
Monday, March 30, 2020

Kelly on a Go-Kart

Go-Kart Racing with Kelly Jo Bates

Kelly Bates: "You have control of the pedals. You do not have to choose to get out there and drive like a crazy driver."

Gil Bates: "That is true, but they don't call it go-kart driving. They call it go-kart racing."

Would you rather go go-karting with Kelly or Gil? It likely won't come as a surprise they they have different opinions on the purpose of the activity. You'll hear from both of them in the video below, which is a sneak peek of Thursday's episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. So, what was the point of Tori earning a degree in education when, clearly, her goal is to have children and not teach professionally? I know plenty of teachers whom have babies and return to the classroom 6-8 weeks after giving birth. Not Tori.

    1. What happened to women having an education so they have something to fall back on if something happens to their husband or if they want to work when their kids get older? And what's wrong with a stay-at-home mom having a college education? Should she have dropped out of college when she knew she was getting married?

    2. 7:47 In all likelihood, she'll homeschool her own children. So, having a teaching degree will be helpful. I guess I'd rather see young women get some kind of degree, even if they don't use it right away, in the event they may need to support themselves at some point down the road. I was lucky in that my school district granted extended child care leaves, so I was able to stay home with my kids for a five years before they started school. My teaching position was there for me when I returned. That was a long time ago- my "babies" are all grown up and married now.

    3. Tori can always use her degree, even at home when she's a mom of a growing family. I'm a bit similar to Tori in that I worked as a teacher for 6 years, then stayed home when my husband and I began our family. I was a stay-at-home mom but I was "teaching" our children daily. When the youngest turned 6, I went into substitute teaching. Finally, went back to full-time teaching a few years later. I always kept my teaching certificate current, which was not easy. Having that certificate gave me piece of mind in case our family situation changed. I wish this little family all the best.

    4. I agree with the other answers to this comment. A college education can be good in itself, but can also prove useful in the future, if not at the moment. I was a bit shocked that OP would say that 6-8 weeks is somehow a reasonable timetable to expect a woman to go back to work. I don't know where you live, but that seems very low, certainly not enough time for mother and baby to recover. My country has the lowest maternity leave in the EU but it is still 3 months.

    5. @4:25- the important difference is you did use your teaching degree in a school setting 6 years prior to having children! Tori did not!

    6. I'm 4:25. Yes, I taught for 6 years before starting a family. My husband and I didn't have a TV show to rely on for income.
      I wonder if Tori's professional life would have been different if she didn't have the TV show income.

    7. 2:31, I think it's sad that the important difference is teaching someone else's children.

  2. Hi Lily and Ellie,

    I don’t know if you do this or not but do you mind praying for me? I have an unspoken request and I just wanted to maybe see if you could.

  3. Ha ha,I've never been on a go kart as I know I would'nt have the guts to drive fast,in fact I'm learning to drive now and my biggest fault is driving below the speed limit and holding up traffic!

  4. Kelly has such a great attitude!!!

  5. It would have been good for her to have taught in a school setting for a least a year prior to having children. That way she gained experience and a foot in the door to fall back on later.

    1. I was under the impression that she taught while her husband was a youth pastor.

    2. Nope; never taught in a classroom setting.

  6. Kelly’s the best!!!


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