
Thursday, March 5, 2020

'A First Time for Everything' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A First Time for Everything"
  • As season nine kicks off, Carlin and Evan have just celebrated their wedding. “It brought me so much joy to see her so happy,” says Michael.
  • The newlyweds arrive in Charleston, South Carolina. “I feel like I’m living a piece of heaven,” says Carlin, as she and Evan get ready to take a carriage ride. Later, they eat at a rooftop restaurant with a beautiful view of the city. When the waitress brings mocktails, Carlin confirms that they are nonalcoholic.
  • While in Charleston, the newlyweds go 'Casual Crabbing with Tia.' “He’s taking me out of my comfort zone,” says Carlin of Evan. “Holding a crab, it’s just one of those things I have to warm up to.” They compete in a competition, which Evan wins.
  • Carlin and Evan enjoy a private sailboat ride, during which they take a “Titanic” photo. “I’ve always wanted to have that Titanic moment,” says Carlin. “It’s like a dream come true.”
  • Back in Tennessee, Trace’s friend Chaney arrives with her family to spend time with the Bates. (Trace and Chaney have since broken up, but this episode was filmed while they were still in a relationship.) Chaney Kahle is one of seven children, and the Kahles are fellow homeschoolers and fellow Christians.
  • The group plays bocce ball. “Trace is by far one of the more athletically talented Bates,” says Lawson. Chaney is also athletic. “Praise the Lord,” says Katie. “Finally, a Bates boy has got a girl. It has been way too long. I am so proud of you.”
  • Zach and Whitney and their two kids check in on Khloe during an ultrasound. “She’s always moving,” says Zach. “She’s always kicking around.”
  • Later, Kelly comes over to help Josie pack her hospital bag. “There’s not like brownie points for whether you do it natural or not natural,” says the mom of 19. “And don’t feel bad or pressured to do anything just because people are saying, ‘Well I did this’ or ‘You should do this.’ Just be you.” Josie agrees that she will not feel bad about getting an epidural if she needs it. 
  • Kelly and Josie join the rest of the Bates ladies for lunch, and Josie goes through her birth plan. Josie’s birth team will consist of Kelton, Kelly, and a doula. Erin’s conversation with Chad about doulas is priceless.
  • Erin: “Doesn’t a doula do just what the husband usually does? I think [Chad’s] my doula, right? I thought doulas are girls.”
  • Chad: “Well this one ain’t.”
  • Erin: “Well you’re a good-looking doula.”
  • Kelton and Josie meet with their doula, Renee Dudley, to discuss the stages of labor and positions. “I think the most shocking part to Kelton was, he didn’t realize it was more than like two or three hours,” says Josie. “He didn’t realize it was an all-day thing.”
  • “My mom made pregnancy and labor and delivery all look so easy, and now that I’m here, it is a lot harder,” says Josie.
  • “I’m a little terrified still, but I’m ready,” says Kelton. “I’m really excited about it.”
  • Josie’s labor beings. She and Kelton choose not to have the film crew or other family members (aside from Kelly) present. After about 36 hours, the medical providers urge Josie to either have her water broken, take Pitocin, or get an epidural.
  • Josie ends up getting an epidural. “The epidural was one of the scariest parts for me because that was one of the factors that actually resulted in them not being able to catch signs that led to my mother’s death,” says Kelton.
  • “Me and Mr. Balka were out in the hallway, in the waiting room,” says Gil. “I know Kelton was nervous. I know Mr. Balka was nervous, having the last labor he was ever at was when his wife went to be with the Lord.”
  • After her epidural, Josie is able to close her eyes and relax. After 48 hours of labor, she delivers Willow Kristy Balka. “It’s amazing to watch your child grow up and [have] a little baby,” says Gil.
  • Before they know it, the Balka family of three is back home and adjusting to their new life. Gil and Kelly and several of the kids come by the apartment to say hi.
  • “When I saw Zach hold Willow, it was like, holy cow,” says Whitney. “I fell in love all over again. I just love him with a newborn, and I just can’t wait to have a newborn again in our house.” “I think that’s how we ended up with this baby, is Whitney went and held somebody’s baby,” says Zach, laughing.
  • Josie and Kelton are about to close on their first house, and they will need all hands on deck to help them get it ready for move-in.  


  1. Aw, man. The whole part about Kelton's real fears because of his mom dying. So emotional!

    1. I really felt for him. I just don’t quite understand these Bates/Duggars with long and complicated births. Passing out twice? I’ve never heard of anyone I know even passing out once during labor. Poor Kelton to have to witness it. Maybe she needed better pre natal care/advice.

    2. I don't think any amount of prenatal care or advice affects how the actual labor goes. Labor can be highly unpredictable.

    3. I don't understand what prenatal care or advice would keep her from having a long labor or passing out. Unexpected events can happen whether you choose natural labor or labor with intervention.

    4. Every woman has their own birth plan. Some like my sis preferred natural birth. Other ladies prefer epudurals & same with whether or not you want your water broke. Most 1st labors will be longer than normal. You have to respect women's choices for their delivery plan.

    5. Intelligent pre natal care can help a pregnant woman prepare her body/muscles for the contractions and laboring. Also, conversations could confirm a plan of action should her labor begin to go long.

