
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Lawson the Pilot

Another Bates has earned his wings! Lawson is officially a pilot. Congratulations! As most of you know, Nathan Bates is a pilot and flight instructor. When you want to get your pilots license, what better way to accomplish that goal than to have your brother teach you?

Pilot Lawson Bates
Pilot Lawson Bates

Photo courtesy


  1. Way to go Bates Family, good kids, a family that loves, and is always ready to learn something new. Way to go Lawson.

  2. MO- Now that he's a pilot, what kind of a job will Lawson be getting to use his flying licence? Is Nathan a certified flight instructor? If so, that must be his full-time job I guess? Lawson's lessons from Nathan are free I'm sure but air-time adds up $ wise. Maybe Lawson does well enough from his records that he can have a hobby such as being a pilot, I don't know how popular of a singer he is. Or do the Bates own an airplane? Just wondering all these things- :o)

    1. I thought perhaps he got a pilot's license to fly to his different performances. Personally, I think there are a lot of personal questions being asked. I'm glad Lawson's not my son; I would not be happy. And, I'm certain that Nathan is certified; otherwise he would not be permitted to teach. There are rules about those things. Congrats Lawson!

    2. MO- This family has chosen to put their life "out there" on TV and are getting paid to do it. Personal? Asking if this is a job or if they own a plane? I think the people wanting to know when the next baby is coming is more personal than my questions... This site is for opinions and comments. I didn't know questions weren't allowed. :o(

  3. What kind of a pilots license does he hold? There are different levels

  4. Awesome!! Congratulations!!

  5. Will someone please tell me why flying small aircraft is so important to these religious people? These families seem to place a priority on piloting. Why is that? Also, how could someone JUST RECEIVE their pilot's license and be qualified to instruct others? Shouldn't an instructor be an EXPERIENCED and qualified teacher?

    1. Why is it so important that you know why they do it?

    2. @4:50- Just an observation, but I think that those who feel it their calling to do missionary work find it easier to pilot their own small planes, if possible. From what I understand, you need additional training/flight hours in order to be an instructor. There are different avenues to pursue when getting a pilot's license, depending upon your career goals. My nephew is a commerical pilot for Delta Airlines. He started out with a college degree in aviation. My dad was a Marine Corps pilot during WWII. He always said that you cannot beat military training in that department. Sully Sullenberger, of Hudson River crash landing fame, was trained as an Air Force pilot. I read his biography and it was very interesting.

    3. The Duggars and the Bates probably save time and money and hassle by traveling in their own planes instead of flying commercial.

    4. They aren’t religious.

    5. I’ve heard newer pilots often become instructors to help them accumulate the flying hours needed for other levels and jobs needing more technical flying skills.

    6. It was Nathan that was the instructor and he did not just get his pilot license. He had his license many years and had his instructor license for a year or more I’m pretty sure

    7. I’m pretty sure Nathan is a certified instructor, so he is qualified. He has also been flying for years.

      But I agree that they are too obsessed with being pilots. I keep thinking of John David Duggar who proposed on an airplane hangar, got married on an airplane hangar, had a plane themed baby announcement and baby shower. It’s like ok we get it you’re a pilot 🙄

    8. Who are you talking about? Nathan, who did not just get his license, or Lawson, who is not an instructor?

    9. Both Bates boys do missionary work; Nathan has been an instructor for a few years now. I am not sure why they love flying so much in these families, but is it any different than a family that might all be fans of a particular sport or hobby? I don’t think being “religious” has anything to do with it.....

    10. 8:27 John David didn’t plan his wedding around flying and have the baby shower that theme to “show everyone he is a pilot.” Obviously, he loves flying. Why should he not use the things he loves? Should he have a baby shower the theme that you like or what he personally likes?

    11. 8:27, I doubt John David had all those airplane-themed things for our benefits.

    12. 9:09 - But what about the things that Abbie likes? Why didn’t they have a nurse themed wedding? Also Josiah and Austin are pilots but they didn’t base every major life event around that. It’s just weird.

    13. 11:58, Abbie has seemed to be just as enthusiastic as John David about the themes. And just because one brother does something doesn't mean the rest of them have to too.

  6. Wow! Congratulations Lawson!

  7. Congratulations Lawson! He totally looks like a pilot.

    1. What is that supposed to mean?

  8. What kind of pilots license did he get? There are different levels

  9. Congrats Lawson!! Good work!!

  10. Congratulations! How exciting!!! May God always be your co-pilot.

  11. Congratulations to Lawson on this wonderful & exciting accomplishment!

  12. @5:36-I think you’re a little caught up in what jobs are “full-time” for the various Bates kids. I think Zach is the only child that has a full-time career. Everyone else who is working age has the reality show job and some other part-time position ( mission work, medics, online boutique, realtor, hair stylist/cosmetologist). However, certainly, in Lawson’s case; his music is his full-time passion.

    1. Trace is working for the police department, isn't he?

  13. Congratulations to Lawson; this is a great achievement. However, I would advise Lawson to be careful of the symbols he makes with his hands. What he's doing looks very similar to the hand sign for the devil. I know he's a good Christian guy and wouldn't want to do this on purpose.

  14. Great job! Is there an online ground school training program you could recommend?


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