
Friday, March 20, 2020

Bates Love Legends: The Keilens

Brandon Keilen
Brandon Keilen
Smiling as he tells his love story

"I was out walking with my sister. She looks at me square in the face and is like, 'Brandon, if you haven't noticed Michaela Bates, you're blind as a bat,' basically is what she told me."
-Brandon Keilen

Michael met Brandon when she was only nineteen years old, and the act of kindness that first attracted her to him is sure to make you smile. Viewers first met Michael on season one of Bringing Up Bates at age 24, one year before her wedding. So how did she and Brandon go from acquaintances to boyfriend and girlfriend? You'll find out in the Bates Love Legends video below.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Time 2:00PM Fri 3/20/20
    That is a sweet love story.

  2. Too bad the girl can't pursue the guy... She had to basically wait until he noticed her, and she waited all that time before in silence.

    1. He didn’t notice her. His sister did!

    2. She believes in God’s timing!

    3. 12:09- I believe in being proactive.

    4. But sometimes being proactive is like trying to force a rose to bloom. Sometimes there is beauty in the patient waiting for the unfolding.

    5. 3:09- My husband and I had been in a relationship for a few years. I finally told him that if marriage wasn't in the cards for us, I was going to move on. I broke it off and started dating other guys. That didn't sit well with him. We've now been married for 30 years. As the old saying goes, "He who hesitates is lost." If I had been Michaela, I wouldn't have waited five years for Brandon to make a move. I don't know about you, but I've got more than one rose in my garden and some are quicker to bloom than others. I'm glad it worked out for them, though.

    6. I pursued my husband. I worked in a fast food joint at age 16 with my husband's brother and sister. My husband says that he came by one day and saw me through the window and asked his brother about me. He then got a job just to meet me. But it was me who finally asked him out. He never told me all this until we finally started dating. The rest is history. No shame in a woman asking a guy out.

  3. I love their story! Two beautiful human beings!

  4. I’m truly happy for Brandon and Micheal. They appear to be a very good match. I, however, would not have married a man that took 5 years and his sister to be the one who realized how great I am. But that’s why it’s their love story and not mine.

    1. That IS a very long time, but I just think of the patience and maturity she developed during that time. People grow best when things aren't easy.

    2. They appear to be awkwardly matched, frankly.

    3. anon@1:50- Hmmm... You don't need to sit around for five years, waiting for something to happen. She could've dated other guys. What if Brandon had never stepped up?

    4. Maybe there weren't any other guys she was interested in. What is the point of dating other people if that's the case? Pushing a relationship with a guy is something I don't see Michaella ever doing, and in her case, waiting for him paid off.

    5. @10:11- I've never subscribed to the notion that a woman should wait around for a Prince Charming to come her way. I've also never believed that there's only one person with whom you could be happy. If Brandon's sister hadn't intervened, Michaela would likely still be waiting and I don't see the point in that. I'm glad it worked out for her, but I am not impressed with their example. I can't fathom waiting around five years for some guy to take notice and ask for date. As someone else stated, he's probably just not that into you.

  5. To each his or her own...they seem to be perfect for each other!

  6. Replies
    1. I think the point is Brandon’s sister was the wise/smart one. Just sayin...

    2. He had noticed Michaela already but needed that extra push to do something about it.

    3. 12:34 Five years is a long time before you take action about something. She could very easily have found someone else while he was waiting around.

    4. God's timing isn't ours, but it's the best. I can sure look back and see how that was true for me, even though it wasn't always easy. But I grew through that, and it made my relationship with my now-husband that much better, and even easier, because I'd learned some lessons through waiting.

    5. 10:14- I don't think there's any such thing as God's timing. Stuff randomly happens and we can also make stuff happen. People say that they're waiting for God's will to show them what to do, when in reality they're making their own choices based on how they feel about a situation. God doesn't create those feelings.

    6. 10:26, absolutely not true in my case. I was very set on the person I wanted to marry, but God had other plans, and when I was ready for my husband to be a part of my life, God brought him smack dab into my life after him being on the periphery. I wouldn't have been ready for him when we first met. There were things I had to go through and learn first.

    7. 11:19 To me, that just sounds like a random coincidence. But, you’re certainly free to think otherwise.

    8. Since you didn't walk through what I walked through, and since I didn't tell you the whole story, you are free to think it's random coincidence.

  7. I wonder if people ever read their names and assume they are a gay couple. My parents have unisex names and people occasionally assume my mum is gay if she refers to my dad as her partner (they are common-law)

  8. Y’all, I think we’ve got a case here of “he’s just not that into her.”

    1. I have to agree. Five years? It makes me wonder if he really wasn't interested in getting married to anyone, but felt some kind of pressure to find a wife and settle down. I hope they 're happy.

    2. Nah, he's shown since then he loves her and thinks very highly of her. You don't judge a whole relationship on the way that it starts.

  9. Michael said that they were "casual friends" for 5 years. That doesn't make sense. I thought they were not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex. They usually follow the pattern "getting to know each other", "special friend", "courting", "engagement", "marriage". How did Gil and Kelly not put pressure on this "casual friendship"?

    1. Why do you think they're not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex? When did they ever say that?


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