
Thursday, April 16, 2020

'A Pizza Katie's Heart' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Pizza Katie's Heart"

  • Erin, Whitney, Tori, and Carlin arrive at the doctor’s office for ultrasounds, with Kelly attending for support. Whitney is thrilled to find out that Khloe has hair. Erin also wants to know if Holland has hair, and she also asks the technician how big her nose is.
  • Carlin thinks Layla looks like a blob, until she sees her sweet little hand. Tori’s baby is even tinier, approximately 2.5 inches.
  • Dr. Vick informs Tori that she has the same blood disorder as Erin and Carlin. She wasn’t tested during her last pregnancy because she lived in Nashville and wasn’t under the care of Dr. Vick, although the condition can apparently be different with each pregnancy. “It’s very nice that Erin and Carlin are doing it too because I’m not by myself,” says Tori.
  • Later, Gil and Kelly have the local grandchildren over for a sleepover in their living room, while the couples go out on a date. Gil is still recovering from shoulder surgery. “Being the oldest girl at home now, I think any time Mom decides to have any sleepovers with all the grandkids, I somehow get roped into helping with these, which, I don’t mind a ton,” says Katie. “Only, the thing is, I do have early classes, so I try to get them in bed early.”
  • “Getting to go on a couples’ date is something I’ve been looking forward to,” says Michael. “It’s kind of a rarity, so having a chance to do this all together is just super exciting.”
  • “There’s a lot of energy,” says Katie. “I’m very thankful that I’ve got Addie and Ellie and Katie to help, but the real deal is, this is giving a good coverup to pull a big surprise on Katie.”
  • Katie’s “friend,” Travis Clark, shows up at the door with pink roses and pizza. Katie is floored. “I don’t know how to deal with surprises very well,” she admits. Katie and Travis started messaging a few months ago after being introduced by mutual friends. They connected well, so Katie and her parents have already been up to New Jersey to meet Travis’ family.
  • The next day, Travis and his sister Kayla go out to lunch with Katie, Kelly, and a few other Bates family members. Travis gives Katie a birthday present: a beautiful gift box that contains photos of the two of them, plus a pink ball hat and a few other goodies.
  • Kelly invites Travis on the Bates’ upcoming vacation to Gatlinburg. “…When you’re on family vacation, you learn a whole lot of secrets,” laughs Kelly.
  • Lawson jokes that he will be bringing his girlfriend on vacation. “If you bring a girlfriend, we will all celebrate,” says Kelly.
  • “Well, you guys are young, so hopefully this relationship is in it for the long haul,” says Kelly during lunch.
  • Travis also plans for the group to get ice cream at Cruze Farms, Katie’s favorite place. “If you want to win Katie, it’s pretty simple,” says Carlin. “Literally just give her pizza and ice cream, and she’s happy.” Katie is shocked that Travis will only eat vanilla.
  • After ice cream, they play “putt-putt,” which is mini-golf. Travis tries to help Katie, who admits that she is doing bad.
  • “We don’t want to rush any of our children into a relationship, but it is exciting when you meet somebody and you know that there’s something special, there’s something different about this person,” says Kelly. “Enjoy this time of being friends, get to know each other, hug…” “Hug?!” Gil exclaims. “Well, wait on the hugging.”


  1. I missed the program tonight so I do appreciate the show summery. Ellie, thank you so much for keeping us posted on the Duggar’s and Bates and for your blog. It’s a fun break during this stay-at-home time.

  2. Don't the Bates boys help at all with the grandkids? They weren't even mentioned.

    1. @10:11-I doubt it. We never see male children helping to care for the little ones!

    2. They were. I watched it and Isaiah was helping quite a bit. They are all trained well!

  3. I am quite disappointed in this episode, the way these Bates ladies are using ultrasound. I always thought an ultrasound was to detect problems the fetus was undergoing, such as heart defect, cystic fibrosis, kidney, or a problem in the brain. Ultrasound can be used to determine the age and position of the baby as well. As a medical test, ultrasound helps doctors offer medical care to the unborn. It also helps parents prepare for a child who may have special needs.
    I was quite alarmed to hear that the Bates ladies are using ultrasound to check out their babies' hair and noses.
    I hope the Bates ladies know that ultrasound isn't 100% safe. There are medical studies questioning it's possible role in autism.

