
Thursday, March 12, 2020

'A Busy Business and a Baby Bombshell' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Busy Business and a Baby Bombshell"

  • Erin and Chad have an ultrasound to check on their baby girl, Holland Grace Paine. As they have done for their past three children, Erin has chosen the first name, and Chad has picked the middle name. Erin is 22 weeks and five days pregnant. “I think with every pregnancy, there is still a fear,” says Chad. “You know you start having thoughts and flashbacks from the past, and so hearing the heartbeat and seeing the baby’s okay, it’s a great peace of mind every time.”
  • “Every day, I feel like we live the most special life,” says Erin. “I love my life, I love our family, and I’m excited about how it’s going to change when we get another baby.”
  • “One, I think we’re crazy, but then two, every time I think about a new little baby, I get just as excited as the one before,” says Chad. “Your heart just grows…as the children keep coming, and I love it.”
  • Michael arrives at Crown College Cosmetology School to have Katie put caramel highlights in the back section of her hair, so she can look fancy when she puts her hair up for nursing school. Katie is in her last semester and is studying for her state boards.\
  • “Originally, I had always wanted to do nursing school. But cosmetology, I actually loved it a lot more than I thought, so I would like to purse cosmetology for a little bit after graduating and just work in a salon for a little bit and get the feel for it. And I would still love to do nursing school, but for now I’m focusing on the cosmetology.”
  • Michael will earn her LPN in 11 months and will likely continue on to pursue her RN, depending on circumstances. “I don’t exactly know what field I want to be in with nursing,” says Michael. “I’m hoping through clinicals and just being in the field that I’ll kind of find my niche.” She says that she and Brandon do not plan on moving back to Chicago but that there is a chance they will move somewhere else. They aren’t sure this point.
  • During Michael’s hair appointment, Katie spills the beans about the special someone with whom she has been talking for two months. “We’re both 18,” says Katie. “It’s really young and I need all of the adult mind maturing. We’ll see. We’re taking it slow. I don’t want to rush into any relationship. I’m just trying to finish my school and get it together.” 
  • Travis sings, is from New Jersey, and is starting college. Katie met him through a mutual friend. “He’s like the sweetest human ever, and like the most thoughtful person,” says Katie. “I’m obsessed.”
  • Towards the end of the appointment, Katie makes a small mistake. “Some toner got in my eye, and it stung a little, but that’s part of the learning process, and I look back so grateful for all of my patients who let me learn IVs on them and give shots.” says Michael. She is very happy with her hair, and Brandon loves it, too.
  • Later, Michael and Brandon help Erin, Whitney, and Carlin unpack a new shipment of dresses. The boxes are taking over Whitney’s house, so they are currently building a small warehouse on Zach and Whitney’s property. “Now that we’ve started this dress boutique, I really think y’all should have called it just Bates and Company because y’all have pretty much hired everybody in the family to work for y’all,” says Zach.
  • The Bates family gathers at a local park to grill and hang out. Zach is the new grill master, and he attempts to give Gil some pointers. “Let’s just say, these boys get married, and they think they know everything,” says Gil. “Zach is trying to tell me how to cook.” The rest of the family agrees that Gil’s grill skills aren’t the greatest.
  • Evan brings out a pinata to celebrate the August birthdays, but he has forgotten to bring a bat and string. The kids take turns kicking it while Nathan holds it. When the pinata breaks, candy and tiny baby figurines fall out. “It’s pretty crazy,” says Carlin. “I’m still a little shocked.” She and Evan found out that they were expecting the day before Father's Day.
  • “Are you ready to be a mom?” jokes Gil.


  1. I feel badly that Chad never gets to pick the baby's first name. It seems a bit selfish of Erin. I'd be really uncomfortable behaving like that.

    1. You're assuming things. He may want to let his wife do that because he loves her. Or it may not matter to him that much.

    2. IF he doesn't care what his kids are named, I'd be very concerned about that!

    3. Eh, my husband and I have similar tastes, so he let me pick our babies' names and liked them all. It wasn't a big deal for us. If he had had strong feelings about a name or expressed that he wanted to name a baby, I wouldn't have minded. Whatever works for you!

  2. Yikes, they weren’t even married 4 weeks before they found out they were pregnant. I can’t imagine. I would like to enjoy at least a few months of marriage before pregnancy.

    1. They seem far too young to be parents.

    2. That is what happened with us. It was weird, but just like everything else,we adjusted to the idea. We had months of being just us, even though I was pregnant.

    3. How about the importance of a couple getting to know one another? I think that is SO important! Since they move so quickly, they need that time to just be a couple but they don't feel it's important & get pregnant right away- obviously due to the lack of birth control.

    4. My husband and I welcomed our second son 9 month after our wedding. We have no regrets about having our 1st before marriage or our second so soon after we got married

  3. I know so crazy, marriage is a huge life change especially for the duggar and Bates girls who live with their parents until the big day. Moving into a new house, living with someone new, and doing things like cooking, cleaning and managing a house is a pretty big transition. Adding another big transition like having a child will most definitely add to the stress. I can’t imagine all the emotions those girls were going through after finding out they expecting so soon.

    1. Well,I can imagine a few emotions they were going through,like happyness, excitement,anticipation...

    2. Yeah but technically they are used to caring for large families so honestly their lives prepare for this.

    3. When I was their age, I just wanted to be independent and marriage was the furthest thing from my mind. To each his/her own, but I have to wonder if any of the Bates' daughters would be allowed to simply leave home without getting married. Do all the adult unmarried sons still live at home? They really don't ever talk about this.

  4. I thought Carlin's comment about it was a really good honeymoon so she needed to take a pregnancy test was a little off color. Not only that but seems to me we see way too much of Carlin and not enough of the others. Think she needs to take a break from the camera for a while.

  5. People just need to learn to mind their own business, and keep the nasty comments to themselves. What these young couples do is THEIR business not YOURS! If they want to start a family early, it's up to them. The Bates are a beautiful, loving, caring, Christian family who love God and our country. They have respect for their parents and one another. They are kind, thoughtful and genuine. Few families can boast about the same.

  6. In Melbourne Australia loving bringing up Bates. We’re only up to season two. When can Australia ACCtv channel expect update eps f this wonderful family.


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