for you to say! In case you didn't know jaundice left untreated can lead to serious medical issues which includes brain damage! And the hospital would NOT have admitted Layla if it wasn't serious!
      My apologies to Lily and Ellie because I normally are kind in my comments but I remember my youngest daughter ( who is 19 years old now) being seriously jaundiced and that comment just made me so angry.😠

    3. Any time they put a baby back into the hospital, it is serious. If her levels weren’t too high, she could have been treated at home which can still be scary. My oldest had to go under the lights with a blindfold on. The light can damage a baby’s vision, so you can to make sure the blindfold stays on. I was so worried about it and barely slept. Just because there are other serious sicknesses doesn’t diminish the fact that it is scary when your firstborn has to be in the hospital.

    4. Why do we have to play the comparison game? No parent of a newborn wants to see their baby back in the hospital for any reason. Surely you can understand that without having to compare it to others.

    5. Sick is sick. Why can't you just be nice and say a prayer for this little girl. You do know jaundice can lead to other health issues right?

    6. Oldest had high bilirubin after being home a few days. It's fairly common and rarely a big deal. Once upon a time when you stayed in the hospital 3-4 days after birth it was caught earlier and baby placed under the lights.

    7. Are you a doctor? A baby discharged from hospital returned to the hospital.

    8. Dear Anonymous,
      as a mother of three I agree with you.
      BUT this is Carlin and Evans first child, of course they are scared and ask for prayer, maybe when they have more Kids, they will be more relaxed.

    9. And yet as new parents this is probably very scary for them, as it would be for all parents if their child had to go back to the hospital after birth

    10. It’s still scary having a child admitted into the hospital, no matter at what level. Don’t downplay their fears just because it may not be as bad as someone else.

    11. Was this comment really necessary? Did you get anything out of posting it? Do you need to denigrate others to feel good about yourself? Is the kind of person you have shown us here the kind of person you wanted to grow up to be?
      I think you’re better than this.

    12. I don't know that "sick" is the right word, since her body is just high in bilirubin levels. However, it doesn't negate the fact that their brand-new baby is in the hospital, which IS difficult for the parents, especially Mom. Not every baby with jaundice has to be admitted into the hospital. Your trial doesn't have to be worse than mine for it to be a trial for you.

    13. Why even comment if youre going to be ugly?

    14. Jaundice typically isn’t, but can be a very serious thing. Layla’s doesn’t look very serious or she would be under more lights instead of just laying on one. That being said, it is still a hard thing for new parents and a baby to go through. The babies are usually very cranky because they can’t be swaddled or held very much. This is stressful for both the parents and babies. Also, the baby has a blindfold, but Carlin doesn’t, and the light puts a strain on her eyes as well. It’s good to keep the perspective that things can always be worse, but never demean someone’s experience. Your hard is your hard! I’m guessing Carlin and Evan would love nothing more than to be home cuddling their baby as much as possible, but they can’t right now. Nobody is trying to compare jaundice to cancer. There isn’t some competition for who has the sickest baby, and if there were, I’m sure Carlin is glad to be losing!

    15. Yes, years ago, new mom and baby stayed in the hospital for at least 3 days (cesarean birth had mom and baby in the hospital for at least 7 days). This length of time allowed for a more thorough examination before mom and baby were sent home. We also had lessons on breastfeeding, bathing of baby. Exercise/wellness classes were available to mom also. A nurse was available to take care of baby so mom could get some uninterrupted sleep before she headed home.
      Lately, I've heard of moms or babies having to return to the hospital for more care. I'm not so sure this "new" hospital care is good for mom and baby.
      I am praying for this family. I'm sure their little one will be home soon.

    16. Our son who is 37 now had jaundice as a newborn. He was under the lights for five days and they allowed me to stay in the hospital with him at that time. It is very anxiety inducing and your heart does break over your little one being under the lights. But the Lord was with me and the Lord is with Carlin and Evan and I know He will help them through this difficult time. But I totally understand the sadness they feel in having to re-admit their little girl into the hospital! And God does care! He tells us to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us!

  6. I am praying for Carlin and Evan and baby Layla, I know what you are going through Because my daughter was born with jaundice too.

  7. My heart + preyer are with U!!!!! Remember U are strong, and U will be OK, OK!!!!!!!!!!

  8. So sorry to hear this. Praying.

  9. Hope Layla gets better! We will pray for them!

    Eliza N. Weimer

  10. Lord watch over little Layla and comfort mom and dad. You promise in your word to never forsake your elect. Amen. My youngest had bad jaundice. Itll be ok. She is watched over by God..

    1. I have to disagree with your idea that the "elect" are somehow granted special protection from life's challenges. Bad stuff happens to good people all the time and I don't think it's a good thing to imply that it's because they aren't a part of special privileged group that's more deserving.

    2. God promises to watch over His children. He also says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. So you are both right. God is there with His followers through good times and bad times. He gives grace and help in time of need, but He doesn't always make things magically better. What a follower of God does know is that He promises that all things will work together for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. He can use the bad and the tragedies for good.

    3. @Anon,thank you for your sweet heartfelt prayer.

  11. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”—a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).

  12. May she pull thru and the parents have some comfort.

  13. May she pull thru and the parents have some comfort.

  14. Not uncommon but still scary. Lights help.

  15. You are right. A lot of babies do get jaundice and it is very treatable. It is very hard to see your baby in the hospital though, no matter what the reason. Do you have a child who is suffering from cancer or a fatal genetic condition? I would love to pray for you and them.

  16. Lord, please place your healing hand upon Layla Rae, and make her well. In Jesus' name.

  17. Sorry to hear about Layla. Get well soon Layla. Praying for you Layla and Carlin & Evan

  18. So sorry to hear this . Carlin and Evan baby Layla Rae is in our prayers and thoughts.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  19. My friends baby had jaundice she stayed in the hospital for a couple of days. Her daughter is 13 but she had some problems so she was put in Special Education class at school. The jaundice heart her brain.

  20. Prayers for your sweet baby girl!!

  21. Jaundice comes from the baby trying to adjust to a new blood volume after separating from the mom's blood supply. Her little body needs more catching up as her liver breaks down extra RBCs. Sometimes, the baby delays in this. It's probably nothing too serious nowadays. The UV lights help that process.

    Welcome another Lila to the world.

  22. I imagine Carlin made sure that 100% of the younger Bates kids were completely healthy.


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