    1. Did you watch the episode? The ultrasounds were done at the doctor's office. The medical personnel look for medical issues, the parents look for recognizable features while the tech is doing the ultrasound. I highly doubt a medical office would let women, especially a whole group of them, come in and use up office time on just looking at baby's features.

    2. I'm the opinion writer: I don't like the premise of this at all. Yes, I knew they were at the doctor's office. Actually, that makes it worse. Total lack of professionalism of the staff.
      And yes, I've had ultrasounds. My reasons: breech position of one baby and chance of cystic fibrosis in another. Serious stuff!! No time to look at hair or noses.

  4. I did see one of the middle boys in the background in one shot. Guessing the 3 boys were there but not featured since focus was on Katie

  5. Don't push ice cream into Travis' face. That is rude and immature. Think how he feels, especially being the new guy with a huge group of prospective in-laws.

    1. Watch his reaction. He doesn't look upset. He looked surprised, and then he bent over laughing. I have a feeling it didn't bother him as much as some here.

  6. Several of them work, so why mention them if they weren't home? The little boys might be of some help or they might create more chaos.

  7. I hope Travis and Katie will take lots of time before they consider getting into anything more serious.

    1. @4:48-I don’t believe any Bates understands taking time in a relationship! So, this one will progress quickly, too!

    2. You must be forgetting about Michaella.

  8. Don’t want to rush their kids into relationships? I feel like the main focus of the show is the kids’ new relationships.
    I think Kelly has asked a lot of daughters to help raise the kids and now the grandkids.
    So the trip to the mountains last fall was what, their fifth date?

  9. I could not believe how immature this girl, Katie, is. She behaved like a child. Did she actually try to smash the ice cream cone in that guy's face? Why did he not get the vanilla cone he ordered? She does not respect others' preferences. If the guy only eats vanilla, she should not have behaved as she did. Sorry, but NONE OF THESE GIRLS were ready for marriage when they married. They all acted like what they were....young girls with their first 'boyfriend'. Yet they are made to court, engage, marry and reproduce. Katie needs time and experience handling relationships like most people do and they manage to stay 'pure' for their weddings too. The Bates just don't trust their own children. Was it really necessary for that crowd of people to go out with them? No, not really. The more people around, the more distractions and noise. The two can't spend any quality time with each other. Adding to the issue is that this young man does not live locally. Those two will never know each other, really.

    1. I think your comments are a bit harsh, but I fundamentally agree with your opinion that too much emphasis is placed on chaperoning these young people, to the point where I question just how well they can get to know anyone they're dating. It sounds like the oldest son had the best situation where he first got to know his wife on is own, away from the commotion of the family. It's interesting that the young men have had failed relationships, but the daughters marry their very first boyfriend.

    2. What are you talking about? He got his vanilla ice cream. It was just called something else And she didn't "smash" it in his face like I thought she was going to do. She barely nudged it. I for one, think Katie is very mature, like Josie. Carlin, is the immature one if yask me. me.

    3. I would have to disagree with you both. I think it is a true blessing from God that the Bates’ ladies married their first boyfriend and stay “pure” until marriage. The Bates’ are a Godly family. They give chaperones because no matter the person temptation still will arise no matter what the the circumstances are. As sad as it is to say many don’t wait until their wedding to stay pure. Katie and Travis seemed to have a lot of fun even with that many people and I am sure that it is not always that many people to go dates with them. The whole vacation thing to, like Kelly said Travis would get to meet most of the Family which is great and Katie didn’t smash the ice cream cone in his face it was a very tiny nudge. Which everyone thought was funny. I thought of it kind of cute that they play around and have fun with lots of humor. I am sure they will take their time and God will lead them in what they should do. I hate to see so many harsh comments on this blog. I hope that no one takes offense to my comment.

