
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Meet Kolter Gray Smith

Bobby Smith, Kolter Smith, Tori Smith

Have you heard the news? Tori and Bobby welcomed Kolter Gray Smith on Wednesday. He weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and measured 20 inches long. One thing that was unusual about this birth, compared to past Bates deliveries, is that Bobby was the only family member allowed in the hospital due to coronavirus, which means that little Kolter has not yet met his brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins.

We think Kolter looks just like Kade. The photo above shows the proud parents with newborn Kolter, and the photo below, taken in November 2018, shows Tori and Bobby with newborn Kade.

Tori Smith, Bobby Smith, Kade Smith
Tori Smith, Bobby Smith, Kade Smith

Photos courtesy of Dr. George Vick/The Bates family; UPtv


  1. So happy for you both keep loving that keep loving hard with God in your heart the way you always do!

  2. Glad to hear this happy news. Thanking God for healthy baby and mom. Now take that family and isolate for awhile. God bless us all.

  3. Oh my goodness, Kolter does look so much like Kade! I am so glad that Bobby got to be with Tori for the birth. I have heard that some hospitals are not allowing even the father to be there.

  4. I actually don’t think Kade and Kolter look that much alike. Even from the newborn pic you could tell Kade would look just like Bobby but I’m not getting that vibe from Kolter.

    1. I think they both are a mix, but different. Kade, I think, has his daddy's nose but the eyes and hair is Tori's and Kolter's hair seems to be lighter so I think it's Bobby's hair with Tori's nose, the eyes we don't know yet, time will tell :)

  5. yes he definitely looks like brother

  6. I love how they changed the spelling of his middle name. Kolter Gray looks so much better the Kolter Grey.💙

    1. Grey is British/ Canadian/ Australian spelling so it looks better to us but I'm not surprised an American would use American spelling.

    2. That's funny. I'm an American, and I think Grey looks better.

  7. He does look like Kade,but that's Tori's nose he's got so they will end up looking a little different as Kade looks more like his dad,but they will look fairly alike, wonder if they are planning to use K names for all their kids, did they mention that on the show, I guess they want to honor Kelly.

  8. YAY! So happy for them! I wonder if they plan to name all of their children with a "K" name?!

    1. Well, Kade’s name is technically Robert

  9. I don't think they are going with the letter K because Kade is a nickname, he is named after his father and is the 4 with that name, so they call him Kade as a nickname. I could be wrong just going by his birth certificate name


  10. Congratulations two you both and the whole family

  11. Kade, a nickname for Bobby or Robert??????? Why just not name him Kade. Seems silly to me. Name the kid what is to be his name.

    1. Tori and Bobby explained how they came up with the nickname. I don't remember how they came to it, but I do remember them explaining it.


    2. They didn't say anything about wanting your opinion on naming their child, so how about you keep your ideas to yourself. You can always use them on your own children, dogs, cats, chickens, etc.

    3. Bobby is actually Robert Smith the third. Kade is Robert the fourth. Kade is kind of a play on quad because he’s the fourth

    4. It's a southern thing. Remember Erin's son Carson is a nickname too.

    5. And Lawson’s first name is really William,& Nathan’s is Kenneth!! Just name them what you plan to call them from the beginning!!

  12. Just wanted to wish Tori and Bobby and big brother Kade congratulations on the birth of Kolter Grey he looks so handsome just like his daddy and big brother congratulations again so happy you guys are all happy and healthy. stay safe and healthy

  13. Tori is such a beautiful young woman. I hope we get to see more of Tori and her family this season.

  14. I believe having only the one person most important to the mother should be allowed with her no matter what’s happening in our world!

    1. Are you talking about the hospital? Sounds nice in theory, but your husband/partner might want some back-up if labor goes long. Or what if the mom wants her mom or another woman who has experience as well?


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