
Monday, March 16, 2020

Homeschooling the Bates Grandkids

Carson Paine and Bradley Bates
Now that the oldest Bates grandchild is five years old, it's time to start homeschooling the next generation. With Tori Smith back in East Tennessee, she has been using her education major to teach Bradley, Carson, Kaci, and Brooklyn. The video below is sure to make you smile.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Interesting. The homeschooling policy of Tennessee states that homeschooling may be conducted by the parents or guardians of the children. Is Tori the guardian of these children? She's probably a good teacher but when she's teaching these children to be respectful and follow the rules, she and the Bates need to follow the homeschooling rules.

    1. I don’t know about Tennessee but in Washington our homeschool laws don’t apply until compulsory age, which is 8.

    2. What is the mandatory school age on Tennessee? Are any of them actually at that age yet?

    3. I don't think those rules apply to preschoolers as preschool is not mandatory.

    4. Depending on when he turned five, legally he doesn’t have to be in school yet. The others are younger and not required to be in school, so Tori is just teaching them not “homeschooling them” for Tennessee law purposes. Obviously this video is a few months old since Tori is not noticeably pregnant. Tennessee law does not state that you have to teach your child every subject but just the majority of their schooling should be done by the parent. It never hurts to supplement the teacher.

    5. Let's hope that in a few years, these childrens' parents take over the teaching. I think this current arrangement lets the parents have a "breather" for a few hours a week. In the meantime, I hope Tori's teaching techniques don't turn these children "off" from learning.

  2. Why are they charging me 44 dollars for shipping a dress????

    1. Why not ask them? I don't think we can help you.

    2. 11:02am you’re asking the wrong person.

  3. You could have so much fun with four little children. What about fingerpainting those letters? What making words with paper mache? Have they tried observing insects for a science lesson? How sad that they think they are "bad"--it just sounds like they are expected to behave in ways that aren't developmentally appropriate.

    1. We shouldn’t judge their whole school day by a video of a couple of minutes of their instruction.

    2. Anonymous@8:43 As a conservative christian not looking to harass this family, but also having an undergraduate and graduate degree in elementary and early childhood education and many years of homeschool, public, private school and tutoring experience- this little video clip is ALL one has to see in order to know Tori doesn't understand how young children learn. If she did, I am sure she would be eager for the world to see it. Clearly, she feels this is correct - sadly, it is not.

  4. Why is Tori coloring? Why doesn't she speak to them in a gentle tone? This homeschool doesn't feel right.

    1. Maybe she was showing them how or something, because they showed ALL the kids sitting around the table with their colored pencils.

  5. Sing a song about the letter S. Dance around! Don't use flashcards!

    1. These are little children. Their learning should be fun! Flashcards show a tremendous lack of imagination.

    2. Flashcards could be just one of many things she is using with them. You can't judge based on a few moments. That also shows a tremendous lack of imagination. 😁

    3. It seems unlikely that Tori let them explore, sing, build, paint--and they chose to show only the flashcards.

    4. You think they chose to film the most boring activity Tori did? And there were lots of fun, creative activities they chose not to film? Seems very unlikely.

    5. We have zero idea how long the film crew was there and no knowledge of what else she did with the kids. So let's admit it wasn't a very interesting clip and move on.

  6. "Brookie's the most bad." What kind of takeaway is that from preschool?

    1. Thought the same thing. Why are they pinning that label on her? I know it’s supposed to be funny, but those words are getting into Brookie’s spirit and she will come to believe she is bad.

    2. Brookie is NOT "the most bad", but rather she is being forced into an artificial academic setting that is not age appropriate for her!

    3. 11:23, the only thing you saw Brooklyn doing was coloring. You literally have no idea what else Tori does with them.

  7. Interestingly, all American children are being “home-schooled” right now to some extent! #covidcation

    1. You think this is a vacation?

    2. We know it’s not a vacation, but it may make it less difficult not to act like the world is ending every day and have a little fun while you’re home anyway!

    3. 2:40 - well I’m at home but I still have to work my 7 to 5 job, so it feels basically the same as going to my office every day.

    4. Covidcation is NOT a mix of covid and vacation. Covidcation is a mix of covid and EDUCATION.

    5. @6:08-says you! Is it possible to have tiny bit of fun during this very serious time?

