
Monday, April 20, 2020

Surgery for Trace

Trace Bates, Lawson Bates, Nathan Bates

Another Bates family member is having surgery. Nathan and Lawson try to prepare their younger brother for the worst case scenario. But there is a bright side for Trace: Chaney will be by his side.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Why did Chaney break up with him in the first place? That was heartbreaking and mean!

    1. I suppose she felt the relationship wasn't right for her and her life. And if that is the case, it would be very mean to both of them to not break up the relationship. Neither wants to end up in a relationship that isn't right. Suzanne from Holland.

    2. I seriously doubt Chaney broke up with Trace because she wanted to be mean. Breakups happen for lots of reasons and usually it’s out of wisdom.

    3. It isn't mean if she decided that they weren't right for each other. It was kind of her not to let the relationship go further while knowing it wouldn't work out. It would be mean if she just used him to perhaps get TV exposure, which from the times she was on the show, didn't seem to be the situation.

    4. It would have been far more cruel for her to continue the relationship if her heart wasn't in it. Break ups happen. It's just life.

    5. It’s not appropriate to say that Chaney was ‘mean’ to break up with him. There are MANY valid reasons for a couple to break up. Maybe she didn’t feel like God was leading her to be with Trace. Let’s not start blaming Chaney as the villain in this relationship. We have no idea of the issues that led to their breakup

    6. Most people don't break up to be mean, they break up because it's not the right person. It's meaner to stay with them if they are not the right person.

    7. I can imagine she realized they weren’t a good match. I’m glad she followed her heart.

    8. Is she required to continue dating him and marry him just because she agreed to a first date? Just to avoid being mean? 🙄 What’s heartbreaking and mean is the network insisting on airing the material that has her in it and his parents allowing it.

    9. 1:06 It isn't mean for the network to air their relationship. It happened. Should they have taken all the expense of filming to then just throw the footage away? It is a fact of life that people get together and break up.

    10. @10:15 or her father’s way. He seemed quite stern when he spoke to Trace about raising his daughter to stay near him. I even felt uncomfortable just listening to him speak in that manner and those words to Trace; I can imagine Trace being unsure of the right way to respond.

    11. Seems minor operations are trying on Bates Family as they didn't have insurance or money for yrs. Children seem very immature

    12. Minor operations aren't trying because people have a history of lack of insurance, they are trying because something is being done to their bodies! Lots of people get nervous when they're going to have a minor surgery. Be real.

    13. That is the blessing of Courtship, Chaney and Trace are still friends. The two families are still close, just not as close as they may have been. Those who know and love them both thank the Lord that He made His will clear to Chaney before things became even more serious, and the hurt even more deep.

    14. That is the blessing of courtship! Trace and Chaney are still friends, and the two families still have a good relationship. Those who know and love them both thank the Lord that He made His will clear to Chaney before the relationship went any further and the pain deeper.

  2. Why does his already bandage finger require surgery? Nerve damage?
    And Chaney with Him again...ugh, sorry.

  3. Was this surgery after their breakup?

  4. Trace is a nice young man & he will be ok. The surgery seems routine. But, I will put out my opinion on their breakup. As I watched the show & the interaction with her parents, when her Dad told Trace that he raised his children to stay close to home, I knew why they broke up. It really was kind of the same with the other relationship his brother had. She did not want to leave New York or the city life. I wish everyone well moving forward.I sure am glad that I did NOT marry the first guy I dated. I know it's all fun & exciting at first but it takes time to get to know someone. I am glad the older boys are taking time & growing up first.

    1. Trace and Nathan could have moved to Texas and NYC. But, like the Duggar’s all Bates and their spouses ( Alyssa and Jinger excluded) come back to reality TV money.

  5. I hope Trace continues to recover from his surgery.
    Trace's relationship with Chaney was a "no-go-from-the-get-go". Chaney's father was not going to let his daughter move to Tennessee and Trace needed to stay near his family in Tennessee so he would have an adequate income.

    1. Chaney is an adult. Her Dad can doesn’t have authority to not “allow” her to do something. Chaney’s choice to stay in Texas just as it’s Trace’s choice to stay in Tennessee. These adult “kids” never seem to cut the apron strings.

    2. I don't think either one of them were raised to cut the apron strings. Cheney's dad has a "hold" on her. It may not be of legal authority but it certainly is emotional and psychological. Trace needs to stay near his folks because that's where his income is. It's too bad they could not compromise but maybe their were other courtshop issues too.

  6. Could it be Chaney and him are just slowing things down? Maybe decided to be really good friends? Either way, if she is showing up to be with him during surgery- there is still an ember in the fire.

    1. No, this episode was filmed before thet broke up.

  7. Sure hope the Chaney stories end soon. Nathan's heartbreak story line ended quickly thankfully.

  8. Need to say mionor surgery . Thought Gil and Trace had Major surgery just something minor for caption would be better. Wish them both well. ledabeth RN working the front lines

  9. Besides, I don’t like the name Chaney- LOL

  10. What happened to Trace

    1. In the show he explains that it got hurt playing sports.

  11. I didn't get the vibe that Chaneys parents were as excited as the Bates family was about their courtship. I thought Chaneys dad was rather rude and abrupt when Trace approached him about courting Chaney. Furthermore, Chaney seemed to be controlled and very submissive to her dads wishes for her future. Personally I wasn't impressed with Chaney or her parents. Trace and the Bates parents are very sweet simple humble people and I didn't pick that up from Chaneys family. Just my observation. I say Divine intervention for both families.


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