
Thursday, April 30, 2020

'Nesting Mode and Mommies on a Mission' Recap

Bringing up Bates "Nesting Mode and Mommies on a Mission"

  • Michael, who has an associates in medical health science and an EMT certification, is at a phlebotomy lab with an LPN lab instructor. “I don’t exactly know what field I want to be in with nursing,” she says. “It’s just a desire that I’ve had. Nursing school is wonderful. It is very, very fast-paced.”
  • “Even as a teenager, she always talked about going to nursing school,” says Erin of her older sister. “Her going into nursing is such a natural thing, that I think everybody is just so pumped that she’s going to be doing that,” adds Josie.
  • “My teachers say over and over and over again, ‘Be the kind of nurse that you would want to have,’” says Michael. “Hopefully my patients will know that I care. I’m just looking forward to being a nurse.”
  • At Josie and Kelton’s new house, Erin, Chad, and Lawson come over to cover the red brick around the fireplace with white mortar. Addee the baby whisperer holds Willow. “The good thing about recruiting Erin is, Erin is married to Chad, and somehow she always can get Chad on these projects,” says Josie.
  • “My idea of moving into a new house and getting it ready to do is like, sweep and mop,” says Gil. “Their idea is like, take out walls and redo this and redo that, repaint that. I’m thinking, ‘Guys, slow down.’ But they’re driven.”
  • Josie comments that Lawson is fun and easy to have around. When asked why everyone gives Lawson such a hard time about not having a girlfriend, Callie responds, “Cause he’s 27 and doesn’t have a girlfriend. That’s very odd.”
  • When Lawson gets up on the ladder and tries out the German schmear technique (basically just a fancy way of describing the process of covering old brick with new mortar using a trowel) Erin and Josie wonder if he is precise enough. “Lawson is always willing to lend a hand, but I think we all know that Chad is the professional,” says Josie, chuckling. “He’s definitely better at his music.”
  • “About halfway through the project, I think it dawned on me after hearing Erin’s comments about my technique that I might be involved to see this project through to the finish line,” says Chad, who initial came over to provide tools. The fireplace looks amazing when it’s finished.
  • Michael and Brandon have the nieces and nephews and younger siblings over to make caramel apples. The tradition started when Addee, Ellie, and Callie were tiny, and now those three girls are helping the Keilens carry it on for the younger kids. “I think it’s going to be fun having little people over, but the thought of little people and sticky substance with a lot of little hands that touch a lot of things in the house, it’ll be interesting, but it’ll be fun,” says Brandon.
  • Even Kade gets in on the fun when Addee and Michael give him some licks of caramel. “I do typically try to stay away from giving Kade all of the candy and the sweets because all of his aunts and uncles try to do it way too often,” says Tori. “But I definitely expected that somebody would give him something while he was there.” After making apples, the group jumps in the leaves that Brandon had raked.
  • At Zach and Whitney’s house, Erin helps reorganize and redecorate Kaci’s room to add Khloe. “Kaci is so excited about sharing a room with Khloe,” says Whitney. “We have found her several times in Khloe’s crib rearranging her pillows and trying to get it ready and stuff.” Whitney says she loves having Erin’s help. “Zach probably hates you,” says Chad, laughing hysterically. Erin agrees.
  • Erin only has one bedroom for four kids. She has a bunk bed for Carson and Brooklyn with a pull-out trundle that Everly will use soon, plus a crib for Holland. “I’m just trying to work with what I have but still keep our eyes open if property comes up,” says Erin. “The location is everything to me, so finding a location that I love.” She would like to live near all the other cousins.


  1. Chad and Erin should really get a bigger place. That room is falling short. I think a pull out trundle should be used for sleepovers, not permanently.

    1. She said that they were looking. Their making the best of their situation and with Covid right now moving should only happen if it’s 100% needed. Her family has a roof over their heads and can make it work. Staying there is safer for them right now.

    2. Of course. That's why she said she is keeping her eye out for property for sale.

    3. 9:35- Erin said they’re looking for the right property. The kids are small enough that I doubt they are suffering any ill effects from sharing a room.

    4. Yes. I agree completely. There house is so cute, but way too small. I hope they find a bigger house in the perfect location!

    5. Don’t you remember how small the house was the whole Bates family lived in before the Duggar’s helped them build the bigger house? They are used to tight spaces.

    6. 11:21 - that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. Overcrowding can lead to health and safety issues.