      God Bless!

    4. 1:26 What about the Bates' sons? By your logic, they all should have married their first girlfriend, which none of them have done. In fact, only one of them is married. Are their different rules and expectations for males? I have a hunch that in their career pursuits of music and aviation, they've been exposed to countless temptations with no chaperones keeping a watchful eye. Some of these inconsistencies are rather puzzling.

    5. Hi 9:30 AM,

      I would say the same thing about the sons. I am not sure why the Bates’ sons have had failed courtships. I agree with you about temptation arising and I am sure it has but the only two guys that I know of are Lawson and Nathan that have the careers that leaded them away from home. It would have been great for them to marry their first girlfriend but maybe it wasn’t Gods plan. What I was saying about I think it’s great that the Bates’ ladies have married their first boyfriend is that they found someone that treats them like they should be treated provides and serves the Lord. They didn’t have to go through heartbreak. That is all that I was saying. I hope no one takes offense to my comment!

      God Bless, Stay Safe, and Stay Healthy!

  10. Kelly is certainly in there pushing Katie and Travis together, isn't she? She said she wants this to be long term and is already inviting him to go on family vacations with them so "all kinds of secrets come out". Jeez, Kelly, let them be young for a while. Any Katie pushing ice cream in his face is so very immature. They need time to grow up before getting serious, but of course we know they are already courting. It just isn't show in this episode.

    1. She said "you learn a whole lot of family secrets." Whose family is she talking about? Hers. In other words, he would learn what their family was really like. That is actually a really important thing to do if you're looking at a potential lifelong connection to any family.

  11. 6:50am. I agree with you. Thank you.

  12. I agree with the comments above. I was so uncomfortable just watching this episode, for so many reasons throughout the entire show.

  13. The red flags are waving clearly in this relationship. Time to slow down and do some reflection on a much slower going forward or taking a time-out to mature.

  14. I finally got to watch the show. I have to agree with those who say Katie acted so immature. It started when he came and she ran off. Toddlers do that! And it just got worse. She seems to have to be the center of attention, and her showing off is so obvious. If everything centers on Katie, I hope Travis understands what he is getting into. And I hope the Bates will actually take some time to get to actually know Travis. But it probably won’t happen on family vacation.

  15. I love the Bates family and have been a long time fan of their show. But I have found myself longing for the simplicity and humility of their earlier seasons recently. Every show now seems so staged and produced -- a birthday lunch, ice cream, and putt putt. The real every day moments have become few and far between it seems like, which is a shame because those relatable moments were what I found most encouraging. Your viewers aren't only watching for the next courtship, wedding, or baby! We appreciate the little moments that we can all relate to in every day life. There is such an opportunity for honesty and encouragement here when we share the challenging things, as well as the happy times. And sometimes what seems like the most mundane part of every day life can be the most interesting.

    1. A birthday lunch, ice cream, and mini golf are hardly over the top. That doesn't seem like an unusual birthday celebration at all.

  16. His reaction to the ice cream in his face was what is was supposed to be....the courting guy has to accept with 'humor' anything the girl does or the family does to him. Otherwise, he would be eliminated from consideration to court the girl. They have to show calmness, good humor and being a good sport. They all have said just how much they are watched while courting and they can finally relax and be themselves AFTER the wedding. There is so much wrong with this philosophy.

    1. All of their time together isn’t filmed. The Clark family sang at our church last September. Kelly and Katie came to see Travis. There were no cameras and no extra family members. They were able to spend time getting to know each other. Don’t assume that what we see is everything that happens. The couples spend a lot of time together that isn’t filmed.

  17. Gil and Kelly have the local grandchildren over for a sleepover in their living room, which 7 of 10 grandchildren at the time, because the 4 youngest grandchildren have not been born yet. because it was before November 2019 when grand-kids # 11 and #12 were born


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