
Monday, February 10, 2020

Layla's Newborn Photos

Carlin and Evan's little girl is 10 days old. This was her first weekend at home, but she has already completed her newborn photo shoot with Taryn Yager, the Bates' photographer friend who has done countless photo sessions for the family over the years. Who do you think Layla most resembles, Mom or Dad?

Layla Rae Stewart, Carlin Stewart, Evan Stewart
Layla Rae Stewart, Carlin Stewart, Evan Stewart
Layla Stewart and Evan Stewart
Layla Stewart and Evan Stewart

Photos courtesy of


  1. Beautiful Family, I would say she resembles both Carlin and Evan. More toward Carlin but she does have attributes of Evan. She has a beautiful Mama and Daddy. Congratulations on beautiful Layla Rae.

    1. Have to agree, she does resemble both, & a very beautiful little lady

  2. To me, Layla looks just like her momma!

  3. I think little Layla looks exhausted. She's had lots of drama/trauma in her newborn life.
    I'm sure I'll catch lots of flack for my comment, but "good grief, Carlin and Evan, give this little one some peace and quiet. Layla is a new baby, not a new toy".
    I'm looking forward to seeing Layla's 3 month pictures.

    1. A baby being tired? Shocking! Babies sleep a lot when they have jaundice. I am sure she isn’t exhausted. She is just a sleepy baby.

    2. Why is she a new toy? Just because they are taking pictures? The other bates took professional pictures of their newborns too,and as for peace and quite, she's in her parents arms like she would be if they weren't taking photos, some people just want any excuse to criticism.

    3. How do you tell the difference between a sleeping baby and an exhausted sleeping baby?

    4. I kinda have to agree! I couldnt believe they were going to her house to meet all those little kids after already being readmitted to the hospital once. And in flu season

  4. I see Layla’s father in her genetic makeup.

  5. Shes so cute and has the same name as me only spelled laila instead of layla,they are a beautiful family

  6. I think she’s a mix! She’s super cute!

  7. Baby Layla looks like both, mom and dad. She's already daddy's little girl in the photo.

  8. I don't have a definite guess... but here she looks like Evan.

  9. Definitely looks just like Evan!

  10. I’m glad that Taryn changed her editing style. She would always blur and Facetune everyone so much. It looked so weird. Now it looks more normal

  11. So far, definitely her mama! Beautiful family! Blessings to all <3

  12. The top picture looks more like a photo of Carlin and Evan. The baby seems to be an afterthought.

    1. Go eat some ice cream! It will make you feel better. :D

    2. Honestly! Was a comment like that necessary 1:44? It is a very beautiful picture!

    3. 1:44 -- I think you're right. The baby is posed strangely, almost as if her head is smooshed.

    4. 10:41, her mom is just cradling her head. Not that odd.

  13. I worry about that baby. Those two seem so immature.

    1. No need to worry friend. God wouldn’t have given them a child if he didn’t think they were able to do it With all new parents they will learn. I hope you don’t take offense in my comment. God Bless You!



    2. Agreed! Let the baby rest for a while. They seem to view her as a toy.

    3. Dont be nasty! They r wonderful parents!

    4. Hi,

      I disagree to your comment. I don’t think they view her as a toy. What a awful thing to say, so I am assuming that you are saying all the married couples
      that have there newborn photo shoots are viewing their children as a “toy” as you like to call it. I don’t think in the hospital during her sickness she was running on a tread mill. She was resting, during her time in the hospital. I am sure Carlin and Evan let her rest while at home as well before doing the photo shoot. These are new parents and I am sure they wouldn’t have do the photo shoot if she needed more rest and not consulting a doctor first and I am sure the doctor gave the instruction on how to care for her at home with what she can do and what she can not. This is a little blessing from God! I hope you don’t take offense to my comment!


    5. Anon 3:37. God gives babies to lots of people who mistreat them. God certainly does give babies to people who "can't do it." I don't think Carlin and Evan are like that, but I do worry about their immaturity.

    6. They seem to view her as a toy? Literally all you have to go on is pictures of her in the hospital, being brought home, and her newborn shoot, which Whitney and Erin have recently done. You have no basis for your statement other than imagination.

    7. MO- Just an observation... The Bates Family middle children seem to need this "cool" look/act. I agree with you about the immaturity issue, but I think the baby will be okay. I just don't like the way these people are playing to the camera as if they are celebrities.

    8. Anon 3:37- plenty of children are born to those who should never be parents!!!

    9. @5:43—how do you know they are wonderful parents? Only time will tell!

    10. They have been parents for a week. How could you possibly know they "are wonderful parents"? They do need to learn to put their baby's needs first, though.

    11. They will learn through experience, just like the rest of us.

  14. Well I can’t really tell now but both parents are very attractive so she’ll be gorgeous either way!!

  15. In the second one with Evan, she looks just like mommy!

  16. I think she looks mostly like her dad, but also a little like her mom. Congratulations, Evan and Carlin!

  17. When she was first born, I thought she really looked like Kade.

  18. I've seen alot of beautiful pictures of newborns with their parents but this one with Layla and her daddy just has that something extra special:)

  19. I love her little fingers on her daddy's chin!

  20. I reckon Layla looks like both parents,she has daddy's lips and narrow chin and mommy's nose and dark eyes as we saw in the photo with aunt Michael where she had her eyes open,she's a cutie.

  21. It’s really tough to tell, honestly. She’s a beautiful baby with good looking parents. I’m sure as she grows it will be more apparent of who she takes after most (in her looks).

  22. They sure are immature! However, they are loving and can dote on their sweet daughter 24/7.

    1. Why say that? I usually don’t say things like this and forgive me for saying it but that was very nasty and rude! They may not be very mature but they love sweet little Layla and I am sure take care of her very well.

    2. No one can dote on anyone 24/7. You deprive yourself of that much sleep and stop going to work, and you'll be a mess in no time flat. That would be immature.

    3. It’s an expression!

  23. I see Carlin in her.

    1. I can see Carlin in her nose

    2. I see Carlin in her ears, definitely!

    3. The baby has the same hands as Carlin!

    4. I think her hair is most like Evan's, but her feet are definitely her mama's.

    5. Same cheeks as Evan for sure!

    6. I cannot believe how Layla’s eyebrows are the same shape as Carlin’s! Wonderful! God bless you all. Bernice

  24. got the fathers eyes and mouth

  25. I remember my mother always saying that newborns have a strong resemblance to either Winston Churchill or Eleanor Roosevelt. I have to agree!

  26. Just because they want to share newborn pictures of Layla doesn't mean they are treating as a toy. It's their daughter and she looks like all newborns, sleepy but content.

  27. Even as a millennial, this makes me roll my eyes 🙄 and say ‘oh the Instagram generation’.

    1. Why is that? Because they shared photos?

  28. I think you missed birthday posts for Trace and Jeb?

  29. In the bottom picture she reminds me of Carlin.

  30. Congrats on baby!!! I'm happy she is out of the hospital!!! Beautiful,little one..


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