
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Nursing School with Michael

Michael Keilen at nursing school

How is nursing school going for Michael? Tomorrow on the show, viewers will head to school with the eldest Bates daughter and get a glimpse at one of her lab days in Jacksboro, Tennessee, located near Knoxville. And speaking of the Keilens, Michael and Brandon also have the youngest siblings and some of the nieces and nephews over to make candy apples (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I am happy for Michael! She will be a very good nurse. May she have a long and fulfilling career helping others!

    1. She will be the best nurse! Her patients will be blessed to have her care.

    2. Definitely. She’s so caring and kind.

  2. I realize that Michael is working on a "fake" arm, but shouldn't she be wearing gloves? Michael needs to practice her nursing skills wearing gloves as that's what she'll have to do as a nurse with real patients. In this day and age, she needs to practice her nursing skills wearing a mask and gloves. Her training needs to be realistic in order to master nursing skills.

    1. None of the students are wearing gloves. Perhaps your critique is better directed towards the instructor

    2. I would think you would learn it barehanded first and then progress to gloves.

    3. @12:57- let’s allow her instructor to set the standards for her classroom.

    4. I’m a nurse and gloves are not sterile (unless you are using sterile gloves and method). Wearing gloves is to protect yourself from bodily fluids but the procedures and policies where I am state that as long as you wash your hands you don’t have to wear a glove. A mask these days with corona is needed but back when this was filmed there is no need for a nurse to wear a mask while taking blood. I think her nursing teaching would know better than you of the local policies and procedures.

    5. The polices and procedures in my area say that as long as the patient isn’t contagious in any way then wearing gloves is up to you. You must wash your hands but gloves isn’t something you have to do. Most nurses like myself wear them out of personal choice. Apart from recent covid-19, you usually don’t have to wear a mask for treating most patients. This is filmed months and months in advance I’d say

    6. I’m sure the nursing school will decide when to practice with gloves and masks. Perhaps they are forgoing PPE so that practicing medical professionals have what they need right now. Kinda of silly to have gloves on for a fake arm when there are nurses that need them right now for real arms.

    7. Dude chill. It's not that bad. Quit over reacting. She's doing just fine, we will know more tomorrow.

    8. This was not filmed recently so there is no need for her to be wearing a mask. I agree that she should be wearing gloves though.

    9. Well by the looks of it Michael is probably just learning how to do it. The more practice, then you add the gloves, masks, get the real experience. You don't just jump in full force right off the bat. Besides I am sure this was filmed before the virus began, lighten up.

    10. I am the OP writer: The nurses who have drawn my blood over the years have ALWAYS worn gloves. I'm glad they did. We have had many viruses before this current one so that was not my point. I should have cited the school for this oversight and not Michaela, however.

    11. I've had my blood drawn probably over 100 times. Rarely does a nurse wear gloves. They need a bare hand usually to feel for a good vein. I guess after they identify a spot they could put on gloves and then disinfect them before puncturing, but I Don't see this.

    12. I’m in nursing school right now. You don’t use gloves on the mannequins when you first learn as you have to learn what the veins feels like. As it’s hard to feel it properly through a glove. So after a few goes you then learn to do it with gloves on. Sometimes you can feel for the vein, then put on gloves, sterilise and then take blood.

    13. I am very happy Michael is going thru a LON program. I DI wish to state it is a 1 yr.program for the course.Which grants a certificate. NOt a college degree.As a course in Whits, Zachs chosen feel.Also they must be accepted by their state to be licensed.To work.good luck in ur future

  3. Is Jeb’s attitude supposed to be cute? What am I not getting?

    1. Does he always have to be smiling? I think it's healthy he's expressing what he is feeling. It's not like he's screaming, kicking or destroying the place. He's allowed to disagree and be annoyed.

    2. that'swonderful. go Michaella!

    3. I think, by the smile on his face, that he's joking at the end and that he knows better.

    4. 1:42- The youngest Bates boys now have a lot of nieces and nephews they have to compete with for attention. Not surprising their knickers would get in a twist now and again.

  4. Oh, my goodness! What happened to Judson's forehead? He looks quite dejected in this video.
    I applaud Brandon's patience with the children.

    1. His finger too! Maybe he was in pain.

    2. I kind of think Brandon was beginning to lose his patience! His tone sounded a bit authoritative.

    3. 6:52. Brandon always sounds like that. He’s just not a chaos kind of guy. He didn’t want wild kids ( mainly Jeb and Judson) making a sticky mess.

  5. I hope I’m not becoming a curmudgeon because I don’t find Jeb’s attitude or Judson’s scowl to be funny. On the other hand, I guess it’s good Kelly Jo and Gil are obviously allowing a lot more freedom for their youngest children to express their emotions.

    1. Jeb's attitude is one thing, the scowl is another. We don't know what was behind Judson's face. He was bandaged up. Maybe he was in pain. Maybe someone was behind the camera making faces at him.

    2. I’m the OP. Good point. I still don’t find Jeb’s attitude funny or cute in any way, but I definitely should have been more gracious to Judson. Truly, thank you for the reality check!

  6. MO- I think Michaela will make a good nurse, but I don't think that all nurses are as wonderful as many people make them out to be. I've had some good ones and I've had some bad ones, just like every profession in life. Brandon always seems irritated with the little boys when I see the clips. And he's always telling them what they can't do... He's very different, Just my opinion. :o)

    1. Brandon doesn't come across as irritated to me, he actually seems pretty patient. And yeah, when you're dealing with a group of kids sometimes you're going to have to tell them they can't do something they want to do when they want to do it. In this scene, he was telling his nephew to wait and let the younger kids go first. In other words, he's encouraging him to be patient and have good manners.

