
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Gil's Last Words

Gil Bates
Prepping for shoulder surgery

"Every time something like this happens, it makes me think about all the things that I haven't done. And I love you."
-Gil Bates to Kelly Jo

In addition to the Balkas' first anniversary date, the Keilens' babysitting experience with Willow, a Bates family game night, and the Smiths' big announcement, you'll also see Gil's shoulder surgery on tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates. And you probably won't be surprised to see him get a bit emotional as he sends a video to the kids just minutes before the start of his procedure (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Due to being a bit clumsy mixed with a bit adventurous I have had the unpleasant experience of breaking a few bones, which then required a few surgeries. I have never had a nose cannula for oxygen prior to the surgery. Obviously Gil is fine because these posts are not current time, and I’m happy he is ok. But I’m just curious as to the extra help required.

  2. Oh, my gosh! 'Gil's Last Words'?!?!?!??!?!! That scared the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of me before I clicked on the post. 😂 I thought he was dying, and the picture of him in a hospital bed didn't help at all. 🤣😂

  3. Gil is such a sweet father & husband❤️ I’m so grateful to God that he made it through the surgery ok. I know how rough that can be.

  4. That is SO sweet! Every Dad or Mom should do this for their kids when faced with anything hard.

  5. Oh my gosh...I am kind of surprised he selected those words with his family. I always thought his faith would lead him to be more positive. His emotional conversation brought tears to my eyes.

    1. More positive? He said he knew the Lord was going to work everything out. That sounds positive to me. At the same time, you never know what can happen, so it's the loving thing to do to make sure your family knows where important papers are and for them to hear that you love them.

    2. I guess I didn’t hear the part about the Lord; sorry. Of course, it’s important to have all your important papers/accounts in order. However, when you have young children; gently wording your feelings/instructions is equally important to protect their little feelings.

    3. They didn't tell us what he said to anyone in specific. I'm sure he was age-appropriate.

  6. Had to have been the meds!!!

  7. He is such a sentimental man... my dad would be like that

  8. This makes me think of of my own dad's very last words to us before he passed away- it was a cold March and he reminded us that we needed to have propane delivered!

  9. How was it not positive? We should all take the opportunity to tell the people in our lives that we love them. On another note, the nerve block is a blessing.


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