
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Katie's New Distraction

Katie does Michael's hair at the Crown College cosmetology school

"Some toner got in my eye, and it stung a little, but that’s part of the learning process, and I look back so grateful for all of my patients who let me learn IVs on them and give shots."
-Michael Keilen

Tomorrow on Bringing Up Bates, you'll hear Katie go into detail about the guy she has been talking to. (Update: Since the episode was filmed, Katie Bates and Travis Clark are now in an official courtship.) Michael stops by Katie's cosmetology school for some color, and the sisters chat about Michael's nursing school plans, Katie's career plans, and Travis. But Katie quickly becomes distracted by the conversation and makes a mistake (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Michael is the nicest person! Always positive. She will be a great nurse.

  2. Happy Katie has her guy now. Wonder why Lawson, Nathan and Trace ( I know Trace just broke up with Chaney) can’t seem to find their person.

  3. Michael is the only one doing any good for the world. Go Michael!

    1. Yeah, those brothers of hers who sit around playing video games when there are people suffering from tornadoes and other disasters. Oh, wait.

    2. First, none of the girls with a degree actually use their degree to work outside the home and/or family. So who knows if Micheal will work in hospital or a clinic. Second, Lawson and Nathan help others quite a bit.

    3. LOL,Michaela doesn't post pictures of herself online when she is helping people. She just helps.

    4. Why do you feel the need to compare, and ultimately judge, one choice over the other? Both career paths are doing good for the world.

    5. Josie earned a cosmetology degree and has worked outside of the home before and after having Willow. Prior to giving birth, Josie worked in a hair salon. She now has a business partner and they do special event hair and make up. They also do online tutorials.

      I would be surprised if Michael didn't put her degree to use. Michael has worked outside of the home before as a nanny. She also worked as a volunteer first responder. Putting the care, time, and money into being a nurse and then not using her degree doesn't sound like Michael.

    6. Michael is doing good now, as a nursing student. Helping the sick is far more important than adding highlights to hair.

    7. 8:14. You must have never worked with abused women. Sometimes highlighting hair and helping a woman get back some self-esteem and addressing mental health is as important as physical health. Your comment is very narrow minded

    8. I don't think Katie is working with abused women. If that were the case, I'd surely think her work was as important as Michael's. Is there video showing her helping abused women? Kudos to her if there is.

    9. I am a specialist doctor yet I would never think I am better than a hair dresser. We each contribute to society in our own way. Not really any need for comparisons. Just do your job with gladness in your heart. Mother Theresa said Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.

  4. Ahhh...still in the learning stages!

  5. Hang on,I thought they were in the getting to know you phase,when did they start officially dating?and what a lovely couple they make.

  6. Katie is giving people "pretty hair" while Michaela is learning to save lives. I wish more of the Bates chose Michaela's path.

    1. 7:41- Not everyone is cut out to be a nurse or other professional that "saves lives." We all have our own unique talents to bring to
      this world and no one should feel marginalized. BTW, my hair stylist is very important to me. Her talents help me feel better about myself and give me quite a lift. My mother always used to say that the only things keeping her from going over the edge was having a clean kitchen floor and a decent head of hair!

    2. I like “pretty hair”. It gets “prettied” every 5 weeks. I’m very thankful my hair stylist chose that path. No reason Micheal can’t look pretty AND be a nurse.

    3. If someone wants to be a hair stylist I don’t actually want them to be my nurse. What a blessing to get to choose what we want to be in life based on the gifts and desires God has given us individually

    4. The funny thing is, Katie actually wants to be a nurse, and she is doing hair.

    5. Well, she did say she was enjoying the hair business too.

  7. Aw! Michaela is as close to a living saint that you would ever meet! She has the warmest countenance and sincerest heart! Hope to see a lot more of her this year!

  8. Looking forward to seeing more of Michaela and the rest of the family, especially the sons and their activities and the younger kids.

  9. Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like there were more commercials than actual
    show time.

    1. @8:44- agree; and the episode seemed over in a snap!

  10. I thought I heard Katie say on tonight’s show they are both 18. I could have sworn I read she was older than he.

    1. By a couple of months. They are both 19 now.


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