
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Chad Turns 33

Happy 33rd birthday to Chad!

Chad Paine, Holland Paine, Everly Paine, Erin Paine  Brooklyn Paine, Carson Paine
Chad Paine, Holland Paine, Everly Paine, Erin Paine
Brooklyn Paine, Carson Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy Birthday Chad! Praying for a year full of God's Love,Health, Strength, Peace and Joy! I thank God for you being a great role model for young men! May your day be everything you desire it to be!!

  2. I wish I could say he looks good for his age, but he seems to have aged very rapidly. He looks really, really tired.

    1. Erin always says “Chad will do it” without even asking him if he’s willing or able to do it. I bet that has a lot to do with the fact that he’s aged.

    2. Wow, didn't your mother ever teach you manners such as "if you can't say something nice (encouraging) then don't say anything at all. I've been around on earth a long time and I find that miserable people make negative comments because as the saying goes"misery loves company "
      Chad I think you look handsome and I admire your family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May God bless you mega!

    3. He looks fine, but yes, I think the pressure of becoming a Bates has aged him.

    4. Probably because he has so many kids that are so close in age.

    5. He totally looks his age.

    6. He has 4 small kids! He looks great!

    7. I would look tired too with 4 kids, that’s a lot. A lot of energy.

  3. I think Erin would do better going back to her natural brown.

    1. I don't remember seeing her as a natural brown,her children are blond so she must be a natural blond.

    2. She is a natural blonde, it’s just a darker blonde.

    3. It's pretty clear, if you look at her roots, that her hair is brown. She may have been blond as a child.

    4. How many adult women, pushing 30, are natural blonds? Erin's hair is brown, and all that harsh dye is drying it out.

    5. Yea, I think πŸ€” she’s a natural blonde too.... I don’t remember ever seeing her with brown hair

    6. If you go back and look at old pictures of her, like way back when they were growing up and into her teens, it's a golden brown. Definitely blonder and lighter than some of her sisters.

    7. Yeah she has been more of a Dirty Blonde...

    8. Erin's hair is lighter than Brooklyn's. It's clear she colors it, nothing wrong with that.

  4. Chad does look really tired lately. I’m glad he is there for his family but perhaps Erin should insist that he rest more

  5. Wow, didn't your mother ever teach you manners such as "if you can't say something nice (encouraging) then don't say anything at all. I've been around on earth a long time and I find that miserable people make negative comments because as the saying goes"misery loves company "
    Chad I think you look handsome and I admire your family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    Erin, your hair is beautiful. You are beautiful.
    May God bless you mega!

    1. You might not like that people are commenting on Chad looking tired but did you ever consider they are just worried about him? Especially with Erin’s comments about “Chad always doing the work she wants done.” They’ve put themselves in the public eye so like it or not people are going to have their opinions.

    2. MO- Yes, this family has agreed to being filmed for everyone to see and this is a site to post opinions. Did your Mother teach you not to give your opinion if asked? Or only comment if you agree 100% with someone, otherwise be quiet? I see nothing wrong with 11:16 AM's opinion. :o(

    3. No one asked for anyone's opinion on whether he looks tired or even how he looks at all, actually.

  6. I think they both look great. I hope he has a great day and gets to enjoy things and people he loves.

  7. Happy 33rd birthday Chad. You are a very Godly young man and a role model husband and father. You deserve a great day!

  8. Happy Birthday Chad! You are a great role model on Bringing Up Bates.
    I hope you enjoyed your special day.

  9. Hope you have a happy,healthy and safe 33 rd birthday today wishing you many more

  10. I don't understand why they push to have so many kids right away. They all look the same age! Erin should really reconsider her health before having another baby; it really isn't safe for her to have so many kids in a short period of time. They should space their kids out more. It looks like a lot of work. I would never do that.

    1. It's ok to state what you personally would or would not do with your life, but it's crossing a line when telling someone else what they're doing wrong or what they should do differently.

    2. Erin’s mom had her kids that close or closer in age, and even had 19 pregnancies, (!) and we don’t hear of her having any health issues period, never mind to do with having too many children or too close together

    3. I would never do that . . . That explains the rest of the comment. Personal choice, personal willingness to take the consequences that come with one's choices. Some are willing to give up things to be parents, some are not.

    4. It's not pushing, it's doing things the natural way. Actually the opposite of pushing.

    5. I just left a similar comment without even seeing yours first! They look like quadruplets, don’t they? What’s the rush?? OB/GYNs recommend at the VERY least 12 months before trying for another, better yet at least 18 months.

      The body has to heal a LOT after giving birth. Most importantly, the contents of one’s blood need around a year to replenish. White blood cells, red blood cells, and many other factors, need quite some time to resume normal functioning.

      It’s just not wise to have so many back to back.

      Not to mention the stress—she must have a TON of help!

  11. I think they both look like a beautiful and young couple! I admire them for all the hard work they do! Chad is a wonderful dad and such a hard worker, he makes beautiful furniture! And Erin is such a good cook and a wonderful piano player! And they love the Lord and they love each other and their family and that’s what matters the most!πŸ€—‼️

  12. Happy Birthday Chad!

  13. Happy Birthday Chad! May God richly bless you in health and spirit this coming year. You are such a role-model for fathers!

  14. I think they look great! I’m 41, and I think they look great for their age. I had my kids young, I’m 41, and have an 18 year old, 21 year old and a 25 year old stepdaughter and 3 grandbabies. So it’s crazy seeing people only 8 years younger than me having babies, and I’ve got grandbabies already! I think they are a beautiful couple and have cute babies together

    1. Erin and Chad could have grandbabies in 15 years themselves!

    2. I became a mother for the first time at age 42. You must think that's really crazy! I don't think it's crazy at all- I appreciated having some life experience behind me. However, we live in a world with lots of diversity- different strokes for different folks kind of thing, whatever works for you, etc, etc.

    3. Is it a race or something?

    4. Why would you think it's a race? No one has mentioned anything that would indicate anyone is competing against anyone else.

    5. 10:15. The comment , “I’ve got grand babies already!” implies that the Paines are lagging behind, which is ridiculous.

    6. 4:49, that is not what she was implying. Read it again.

  15. Lovely family - Happy Birthday Chad.

    "We" fan have watched Chas since he was quite young. . . .ALL of us age. He looks great and is such a nice soft spoken man - I really admire that quality/personality.

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAD Have a day of joy and a year of happiness and blessings.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  17. I hope Erin allowed you to rest and spoiled you on your Birthday!!!

  18. He is a lovely man, hope he had a Good day!

  19. Goodness gracious, they’re kids are SO close together. WHY?! Take your time!

    1. After 3 miscarriages, they must be thrilled to have their four beautiful children.

    2. Haha! The Bates family doesn’t seem to care how their children are spaced; remember, they leave it all up to God’s timing!

  20. So which kids do you think shouldn't have been born?

  21. Wow! Poor Chad. He needs to set some boundaries with Erin.

    1. Maybe he does and we just don't know about it because they don't tell us everything.

  22. To have a husband like that...and a wife like that ...and a family like that, would be wonderful, I'm happy for them, they certainly look happy to meπŸ˜‡In fact their whole family looks extremely happy to me,nuthin but love all around❤πŸ’™πŸ’›


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