  2. Erin and Chad have such beautiful property surrounding their little house. I wonder if the owner would pay Chad to expand the house and add a couple of bedrooms. And, if the City would allow it. It is so pretty there.

    1. And, if Chad wants all that extra work.

    2. With a full-time job and four small kids, I doubt he wants any extra work. I'm sure he doesn't want to miss the time when his kids are small. He probably wants to enjoy them.

  3. "The location is everything to me, so finding a property that I love." It seems to be all about Erin. Does finding something Chad loves matter, too? He seems to be the overlooked workhorse of this marriage.

    1. Agree, she always asumes he’ll say yes to everything.

    2. Erin must really appreciate having a husband like Chad! He seems to bend over backwards to keep her happy.

    3. Exactly, if the roles were reversed and Chad was making Erin do all the stuff they would call him an abuser. It’s funny how a woman is never called an abuser.

    4. Has anyone ever thought that maybe Chad enjoys the projects that Erin asks him to do? And that he just kind of adores her and let’s her choose things such as where they live because he doesn’t have a preference?

    5. No, an abuser is someone who hits or repeatedly insults and demeans. If Chad continually asked Erin to work on projects, I'd think she needed to learn boundaries. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about women who seek help for being beaten or demeaned. If a man needs this help, he can find it too.

    6. @ 6:26, no you are 100% wrong, abuse can be emotional as well not just physical. That fact that chad can’t say no to her is a form to emotional abuse. Erin is probably not demeaning or insulting him but there is a reason he can’t say no. Yes it is definitely not at the same level as hitting or beating someone, but it is a form of abuse or control.

  4. I would not have any of my children sleep on the 'floor' like a pull out trundle. That is a temporary/visitor bed. Erin really needs to quit staking her children like fire wood.

    1. Yikes! Staking her children! A trundle bed worked for centuries.

    2. It doesn't have to be a temporary bed. If it has a regular mattress why can't it be used as a regular bed?

    3. When I was a kid, I would have loved a trundle bed. I would have pretended that I was in the Ingalls family. My sister and I would probably have fought over who got to sleep in it. šŸ˜„

    4. With the new Montessori method of teaching/learning floor beds are the new in thing to have. It allows a child the freedom to explore and really is better suited to such tiny people.

    5. 12:21, what is the new Montessori method? Is it much different from the original Montessori?

  5. Hey Ellie, I think it’s time to update the header and include the rest of the baby’s in it. I don’t see Carlin’s baby nor do I see Tori’s baby. I only see white spots were the babies pictures should be. Maybe it’s time to include them in header?

    1. Ellie has been running this blog for a long time and has has the header updated many times. I'm sure her header person will do it when they can.

  6. I had my three sons in one room for a couple of years - they enjoyed being together, but if one got sick they all did. We were fortunate to have a daylight basement and converted to bedrooms and an extra bath. Perhaps Erin & Chad could do something similar (?) I wish them well.

  7. I feel so sorry for Chad. He is constantly being recruited by Erin to work on all of these projects for his in-laws, while trying to balance his job and raising four kids that are all very close in age. I wonder if he feels like he can't say no to Erin.

    1. I think maybe they are shown interacting that way as a story line for the show. Chad is a fan favorite!

    2. I wonder too!?

    3. There are two men who should have kept their last name upon marriage. John and Brandon. All the rest should have changed their last name to Bates because clearly the women are head of the home.

    4. @7:27, there is nothing wrong with woman being the head of the home. But it is a complete antithesis to what they have been preaching.

    5. @ 7:27

      There's nothing wrong with women being the head of the home. Also, changing your name upon marriage is so antiquated regardless of whether the man or woman is the person doing it.

    6. May 2 @ 7:27
      Wow...catty and judgemental remark!

    7. 12:03. That was my point. I spent many years as head of my home due to hubby’s deployments. We are equals, and both competent. However, this family espouses extremely traditional make/female roles, but it’s the women who do all the bossingšŸ¤·‍♀️

    8. 1:27. I totally agree. And I don’t think a woman should change her last name upon marriage unless she chooses.

    9. 1:27. I totally agree. And I don’t think a woman should change her last name upon marriage unless she chooses.

    10. @7:27; I don’t fully agree with you or with the way you stated that, but I will say that men should be the head of the home-just as you seemed to have been implying.

