
Friday, April 3, 2020

Bigger [Courtships] in Texas

Zach Bates, Whitney Bates, Kaci Bates
Zach Bates, Whitney Bates, Kaci Bates
"It would make me very nervous if I was Trace. As big as all of the courtship things have been back in Tennessee, you know that everything has to be bigger in Texas."

"Always make sure it's around food. A girl hungry is hanger problems."

Zach has some pretty good advice for Trace as he prepares to ask Chaney to be his girlfriend (see video below). And while Lawson and Nathan would like to offer their words of wisdom, as well, Trace says he would rather listen to someone who as "made it all the way through."

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Something tells me that Nathan and Lawson have plenty of dates and no shortage of girlfriends, but they've learned to keep quiet about it.

    1. I agree with you and I don’t blame them for keeping their private life private!

    2. I agree. When Bradley said "Jessica", I thought that must be someone that Nathan is dating, or Lawson, and those two guys are keeping it quiet and not introducing Jessica on TV!!!!

    3. I have a hunch they're forgoing the chaperone plan as well. If so, good for them! Grown adults don't need to be followed around by their younger siblings.

  2. This was a sad one to watch. Cheney & Trace did seem like a good match. I also liked that he kept the courtship “proposal” simple and sweet.

    1. I know! I'm just getting to watch it, and I was thinking what a shame it was that they didn't make it. They seem so right for each other (yes, I know we don't see the whole story).

  3. Let's all request UP channel that the Bates should be an hour long🤗

  4. What does : "A girl hungry is hanger problems" mean? I have never heard such a statement.
    So, he would like Chaney to be his girlfriend? Why is this such a big, family event? Every day people are asked if they would like to date someone. These families blow everything out of proportion...things good and bad. Wow, Chaney's family sure live in a beautiful and expensive house. What does her father do for a living? The Bates family have never seen such a grand home, IMO. If it were not for Jim Bob Duggar and TLC, the Bates would still live in that run down, all to small shack they originally had and that we saw on TV. Too bad it didn't work out for these two. Trace would do better to have left Tennessee and joined HER family.

    1. Yikes, what a comment.

    2. Why so bitter and speaking such hateful words about their home? Really, ma'am.

    3. That’s pretty shallow to say trace would be better off leaving TN to join her family in her big house. You can have a very happy, fulfilling life in a small house full of people and love!

    4. Wow. To address only one of your points, I would be honored to have a man make a deal out of asking me to be his girlfriend. It should be special. I could do without all the onlookers, though.

  5. I really liked that Trace treated Cheney with respect and sweetness. Anyone who is willing to let God lead them the down road to what is really waiting for them is a Man of faith and hope for a true Man's standing!

    1. 10:43- The romance didn't work out. Does that mean Trace was following the wrong road and wasn't willing to let God lead him?

  6. Anyone? What does “A hungry girl is a hanger girl,” mean? I haven’t heard that one.

    1. They are combining hungry and angry. Some people tend to get grumpy or angry when they are hungry.

    2. Anger from being hungry. He probably meant to say hangry. Hungry-angry

    3. They meet “hangry”. Being over hungry makes some people angry; the combination equals “hangry!

    4. “Hangry” is a new word for a combination of hunger and angry. You know how you get grumpy when you’re really hungry? 😂 that’s hangry!

  7. hanger is just hungry and anger put together. where i'm from the correct term is "hangry". Hunger and angry. The joke is that when you're hungry you tend to be more angry and less tolerable of people

  8. Hanger means a combination of hungry and anger. The anger caused by being hungry

    1. Thanks for the explanation, everyone. I wouldn’t have come up with that answer on my own.

  9. My feeling is- maybe Chaney's parents felt overwhelmed by Trace & his parents coming down to Chase's home to "ask" in such a formal way to "officially" date her. Could it be they felt things going way to fast? We all know the routine- this leads to marriage very quickly. Could it be they do not want that for their daughter at this point in her life?! PLUS we all know- when you marry into the Bates family, the focus is on their family. Maybe they want their daughter to stay near them. You have to be willing to give up a lot to join in this family. Probably was not for Chaney in the end.

    1. Or maybe Chaney decided it for herself. Why so much focus or concentration on what her family may have wanted. I think she was 20.

  10. All it means is that it wasn't what God had planned for them at the time and where they were at in life. I think that for Trace and Cheney God has something else for them right now and no one will know what that will lead until God wants us to.

    1. 5:29- The circular arguments that many religious folks rely on to explain why things do or don't happen does not stand to reason, because no matter what happens to them, it was always in God's plan. IMO, we are all living our lives while being at the mercy of time, chance and our OWN choices. I've known a lot of people who thought they were following God's will in some capacity, but yet it blew up in their face. They then rationalized that God planned that, too! Makes my head spin.


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