  8. That's great that they can share school with their cousins and aunt.

  9. Maybe Tori and Kelly can give all of us with kids home from public school tips on homeschooling!!!

    1. I am a retired public school teacher. My top tip would be- be patient and make it fun. (Tori didn't seem to understand this.) There are countless online resources. Don't be afraid to let your kids know that you're learning, too. If all else fails, read to them!

    2. There are a number of homeschool groups on Facebook where you can pick the brains of hundreds of moms at one time! Some things to keep in mind: your kids need a little extra love and attention to reassure them during this time of uncertainty and upheaval. Snuggle extra. Read aloud a chapter book after breakfast or lunch every day, and stop right before exciting parts so they'll get excited about doing it the next day. Even if you're not crafty, do art projects together. So many ideas on Pinterest! Or just let them choose a favorite toy or other object, and everybody does their best to study and draw it. You can have art contests or art shows. Write letters to relatives or friends (great for showing them to think about others as well as building handwriting and language skills). Go out in your yard and get some fresh air and vitamin D while you study nature, and then go inside and Google interesting facts. If they have assigned work from their school, break it up with some of these other ideas. Cook together. Teach them how to do laundry, and have folding parties while watching a favorite show. Take one day at a time. Remember that your relationship is more important than schoolwork if you find yourself butting heads or you are getting impatient and frustrated. Remember that they are probably mourning the loss of relationships and opportunities and need extra grace extended to them. On the other hand, be consistent with things like consequences for not getting chores or school done. Don't tell them there will be a consequence and then not follow through, or they will start ignoring the standards you set up. Also, different kids may be motivated by different things. Oh, and don't try to come up with elaborate systems for everything. You'll thank yourself later if you keep things simple.

  10. I Think Daycare Centers should close amid Covid-19. I work in a daycare center and our governor has issued that all non-essential business including daycare centers close for the next 15 days, yet the daycare center where I work has chosen to remain open on a modified schedule and said they will not close unless told to by the state. They are still taking the risk of the virus 🦠 and they are choosing to put all of us employees at risk. So NOT COOL!

    1. What do we do with the people who are working in groceries and pharmacies and health care, and the police force? Someone has to watch their kids!

    2. Yes, Hi there Anonymous March 17 2020 at 4:08pm. As of right now ALL daycare centers were asked to close. This was not a choice. They were required to close The reasoning because we work in close corners. Thank You.

    3. 4:18- In my state, there have been child care centers set up sepcifically for the children of our health care workers. If they can't work, we're in big trouble.

  11. Maybe Brookie, at 3, is too young to have flashcards of letters held in front of her. Maybe that's why she's "bad." Perhaps she'd do better with play-based learning. Let her construct the letter L out of toothpicks and marshmellows or color it with paint and paper.

    1. You have to remember that the tv people asked him the question, and he had to say something. It wasn't Tori labeling her.

    2. Brookie wasn’t there while they were doing the flash cards. It was just the two boys. I think they were calling her bad, because she doesn’t obey as well as they do. The boys are so young that they don’t have the ability to understand that Brookie has to learn patience and taking turns, etc.

    3. But the producer asked them, "Who misbehaves the most?" And the answer was "Brookie is the most bad." Bradley was basically asked to say who was bad.

  12. This is adorable. Thank you. Need more encouragement during this crazy time in our world. God is so good <3

    1. If God really existed, this wouldn't be on Earth is he/she good?

    2. God is good because He sent His son Jesus, born of a virgin, to live on this earth, and to be beaten then die on a cross as a punishment for our sins. God is good in that we have freedom of choice to believe this or not. Sin and death came to the earth when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. Curses came on the earth as a result. I don't understand MANY things, but we are living in the last days. Worse things than this virus are going to come. Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ is our ONLY hope. God has been very merciful, but He is also JUDGE, and we all will have to give an account of our lives. I know this doesn't give you the answers you need, but He loves you so much, and the best place to be is under the Blood of Jesus. He is good because He has provided a way out of eternal damnation. God is good because of His mercy and forgiveness. He is good because He doesn't force us to accept Him. This life is only temporary. Christians go through hard times. We're not exempt, but He did say He would never leave or forsake us. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And He's coming back to take His people home to be with Him forever. No more sickness, no more death, no more curse. And that is part of why God is good.