    11. 9:06 I think that a marriage should be a 50/50 partnership, with each bringing their own strengths to build it on. When a man assumes he will be head of the home, it's a situation very vulnerable to physical and/or emotional abuse and a woman taking it because she thinks that's the way things should be. I think truth be told, it's the women who are holding things together in a good many families.

    12. @11:00; Men can be head of the home without being abusive. If they are seeking God’s will for their lives then they should be respecting and including their wives in every decision. It’s God’s design for marriage that men be the head of the household, not to “be the boss”, but to be leaders and protectors.

  8. I was always taught to do the best I can with what I have, such as what they are doing. I am sure they are working toward getting a bigger place, and it will come when it comes. Meanwhile, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping on a trundle bed, and the children will have memories of when they all slept in the same room while they were little.

  9. Are they looking for property because Chad is going to build a house? Wouldn't it be far easier on the poor guy--who is in his mid-thirties already, not getting any younger--to simply buy a house and move into it? He has four small children and a full-time job!

  10. I recall sharing my room with 3 sibilings until i was clise to 6. Then dad converted attic space into a bedroom for me. It comes as folks can afford it.

  11. Chip Gains did a “German Schmear” project I think on the exterior of a home. His technique revealed more of the brick that Chad’s.

    1. There paste was a lot thicker, but still looked good

  12. Just maybe if Erin would stop volunteering Chad for everything. They might be able to purchase a fixer up and move in. I thought that Whitney was in real estate? Or did she drop that for the Bates Boutique store?

  13. No mention whatsoever of the fertility issues? Last update was, like, three years ago. What’s going on?? Something isn’t right.

    1. The only thing that isn't right is the demanding answers that clearly they don't want or aren't ready to give. Obviously this is a very personal and sensitive subject. Just because they have shared about the situation in the past doesn't mean they are obligated to keep talking about it.

    2. Maybe they have decided to keep their fertility issues private now. It's up to them and none of our business unless the family chooses differently.

    3. Why do they need to update us? Even being on a tv show they’re entitled to some privacy. They may not have any answers on why they can’t have children, therefore there’s noting to share. That doesn’t mean something isn’t right.

    4. Maybe something isn’t right. Millions of couples struggle to get pregnant. A lot of Christians are again things like IVF because it isn’t “natural”.

    5. KitKath- I get that viewers are curious, because the Bates' show revolves around having lots of kids. However, when a couple does not have any children, it's cruel to demand answers when they may be dealing with a very painful situation regarding their fertility. Some couples may not want any at all (I don't think this is the case with the Keilens.) In this situation, it's no one's business why they don't want them.

  14. if they love the area they should just get a couple rooms built onto the house would make it so much easier and can add an extra bathroom...Chad wouldn't have to do the work they could just get builders in....i wish them luck they will do what is best for their family

    1. They don’t own the house. It is a rental.

  15. With Erin mentioning looking for property or a house in the right location, it would have been the perfect time for it to be mentioned that Whitney is supposed to be a real estate agent. Why isn't she looking for this home/lot for Erin? No one said a word about that. So, we are wondering if she is really still an actively employed real estate agent? Did she drop that in favor of the dress business? She is has 3 children, a house and a husband who has a real work schedule to adhere to daily. This family does not believe in wives working traditional jobs, so what is Whit's status in the workforce now?

    1. Good question, but I really don't think, with the new baby, that she's back to work.

  16. If Michael and Brandon wish to keep any updates on their fertility issues private they need to say to publicly. They opened up that issue to the public. It's natural for the public to be questioning what's going on with that now. It's not invasive because they brought attention to it themselves. They now say absolutely nothing about it. If they want to continue privately, they should make that desire public too. That would end the questions....but they haven't.

    1. No, they do not need to make a public statement. They do not owe us anything. Nothing.

    2. 4:31- What is it that you think is imperitive for you to know? I would guess that they were getting a lot of questions early on due to the fact that they weren't getting pregnant right away. Perhpas they felt pressure to share a certain amount of information, but decided to leave it at that. Their silence on the matter since then is a pretty good clue that they don't wish to talk about it and want it to remain private. Just because fans are curious, doesn not mean they are owed a play-by-play on their efforts to have a child. Michael is moving on by going to nursing school. That's an indication that viewers should, too.

  17. Just wondering if Chad gets pay for all the work he does for his in-laws?

    1. Wonder if Kelton does free plumbing or if Josie does their hair for free?


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