
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Missing the Baby Stage

Kade Smith
Soon-to-be older brother
Tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates is all about Bates babies...well, almost. Carlin and Evan Stewart have their first ultrasound, and their doctor reveals some difficult news. Carlin has the same disorder as older sister Erin Paine, which causes concern about the pregnancy. Later, Tori Smith shares a baby announcement of her own during a walk with Josie and Willow Balka. And Gil meets with his doctor to discuss shoulder surgery.

Perfect timing for the video below, as we await news from Tori and Bobby of Kolter Grey Smith's arrival. Coming soon to a computer screen (or smartphone) near you! Most everything in life has been put on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, but births are one event that cannot be delayed. And let's be honest, we could all use some UPlifting news right about now.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Wow, doesn't anyone every have any postpartum depression? Or feel tired of being cooped up by a baby? Or get tired of chasing toddlers?

    1. I know. Most people I know waited quite a while to get pregnant again because the newborn stage was hard. My brother and his wife wanted 3 kids but after 2 they said they definitely didn’t want more. To each their own, I guess, but it is interesting how everyone in this family feels the same way about this.

    2. This family has an abundance of help and financial resources. If they are tired there is always someone to take care of the kids so Mom can take a nap. I don’t think they are ever cooped up as they are always coming and going at the least to each other’s homes. Depression? I don’t know. Doesn’t appear to be a factor, but there is medical help for that. In other words when your entire lives and financial wealth is built on always being energetic , happy, always picture and party ready you will never admit fatigue or depression are actual options.

    3. MO- Exactly! Babies and toddlers are a lot of work. It's clear that these families don't face a lot of the struggles that many parents do. To all the moms out there who have no support and are raising their children at home on their own, hang in there and God Bless You!

    4. @7:15 am, very good point about the help. I hope that Ellie shares this post because ITA with you. I also think for Tori marriage was harder and this is why Bobby left the church and moved back home. By being closer to her family she can get pregnant and have her younger sisters watch the kids. If they move near Bobby's family I don't think they would have the live in help that she craves. I really wish these girls would take some time to enjoy their new lives. They have moved from sharing a room of 8 to now a husband then baby, after baby. Nothing is wrong with having a baby but spend some time with each kid. Let's not repeat the patterns that you mention on the show you missed.

    5. I didn't have an abundance of help or financial resources, but I still loved having 5 babies in 9 years. They were precious, no matter what the difficulties were. Now they're teens and elementary-age kids. My fatigue and other health problems have been frustrating, but they don't outweigh the blessings of having my kids and getting to be their mom. If I had stopped at 2 kids, I would have missed out on 3 wildly creative, musical, artistic, loving, hilarious kids. I can't wait to see what they do as adults.

    6. So sad to hear so many people lament on families who welcome new babies as a gift. Don't even try to analyze them because their outlook as well as mine and millions of others is based on their world view. They view their world through Christ. They don't have to explain or defend their world view so I just can't understand why so many people have to force their worldview on this lovely family. I am always confound by why these folks even follow this family. Maybe the criticss should stick with Teen Mom and the Bachelorette.

    7. To OP (original poster), YES people do have mental health issues after having a baby. It’s ok if you feel that way. I’m giving you a virtual hug 🤗 . The Bates women may not, or they may be having issues that they’re not sharing. Hang in there. Millions and millions of people are struggling with mental health issues like loneliness and depression. You’re not alone.

      Everybody needs to decide what is best for them and their families. Women need to support each other not judge and criticize.

    8. 7:09 Are you saying your "outlook" is superior? I hope you're not saying that in order to be a good Christ follower, you should be open to having as many babies as is possible and be only too happy about it. Limiting your family size does not make a person less Christian. My husband and I love and cherish our two children, but that doesn't mean we aspired to have more than that. These mega-sized TV families have purposely put themselves out in the public arena. Being very fertile is what got them attention in the first place. It stands to reason people will have opinions about them.

  2. yes Baby news sould be lovely

  3. I forgot that Tori is pregnant.


  5. Tori sounded ridiculous about missing a tiny baby. What was she pushing in HER stroller? An adult? Her child was still quite young. I believe these people, like the Duggars, have an emotional disorder regarding babies. It's not healthy.

    1. People can have addictions to all kinds of things that make us feel good, including having babies. The problem comes when we fail to recognize it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to have children. However, to keep having them because you want to experience pregnancy and have a baby in the house is not
      rational. That is the problem I see with these mega-families and the message being sent that more is always merrier. For many people, that is not how it works.

    2. No, no, no, I've had that same feeling with every one of my five babies. I know exactly what she's talking about. The newborn stage is different from an older baby. You get to cuddle them more, they're so tiny (a baby can triple his birth weight by one year), and it's just different. That is not an emotional disorder, neither is it unhealthy. It's natural, and it can actually happen all through the 18 years you have a child. You can enjoy and appreciate them at each age, but there's also a little part of you that misses when they were younger. I have heard many, many moms expressing this, and I don't think you know what you are talking about.

    3. What Tori is describing is something I have heard so many mothers, old and young, express that I think you're not in touch with the reality of the motherhood experience.

    4. Were you not listening to what she was actually saying? Her son isn't a newborn anymore. She was saying she missed the newborn stage when they're tiny.

    5. Tori did sound ridiculous. Her son in the stroller was a young baby!

    6. Did you all actually watch the episode? First of all, Tori said that the stage her son was at was her "favorite," but she also missed the newborn stage. If you have ever had a baby or studied baby development, you know that the newborn stage is different from that of an older baby. Tori talked about some of the milestones that she was enjoying with Kade. Secondly, she went on to tell Josie that she was pregnant again, which is no doubt why newborns were on her mind. Nothing she said was weird or indicative of some sort of emotional disorder. 🙄🙄🙄

  6. Tori doesn't seem like she enjoys little children, judging from the homeschooling clip. Maybe she's more of a baby person?

  7. Haters are just going to hate, as they only wish it could be them!

    1. I would never ever ever ever wish the life that they have. It hasn’t even cross my mind 🤷🏼‍♀️

    2. I don't think that's why people are so negative. I think it's because they don't understand other people.

    3. @7:21, exactly I would never wish for that life either. I am actually very thankful that I wasn’t born into a family like the bates or duggars.

    4. 4:55. I didn’t read anything hateful. Pointing out truths and facts isn’t hateful. Having a differing opinion isn’t hateful. I think it’s valid to point out people can have addictions including pregnancy. That’s doesn’t mean the rest of us “lament” over families having babies. This family does have an abundance of physical and financial help. That doesn’t mean we are jealous. It means most have smaller families do to time and resources. So no haters. Just differences.

  8. Just because a person(s) is family centered it dose not mean they have an emotional disorder. It means they are their own person and have the right to feel however they do. So do on to others as you would want done on to you without looking for reasons to make others feel bad for wanting to add to their family.

    1. 4:47- No one said that being family-centered means you have an emotional disorder. It was simply stated that having babies can possibly become an addiction like anything else can.


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