
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Lots of Work but Plenty of Play

Brooklyn Paine

An all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates is coming your way tomorrow evening. It's the perfect evening activity to take part in while you practice social distancing due to coronavirus. Tune in to UPtv at 9pm ET/8pm CT for "First Home and Strict Chaperones."

Tori teaches four of the Bates grandchildren at her apartment. (See the video we posted on Monday.)

Tori Smith, Kade Smith, Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine,
Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates

Josie and Kelton work on renovating their new home, with help from contractor Chad Paine and other family members.

Chad Paine and Kelton Balka
Chad Paine and Kelton Balka

Josie Balka and Lawson Bates
Josie Balka and Lawson Bates

While in town visiting Trace, Chaney is invited to model for Bates Sisters Boutique.

Chaney with Carlin Stewart

Chaney and Trace enjoy a bowling date with chaperones Jeb and Judson.

Jeb Bates, Chaney, Trace Bates

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Photos courtesy of UPtv


  1. That's not a date! It's babysitting your siblings.

    1. Exactly, if my date brought his younger siblings with him I would not go on a date with him again. I am surprised Chaney tolerated it for soo long. This is probably one of the reasons why no Bates boy besides Zach is married, no girls wants to babysit while on a date.

    2. Agreed!
      Also, doesn't this type of "chaperoning" turn the Bates siblings into tattle-tales?

    3. was this same rule not in place for Zach when he was courting?

    4. I think this whole chaperoning business is more counter-productive than anything and also just for appearances. If a couple wants to get to know each other, they need to do so without an audience. If they want to be alone, they'll find a way.

    5. Anonymous at 1:28; Zach and Whitney said they has Josie as their chaperone a lot of the times. I'm sure she would have required a lot less "babysitting" than Judson and Jeb.

  2. MO- Sweet Brooklyn is just precious. I had to smile when I saw her picture at the beginning of the post. :o)

  3. I hope Tori's getting paid to do her preschool. I assume she is, but some people like to take advantage of the "family discount." Same with Chad being Kelton and Josie's contractor. It's great to help family out, but you've got to feed you're own family as well.

  4. I'm not too familiar with the Bates system of chaperones. I always thought that the chaperone was supposed to be the same age or older than the couple. Obviously, I haven't seen this episode yet, but this looks so very odd.

  5. I wish i could see their date even though they didn't stay together.

  6. Nearly 2 months ago is when we heard about Kelton’s new career, and on that same post they said we would soon hear of a new career venture for Josie, but so far haven’t heard anything.....🤔 2 months later doesn’t seem like soon to me, when they already had it brewing....

    1. Maybe her career was being a mom.

    2. She announced several weeks ago. I guess you missed it.

    3. What was her announcement?

    4. 2:51 PM: Josie and a friend have started a wedding day makeup and hair business together. Brides can hire them to take care of their entire wedding party`s beauty needs.

    5. She started a business venture with her friend to do hair and makeup on site for special occasions like weddings.

    6. MO- Oh- Okay. I missed hearing what the new venture was too. Sounds like fun! :o)

  7. Is it any wonder Chaney called off the relationship!?!
    I can’t imagine being in that circumstance with a boy friend.

    1. Lawson, Nathan & Trace are NOT boys, they are men - they should be able to go on a date w/o little kids with them. WHERE IS THE TRUST? Their parents should realize they have raised good children. TRUST is important in all situations.
      Chaperones = means you do not trust you children.

  8. The body language on Chaney in this photo shows her leaning away from Trace. Quite telling. Sure, a couple can really have some 'quality time' together to get to know one another with two little kids going along and never spending ANY time alone.

    1. And people wonder why no bates boy besides Zach is married.

    2. I’ve always had this same opinion but what I find weird is why the guys that date/court the Bates women don’t seem to be bothered by the little kids chaperoning as well.

    3. I really think that BUB should stop airing the Boys relationships. It seems that none of them can move to marriage. They can show other stories besides courting with the boys. Why not show a day of them working and how they're saving money for their future family.

      We always ask what the girls husband does but not Nathan or Lawson.

    4. MO- In my opinion Trace, Lawson, and Nathan need to get a full-time job and a place of their own. They're all smiles for the camera but at their age, having a consistent job. I know they do missionary work, but they can make other helpful contributions at the church for now. They're starting to remind me of the Duggar men. I have 2 son's and trust me, they weren't living at home full-time in their 20's.

    5. Isn't Trace working in law enforcement, hasn't Nathan been teaching flight or something like that, and isn't Lawson in music in Nashville? I though Trace was the only one living at home.

  9. @2:48, I think the guys don’t mind because once they marry they don’t have to adhere to the Bates rules anymore. But if you marry a Bates boy, the girls would have to adhere to the family rules for the rest of their life. And I don’t think any girl would want to marry into a family that is stricter than their own.

    1. If the boys wouldn't have to adhere to the Bates' rules anymore, why would their wife? They always say each family can make their own rules. So you're saying a Bates boy would make a rule that his wife has to follow, but not him? But I agree with your last statement, not too many girls want to marry into that lifestyle.

  10. I don't remember little kids being shown to chaperone. Josie did a lot of it for Whitney & Zach.

  11. I think it would be better all around if they keep their dating or courtships private and off of TV. Airing the details is a good way to sabatoge a relationship. It's awkward enough getting to know someone else's family, let alone with cameras rolling. If it works out, fine. If not, then no one has to be embarrassed or offer up any explanations.


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