
Thursday, April 23, 2020

'A Great Bates Getaway' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Great Bates Getaway"

  • During a game of flag football, Trace breaks his finger while grabbing a flag. He is scheduled for surgery on the first day of the Bates’ family vacation in Gatlinburg.
  • Before checking into the cabin, the family spends time at WonderWorks, an entertainment center with science-focused exhibits. “Being the oldest, I’m kind of sentimental about getting everybody altogether,” says Zach. Chaney and Travis are joining in on this year’s vacation, as are Chaney’s two sisters.
  • Gil, Trace, and Chaney arrive. Trace has just gotten out of surgery and has his hand in a cast, and Gil still has his arm in a sling because he is recovering from shoulder surgery.
  • “I think any time you bring someone into the family, everyone feels that it is their duty to be your chaperone,” says Katie. “Sometimes there’s too many.” She and Travis ride a small simulator ride. Some of the Bates give them a hard time, but Kelly assures Gil that the ride is intense enough that they will both be clinging to their seats.
  • Later, everyone arrives at Von Bryan Estates, an 11-bedroom cabin. Kelly and Tori assign rooms. “Oh my word,” says Tori. “I did not know that could be so complicated.” After they complete that task, it’s time to bring in the groceries and start cooking. “It’s like a full-blown restaurant to feed an army,” says Nathan.
  • That evening, the kids and grandkids gather to shower Kelly, whose birth is the following day, with gifts. Per Bates family tradition, they all take turns sharing praises. “One of my favorite family traditions is on a birthday, we all get together and we talk about what that person has really meant to us in our lives,” says Lawson.
  • “I just want to say that you are definitely the most giving mom,” says Callie. “And you are always wanting to give. You’re never wanting to get yourself stuff, and you’re never mean about anything.” Kelton, Brandon, and Bobby bring in three birthday cakes for “Mama B.” Kelly says that her heart is full.
  • The next day, chaos ensues as everyone scrambles to get ready on time so they can make it to Anakeesta, a little mountain “town” accessed via chairlift.
  • The moms and little children enjoy lunch, while everyone else goes walking through the woods on rope bridges. “It is chaotic, but organized chaos, I guess,” says Travis, who is having a lot of fun.
  • During a family picture, taken by one of Chaney’s sisters, Tori and Bobby release blue confetti to announce the gender of their second child. “What a way to surprise everybody!” says Kelly. “I did not see this one coming.”


  1. I enjoyed this one, I think it should’ve been an hour long episode! I’ve been watching reruns of the show lately. Comparing the family from just 5 years ago is wild. They’ve all grown so much,

  2. I enjoyed the show tonight as always, I wish they could be hour long episodes! I'm sure you have enough content! Please consider, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Stay safe everyone. Hugs and much love to all!

  3. Good episode - but we've talked about this before - Please do not have in-episode commercials. They are not good.

    1. Haven't seen this episode yet, but I agree with you.

    2. What was the commercial about this time?

    3. It generates revenue for them. I doubt they care what viewers think about it.

    4. Let's hope they care what their viewers think! Viewers are the Bates "bread and butter". Without viewers, they don't have a show.

    5. Exactly, Anonymous April 26, 2020 at 11:45 AM!!! No viewers, no money and no show!

  4. The placement of product advertising is beyond ridiculous. If you are familiar with the placement products you are paid for them.

  5. Hi Lily and Ellie,

    I loved this episode so so much. Thanks for the recap. Do you know what Jackson is going to college for and what some of the younger kids are up to?

  6. I find the commercials comical, if not annoying.... kind of like a Where’s Waldo
    In the middle of a favorite show. I’d have to watch the episode again to be sure, but I think there were a few more commercials woven in there too!!

  7. The placement ads are ridiculous. If they're going to do those then make the show a hour with no commercials It's clear that the Bates are being paid to do those.

    Ellie, this is the third time that I have sent this comment.

    1. Hi Anonymous April 24 9:30 AM,

      Maybe they are but maybe they aren’t. In my opinion it wasn’t very nice to tell Ellie that you had sent the comment in three times maybe she didn’t see it and maybe she did see it and didn’t feel it was right to post. As it says at the bottom: Thanks for leaving your comment! Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or poor in taste. I apologize if anyone takes my comment offensive but I just didn’t feel right about this individual saying that.

      God Bless Stay Safe and Healthy!


  8. Yeah that toothpaste “commercial” was cringeworthy.

  9. I so agree about those product push times. Makes it feel cheap and worldly. Guess UPTV doesn’t listen. Distasteful
    I also agree about hour-long episodes. Somethings just need longer to play out!

    1. Isn't television all by itself a "cheap and worldly" venture? It's all about making money, any way you slice it.

    2. I thought the Bates would strive for higher standards regarding their TV show. Guess not-it's all about the money for them too. Very disappointing.

  10. Another commercial embedded in the show. I really do not care for that. It is one thing to see a brand if they are unpacking groceries or such, but to feature a product so prominently is not something I personally want to see. I guess it gets them more money.

  11. MUST become an hour show OR keep them on one topic - too much jumping round. Agree - no place for advertising a product.

  12. If this show moved to one hour, they would just waste time 'recapping' and fill with nonsense scenes. I would prefer that if it were 30 minutes OR 60 minutes that they keep the 'meat' of the episode intact and quit the nonsense fillers.

  13. I, too, would like the show go to an hour. It ends so fast. Some things seem left up in the air. And I don’t mind the embedded commercials.The Bates do their best to make it fairly seamless. Plus I kind of like the “ Where’s Waldo” of it. It beats breaking away for 5 minutes worth of ads for a 3 minute show spot.

  14. Just curious does anyone know who to contact about renting the enormous cabin they rented in Gatlinburg? I have tried to google for information but am coming up with nothing...


Thanks for leaving your comments! Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.