    3. 3:25- You contradict your own argument about God being so good and loving by repeating the platitude that he sent his own son to be tortured and die for our sins. That is not loving, it's a sick and twisted mind that would come up with that. If he's all powerful, he could come up with a better solution than allowing his own son to be brutally murdered. You are parroting what others have taught you about the Bible. If you want to believe it all, that's fine. But don't condescendingly tell other people that others should do the same and take the Bible as the irrefutable word of God.

    4. Responding to Anonymous 3:25: Amen.

    5. @5:36 Jesus went willingly to the cross. No one forced Him. Jesus is God in human form. He had the power to fight against those who would crucify Him. However, He willingly sacrificed Himself to take on all the sins of the world. It's kind of like a soldier who fights in your place so you can have freedom. Those soldiers have purchased your freedom willingly. Jesus purchased us from eternity in Hell. Both the soldier and Jesus did it for love. We have the choice to accept it or not.

    6. Anonymous 3.25: you write that curses are send to this world because of the sins of Adam and Eve. Is God sending these curses to the world? Suzanne.

    7. @3:36- Most Bible-believing Christians thing that way, that humanity is cursed because of the sins of Adam and Eve. IMO, that is a myth, a story and nothing more. An author of science fiction might come up with that, but not a supposed loving and intelligent God. Human being have been dreaming up stories since the beginning of time to explain the unknown. Dealing with uncertainty is not easy for most people, that's why we have religions and such. If it helps you get through life, that's fine. I just don't like when other people preach at you or proselytize and claim to know truth that others do not.

    8. God is good, you shouldn’t think that. God isn’t a genuine that will come out of a bottle when I wish for something. God will come on his time when we is ready. We do not get to chose when he should come. Several different countries are bad and filled with sin, in the Bible it says that I will bring a raft in the end days. I’m not saying by any means that he is coming soon, but instead of doing not asking why he would let this happen you should Repent of your sins and sin no more and would pray and seek the Lord everyday and stand firm in the word of God. and for those that follow me and tell others about me and live a sinless life for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Don’t go to Hell for eternity friends it’s the worse pain that we could ever imagine. Worse than any pain that we could ever imagine. Here is a website I would lien to share with you all and a bible verse and hopefully you will look these up. John 3:3 and www. Repent or God Bless you all and all stay safe!

    9. Responding to a lot of these comments, Jesus wasn’t forced to the Cross. He did for US ALL, if he wanted to he could have killed every single one of the people that beat him and mocked him but he did it bc he lives us so much he died for our sins not his ours. That is one powerful God and a loving one too.

  13. The kids don't see to like Tori as a teacher. To be honest, most preschool teachers do not bark orders like that.

  14. Umm so she’s running her own school for her nieces and nephews? Is she getting paid?

  15. Are the parents not homeschooling their own children?

  16. Lol at Bradley trying to keep his name clean but Carson mentioned him. Carson looks like Chad here.

  17. how absolutely wonderful that tori gets to home school her nieces and nephews!! they should keep her pretty busy lol

  18. MO- Wow- I wouldn't want Tori for my teacher, she's not very nice. If I had snapped those words to my students they wouldn't have wanted to come to school and their parents wouldn't have been happy either. I have a minor in Early Childhood Development and a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education for a large public university so I'm not talking out the top of my hat- A little patience goes a long way. :o(

    1. Yes, she did come across as harsh. Bradley's response about not enjoying it spoke volumes.

    2. Anonymous @9:21 I am an early childhood specialist as well and I completely agree with you!

  19. Who knows maybe she has tried patients with them and it just didn’t work. So maybe now she is a little strict nothing is wrong with what she is doing.

  20. First of all, the person citing Tennessee homeschool laws needs to be aware that these children have not reached the mandatory age for schooling. Therefore, no laws are being breached. As an early childhood specialist I can appreciate the working moms wanting their little ones to be in a structured environment, however, Tori clearly has no understanding of best practices for early childhood. Children under 5 should be doing play based activities and academics should not be drilled, but should flow from their play. I also think this is just good footage for the show. Tori is essentially babysitting because there is nothing in place to pass this off as schooling or even homeschooling. I hope these Bates ladies rethink their many, many business adventures because they may lose their children's hearts as they seek to gain the world.

    1. This is so true! "I hope these Bates ladies rethink their many, many business adventures because they may lose their children's hearts as they seek to gain the world."

