
Monday, April 13, 2020

Bates Baby Ultrasound Party

Kelly Bates, Carlin Stewart, Erin Paine, Tori Smith, Whitney Bates
Kelly Bates, Carlin Stewart, Erin Paine, Tori Smith, Whitney Bates
 Bates baby ultrasound party

It's a party! An ultrasound party, that is. In this sneak peek of Thursday's episode, the pregnant Bates ladies are able to see their babies on the big screen.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. What are the Bates going to do today? I know! Have a party. Honestly, is there anything of value left? It’s all just one run-on party.

    1. MO- That was my thought exactly! It gets old- :o)

    2. Why does what they do, party or anything, effect you so much? Live and let live. I love their positivity and the way they include everyone in their lives.

    3. I have to wonder if this wasn't an idea hatched by UPTV and they foot the bill for the ultrasounds, so they'd have some content to film.

  2. Ultrasound party? Well, that’s a new one.

  3. I’m amazed at how commonplace ultrasounds have become. When I had a baby, 32 years ago, they were only routinely given to older pregnant women, or if they suspected a problem. I was healthy and in my 20s, with excellent prenatal care, and ultrasounds were never even mentioned during the course of my pregnancy.
    I don’t have an opinion one way or another, though I do wish more people would wait until birth to find out if it’s a boy or girl. There is something so uniquely special about that moment, and I don’t think finding out from a technician or in a Drs office can compare to it.
    Really, I just think it’s interesting how quickly things change in medicine.

    1. I always thought that way about finding out at birth. Until after my first one. From then on, we always asked to find out the gender. It was just way more practical to know whether to have girl or boy things ready ahead of time.

    2. Ultrasounds are not just for finding out the sex of the baby...that is one small detail. You find out the placement of the placenta (issues with the placenta placement can led to complications and even death for baby and or/mother). You can find out if you're having multiples, can check on the heart and other organs, and can find out if there are any medical conditions present for baby/babies and/or the mother. You can have specialists on hand at the baby's/babies' birth to help increase the chance for a healthy start. Ultrasounds are a wonderful technology. New types of technology and medical care can be a wonderful thing.

    3. 10:51 am: I'm not sure the Bates women are using the ultrasounds in the manner you describe.
      Years ago, I had an ultrasound with my third baby. The doctor suspected the baby was in breech position but we needed to know for sure. Yep, breech position was confirmed on the screen. As the doctor moved lower on the baby, he asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby. I said, "No, I want a surprise at delivery"- two weeks later, I delivered a boy. It was a surprise after having 2 girls.

  4. Not very many families that would have that many grand babies on the way at any given time, so why not have an ultrasound party!?! 😊

  5. How fun is that? My sister and I were pregnant at the same time once, and it was extra special to be going through that together. We even gave birth within a couple weeks of each other. It would have been SO fun to do ultrasounds at the same time.

  6. Why do they go to a vanity ultrasound place? They should have competently educated and trained prenatal care and that professional's office performs a MEDICAL ultrasound. These 'businesses' they go to offer no medical evaluation; only entertainment to see 'what you're going to have'. Silly of these 'still emotional girls' to do so. Where do they all get the money for this?

    1. Agree. They’re all treated by Dr. Vick... why don’t they go get ultrasounds from him?

    2. @11:52-probably because Dr. Vick is a medical doctor and a professional. The Ultrasound “store” they had their party at is a business with probably more flexible standards.

    3. Their husbands work, their show and their online boutique all provide income.

    4. They probably had ultrasound through their doctor's office, but what doctor's office will let three of you have an ultrasound party? They wanted to DDT o this together.

    5. How do you know they didn't get ultrasounds for medical reasons at another time?

    6. They were at Dr. Vick’s office. An ultrasound tech at the office did the ultrasounds, then Dr. Vick came to see them after that.

    7. I went and did the business ones with 2 of my 4 kids. We went the first time because it was my ex's grandmother's birthday. The happy tears she cried being able to look at her great grandson in my belly and seeing him in the 3d ultrasound made it all worth it. The youngest I did it because my doctor didn't plan on doing anymore and I felt like they got the gender wrong and was concerned I didn't have the right things so since I worked and had the money I made an appointment and went. It was amazing to see my sweet babies face and get confirmation on the gender.

  7. Sounds like fun!

  8. It’s their life and I guess there’s nothing wrong with an ultrasound party, but I’m curious as to why these women wouldn’t have preferred this experience to be with their husbands. I would have thought having the father of their children seeing the ultrasound would have been more special...

    1. @6:58- the husbands may have come in prior or after the gang ultrasound.

  9. I (we) like the Bates, fans like keeping up to date, but PLEASE can we see something about Jackson, Warden, Isaiha and so on. Seems if a daughter is not courting or getting engaged, married, having a baby - including gender reveal
    & now an ultrasound party they do not talk about much else. Oh, and the showers - enough.
    Please so not to let the show get stale. . . we WANT to hear about all the children.

  10. How could that girl, (don't remember which sister, Tori?) not have known to have herself tested for the clotting disorder with her first child? This family stumbles all over one another and know each others' business. You mean to tell me that she did not know about this genetic possibility? Of course she did. Kelly didn't tell her daughter? Of course she did. So how was that statement that she didn't know to get tested for it believable? These people never cease to amaze me.

    1. Carlin. It was Carlin. She was pregnant quickly after marriage, and maybe it just got overlooked or forgotten in the busyness and newness of getting settled.

    2. Since there have been several pregnant sisters and only one with the clotting disorders, it probably just didn't occur to Carlin that it could be an issue for her too. No need to overanalyze the family.


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