  2. I am so glad/ relieved everything turned out well for Josie and Willow.
    My heart goes out to any woman who struggles as she did. She was amazing!

  3. A rather odd comment by Kelly, that she's "proud" of her son for finally having a girlfriend. Happy, for sure... but proud? Is having pride in her sons contingent upon them finding wives? The comment is especially inappropriate considering the relationship ended.

    1. It's not inappropriate because the relationship hadn't ended when she said it. Besides, I think there's a difference between conceited pride and a feeling of deep happiness and satisfaction when you see your child achieve something - that has more to do with your love for your child than a conceited emotion.

    2. I think you can be proud of your kids for multiple things. If you asked her what else she was proud of him for, I'm sure she would give you a whole list.

    3. From what I read, it was Katie making that comment about her brother, not Kelly making it about her son.

    4. Tee- You're right, it was Katie that made that statement. My bad.

  4. I am waiting for all the backlash from viewers who will jump on Carlin's statement about having always wanted that "Titanic moment"...

    1. Yeah, how does she know about that Titanic moment?

    2. Agreed! Does Carlin even know that people died a terrible, horrifying death on the Titantic?

    3. I thought that was kind of weird, myself.

    4. I was surprised she said that. After all, she's probably never even seen the movie. It has nudity, foul language and violence in it. As a born again Christian, myself now, I would not watch it again.

    5. Anonymous at 11:38, I am definitely used to their being backlash on anything regarding the Bates family. (And Duggar family, for that matter.) To be honest, it makes me incredibly sad. But may I ask what specific backlash you're referring to in regards to Carlin's comment? Since the post said they were on a sailboat, I am assuming that she is referring to the scene in the movie where Jack has Rose step up on the railing of the ship as it sails into the sunset on the night it sank. The iconic "I'm flying" scene. Since Carlin and Evan are married, why would that be inappropriate? I'm sorry if I sound naïve, perhaps I am just missing something. Just trying to understand!

    6. 4:26, the point is that the movie she's referencing has content that is surprising for someone brought up the way she was.

    7. Tee@4:26 Because she was referencing the famous scene from the movie Titanic which had nudity and very mature themes - the very types of films the Bates do not watch.

    8. @10:59- Watch whatever movies you wish, but do not imply that anyone who watches the Titanic movie is somehow immoral, or that you're not a good Christian if you do. It's a love story, for Pete's sake. Carlin was referring to that dramatic pose on the bow of the ship.

    9. There had been no backlash before you opened the door to it. Just sayin

    10. 7:26, nudity is ok for Christians to watch?

    11. No, but we don’t know that she saw the movie. Some people just see scenes from movies without seeing the whole thing. Also there are filters that can cut out any nudity or bad language, so perhaps she watched a filtered version of it. There are a lot of movies that I wouldn’t normally watch but if I can get the filtered version I will see them then.

  5. Carlin is just so extra. I’m sure she is not as ditzy as she appears!

  6. Why did the doctors let Josie labor 48 hours. Breaking her water would have helped. Pitocin also helps. But 48+ hours is ridiculous. We’ve seen this with the Duggars too. At least Josie was in the hospital.The Bates do seem more enlightened.

    1. She said she wanted to try natural so the hospital was probably trying to respect her wishes.

    2. I know quite a few people whose labors have been at least 48 hours. I don't think it's that unusual.

  7. In reading/watching interviews with Kelton, I have always gotten the impression that his faith in Christ is quite strong. However, I am of the opinion that no matter how strong someone's faith is, they still have the right to feel any emotion. Part of humanity is feeling very human emotions and my personal opinion is that feeling an emotion isn't wrong, no matter what the emotion is. The way you choose to act on the emotion might be wrong, but simply feeling it isn't wrong. I would imagine that Kelton felt serious fear and anxiety while Josie was laboring and birthing their daughter, since he was so young when he lost his mother while she labored and birthed his sister, Kerstin. It's a helpless feeling, having to stand by and watch someone you love die. It was surely hard on Mr. Balka as well, sitting in the waiting room and praying for son and daughter in law as he prepared to welcome his granddaughter into the world.

    I'm so thankful that Kelly Jo was able and willing to be by her daughter's side as Josie gave birth to sweet baby Willow. She is such a precious doll, quite a blessing from our Lord to the Balka and Bates families! I'm also so thankful that Gil was able and willing to keep Mr. Balka company in the waiting room. I'm sure there were many prayers offered up in the waiting room as their awaited the birth of little Willow Kristy. So grateful to God that Willow and Josie were both safe and healthy during the labor and birth!

  8. Carlin and Evan went straight to Punta Cana for their honeymoon, right after their wedding. They went to Charleston in August - why are UP and the Bates lying about the timeline of events? Viewers do not appreciate the lying.

    1. I am also curious about that. Even in the clips from Charleston, Carlin and Evan talked like they were on their honeymoon. And in the interviews, one of the siblings referred to it as their honeymoon. I can't think of any reason for this pretense.

  9. Thanks for keeping it real, Josie and Kelton! Adjusting to life with a newborn, although so joyous, is also not easy and a little scary! The scene with them at home with Willow felt very relatable! Thanks for not pretending that it’s all so easy and perfect right away! Beautiful family


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