  21. I'm a retired elementary teacher. I have to say I was a bit taken aback by Tori's harsh methods with kids so young. One of the little boys is apparently not very happy with the homeschooling situation, either. IMO, those little ones need to be read to and up to their elbows with Play-doh, sand and any kind of hands-on materials available. Flashcards? They are watching Tori color? That can be a sure-fire way to squelch a desire for learning. Kids that age need to be exploring, not being drilled. I hope that this was just a hastily put together filming moment and not an indication of what they really do. If I was being professionally observed teaching in this manner, the evaluation would not be complimentary. Teaching is a gift- we are charged with instilling a love of learning in our students, not just cramming stuff into their heads. It's a very delicate dance.

    1. English as a second language teacher here who teaches literacy to kindergarten students: I agree. She needs to entice them with the content. She shouldn’t be barking orders at them. That’s going to turn them off to school and to learning.

    2. homeschool mom here -- the video clip is short & staged. One of my children preferred to watch me colour and never really liked to colour. Perhaps the kids are learning colours and watching her.
      I think the kids have mostly unstructured play and these are a few minutes here and there where she works with them so it is a good time to introduce structure. For instance, if you put a 3 yr old in gymnastics class, the teacher makes them mind for that 1/2 hr and they can run around the rest of the day.
      If you are a teacher, that means you had the kids for 8h straight and they were 6y old and up.

    3. I just saw the episode. They only showed a very brief clip. Tori could be doing all sorts of other things that would meet with your approval that didn't make it to tv. I really wish people would stop judging based on photos and short video clips.

    4. 9:44 Perhaps they should be more discriminating about what is shown in these brief clips. This is the danger of putting your whole family on TV- you may be represented or misunderstood and subjecting family members to criticism and scorn. Not a good idea.

    5. Anon 9:44 They chose to show Tori doing boring, noncreative teaching? When she was really doing fun, creative stuff?

  22. I am surprised at all these comments, not one is positive!

    1. Maybe this is one video they would have been better not posting.

  23. I don't think you would ever hear Kelly barking at any of the children like Tori was. I have never heard a Preschool teacher so stern with children that age.
    Tori has never struck me as a very patient person.

  24. Just curious I thought you were only allowed to homeschool your own children? How is this possible?

    1. The compulsory school age in Tennessee is 6, so none of these kids are legally required to be receiving school. Secondly, it's a moot point for the foreseeable future, since all the schools are going to be closed indefinitely.

  25. Tori talks soooo fast, Brookie probably didn't even know what Tori was saying about putting the pencil crayons in the middle of the table!

  26. Bigger things to be concerned about than how Tori's talking to the kids. Coronvirus,homeless families,lost wages! Let us think of other's @ this time and PRAY FOR THEM and many more to come who need our help. God Bless Ledabeth

  27. Tori had an elementary education degree not an early childhood degree. They basically allow no play in kindergarten and above nowadays so no wonder she didn't know any better.

    1. I've put two children through kindergarten and volunteered in both their classes. They played for about 90 percent of the day--fun, educational play, like exploring musical instruments and paper mache.

    2. Anonymous @10:01 Uhm...I am a public school kindergarten teacher in a large urban city. Yes, we have increased the rigor immensely, but everything is play-based and or age appropriate. When you become certified as an elementary teacher you are certified to teach grades k-6. One can continue to earn an endorsement in early childhood educations which requires an additional semester and additional student teaching. The endorsement specializes you in birth - 3rd grade. Further, you can complete an additional 2 years and earn a Masters in early childhood education. At the end of the day, any qualified certified elementary teacher should know best practices for K-6th.

    3. This is far from true. My daughters' kindergarten was nearly all play. Most of it was educational, like building, games, circle time, singing songs about the weather, etc. Do you really think five year olds sit at a desk for eight hours doing worksheets? LOL, my kindergartners loved school and thought everything they were doing there was enormous fun!.

    4. 3:46- In my state, kindergarten endorsement is separate from an elementary license. You have to do some extra classes and student teaching in that area. I am licensed grades 1-6, not kindergarten. My special education license does cover me grades K-12, but only in my special ed. areas.

  28. At least this was better than Alyssa Webster's homeschool. She puts her four-year old in front of an Abeka video and walks away. Poor Allie has to watch children learn in a school classroom. All alone. It must be so boring and lonely for her.

    1. I was surprised to see that myself. When I think back on my years as a student and as a teacher, I treasured those relationships and conncections I formed. I guess to each his/her own.


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