
Friday, March 6, 2020

Kelly on Pushing Ideas on the Kids

Josie Balka packs her hospital bag

"I don't want to be that mom who is wanting to push ideas or stuff on their children, so I love that we can talk and share experiences and laugh, and if I have some tips, I certainly try to give those. But at the same time, I don't want any of the kids to feel like, 'Mom's a know-it-all, and we have to do it her way' because everybody's different."

-Kelly Bates

What did you think of last night's Bringing Up Bates season premiere episode? In the extended scene below, Kelly discusses must-have items for the hospital bag. And what a great quote the one above is from the mom of 19. She has a very healthy perspective on raising children and relating to adult children.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Loved that unlike other similar families - they don't push home births and how Kelly stated, "There are no brownie points for delivering one way or another" (paraphrasing here)...I like how this family has remained truly conservative Christians while still engaging the world.

    1. I agree. Unlike other similar families, the Bates are a true rolemodel

    2. Michelle doesn't push home births either. She has given birth in a hospital and been with several daughters-in-law as they have given birth in hospitals. The hospital experience isn't always the most wonderful, so some people want to stay in the comfort of home. It is very hard to get rest in a hospital. Obviously, home births are cheaper as well.

    3. I have never heard Michelle push home birth, ever. She never complained about all the hospital births she had either, at least not publically.

  2. I think for those who like courting, extended wedding, honeymoon, births, etc. they probably loved this episode. It wasn’t my cup of tea, until it came to Josie’s delivery and so compassionately showed what Josie and Kelton went through.
    I hope next week’s show will get back to the rest of the family that we didn’t see much of this week. Time to get back to all the Bates everyday, daily activities.

  3. Kelly is very sensible, maybe because she was a math/science student...they are always logical, rational, and look at a situation from all sides. That's what I've found in life anyway. It's a right brain vs left brain thing. Plus she has the Lord guiding her as well!

  4. I'm thankful that Kelly doesn't push her pregnancy views on her kids. I do feel that Josie's health was not the priority but Kelton's past experience was valued more. Which does upset me. Josie fainted twice during her labor and instead of making sure she was okay. They talked about how Kelton was doing. It didn't sit right with me. I do hope for future pregnancy Josie's health has more valued than Kelton's experience. Anyone who feels different is welcome to but for me I believe that Josie should be the main focus during that time.

    1. I don't think it was 100% about his mom.

    2. I agree with you. However, Kelton did lose his mother during birth so I could understand why there was worry with the experience for him. Next time, hopefully there will be consideration for both of them. I sure hope they stay safe,happy and healthy.

    3. Very well said.
      Especially when it came to her choice of using an epidural and for him to link it to what happened to his mother in front of everyone.

      I truly understand how horrific Kelton’s loss was but to even make a comment on his wife’s choice during labor (and yes they both made the baby but ONLY the woman and her body is going through L&D) AFTER seeing his wife passout and struggle to birth their child.

      He needs to see a grief counselor or something before they have another child.
      It isn’t about anyone else but mother and baby, especially when labor is so long and hard.

      They didn’t want the camera there for certain parts but what was shown was more revealing than anything.

    4. I don’t think for a second it was meant to be shown that only Kelton’s fears and anxiety mattered. I’m sure it was scary for everyone. She was absolutely the priority.

    5. @11:05, Josie fainted twice in labor. If the medical team did not step in and express their concerns nothing would have change. I actually could see from Kelly point of view that she was very concern about her daughter's health. It's sad that what happen to Kelton's mom. But his actions actually created the situation again for Josie. Not everyone reacts the same to an epidural as others. I'm very afraid for Josie with future pregnancies because of Kelton.

    6. Can't an epidural slow down labor? I know it did for me. We don't know why she fainted, either.

  5. The caption should read, “Kelly on Pushing Idears on the Kids” because it is the only way she pronounces it. I’d predict that she says the word “idears” in at least 80% of the shows. Makes my wife and I chuckle every time!

  6. The show was a good one. Hope every one is safe in Tennessee. God Bless.
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  7. I think that she was the main focus. Kelton’s didn’t want Josie to die from giving birth, which is what happened to his mom when she gave birth to his little sister. I believe it was related to the epidural. Something went wrong with his mom when she was given the epidural. So, I totally understand his concerns as well as the rest of the family.

  8. 1:08 - at that point, I agree the emphasis should be on Josie. I feel badly for Kelton, but at the time of childbirth, mother and baby need to be the total focus.

    1. It's not like he was saying she shouldn't get a c-section, which is usually medically necessary. He was concerned with an epidural. I don't think those are ever medically necessary if you're having a vaginal delivery.

  9. I like how respectful Kelly is.

  10. I have no doubt that Josie's health was the main focus. What we see on TV is an edited version of what happened. Kelton's experience was different than most men with the memory of loosing his mother. I just hope that Josie and Kelton will remember the difficult experience and not have one baby right after the other.I do think the birth scenes were handled with class.

  11. Kelly is so loving and supportive to her kids! She seems to have an endless amount of love to give, and I truly am amazed by her. I don't agree with this family's religious beliefs, but I've got nothing but praise for Kelly as a mother.

  12. I think Kelly is such a wonderful mother. She has been blessed by many wonderful kids and grandkids. She seems to have a big heart and also be very understanding of her kids different personalities and respectful of differences.


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