    2. Brandon probably expects the boys to behave better than they do. Being the two youngest of 19 kids has led to them being a little spoiled!

    3. Brandon sends out a vibe that he is better, smarter than anyone else. Maybe he’s just uncomfortable being filmed; but something always seems a bit uppity with him.

    4. Probably not around young kiddos often? At least as often as his wife. Maybe deals with them for her benefit, maybe No idea how to interact and connect with them. Maybe he feels awkward. No idea. I’m studying to be a Speech Therapist and oddly have no kids, or nieces/nephews (Both SO and I are only children) in my daily, doing a practicum with K-3 in a school was a challenge at first. I wasn’t there to do behavior management, haha! Reading about this stuff and experiencing are totally different!

      He’s reacting to them from an adult perspective, same as I did until you get knocked off your peg a bit! 😆😂ðŸĪŠ

    5. @6:56- I don’t get that vibe from Brandon. He may be just reserved or an introvert.

    6. 6:56 and 7:03. I get the feeling Brandon is one of those people who has a lot of intellectual expectations on how children should behave. I agree he does come across as quite “right” in his opinions. Having said that I think he and Micheal are a great couple. They appear the most respectful of each other.

    7. I just watched the episode, and I didn't see Brandon being irritated at all. His nephew was being pushy and had to be told several times that it wasn't his turn. Brandon did it calmly but firmly. He also expressed later in the episode that he enjoyed having them over. He has a reserved demeanor. He's not as casual, laid-back, let it all hang out as the family he married into. Nothing wrong with either of those, it's who they all are.

  7. Gosh, judging from all the forearms I’m seeing, each one of them needs to model better healthy behaviors. They’re nurses, for crying out loud!

    1. Haha!! I know! When I worked on the rehab wing the cardiac Dr’s and nurses were some of the most obese, chain smoking group in the hospital. It was bizarre.

    2. Absolutely. Weird, isn’t it? “Do as I say, not as I do?”

    3. @11:07... judging from the stones you are throwing, your glass house is in for a Big surprise...

    4. Wow, rude much? Only apply to the LPN program if you're a healthy weight.

    5. They're not nurses yet.

  8. Yay Michael !! I learned IVs too two semesters ago !!! Soooo cool

  9. Great point about Michael not wearing gloves. She should be using them as she would be in an actual setting. Does anyone know if she is going to a 'real, accredited' nursing school or is she going to an 'christian' one in which she would not be qualified to work in a community hospital or physician's office....(Not Dr. Vick's office).

    1. No Christian college is going to have a non-acctedited nursing program where you can't actually get a job. :(

    2. I agree with you!!

    3. I think she attends a local technical school that offers LPN training and certification.

    4. She is going to a real college and not an unaccredited one. Unaccredited schools have a hard time offering nursing or other similar programs because state licensing is pretty strict that the school be accredited (among other things) to be allowed to have the program.

      She has said she is going for her LPN and might continue for her RN.

      As for the not wearing gloves, most programs do not require them in the early part of practical learning on the fake arms. This allows the student to palpate or feel for the vein more easily. It also saves some money since these sorts of exercises are done over and over with these fake arms and between 12 and 20 students in the classroom.

    5. Any more stones to throw?

    6. I’m guessing it’s Crown College of Nursing. I’m not familiar with it, so I’m not certain where she will be accredited for practice.

    7. She is going to Crowne College of Nursing, I believe. They have a credited nursing program where you can get a job after. I also attend a Christian college where I will be receiving my BSN degree. In fact, the college I attend is higher ranked in passing the NCLEX test (to get RN certified) than most colleges in the United States.

    8. It isn't Crown. They showed the sign for the college before the clip. Tennessee technical college, or something similar to that.

  10. Maybe I missed it. What type of nurse is Michaela studying to be? There's Licensed Practical Nurse, Nursing Assistant, Registered Nurse, just to name a few.

  11. None of the students pictured were wearing gloves.

  12. Michael seems happy. Josie put me off a bit. She seemed not very grateful for the help. Lawson was helping for free. Brandon wasn't raised with all the noise, I'm sure. They were a slew of kids there. I would be overwhelmed and they are doing a sticky activity. The glove thing was not her fault it was her instructor. Personally, if you are new and trying to feel a vein without gloves would probably help. It was a fake arm, fake blood. They have an accredited LPN at Crown College

    1. I sure am thankful for fake arms and fake blood. Venipuncture is hard. It helps to learn without gloves. Wish people would stop faultfinding.

    2. The fault finding has gotten even worse since Covid 19... I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and go run around your home or block a few times.... with a mask on and gloves!

    3. 2:58, I agree! People are getting testy and sniping worse than before.

  13. Congratulations to Michaela on pursuing her dream of becoming a nurse. I think she will eventually choose to work with gynecology, obstetrics, NICU or pediatrics considering how much she loves working with little ones. She's so sweet and caring, she'll be an amazing nurse. ❤️

  14. It's a local technical school with an accredited LPN program, not Crown College. Yes, i first learned to do blood draws without gloves because the instructors want you to really feel what you're going for. It's hard at first. Later, they will add gloves.


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