
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Tomorrow: Bates in Texas

Trace Bates and Chaney
Trace Bates and Chaney

An all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates is coming your way in exactly 24 hours (as of 9pm ET on Wednesday).

Gil, Kelly, and Trace take a trip to Texas to visit Chaney. In addition to sampling Tex-Mex food, spending time at the batting cages, and going go-karting with Chaney's family, Trace has an important question to ask his leading lady. He wants to know if Chaney will be his official girlfriend! Find out what her answer is tomorrow at 9pm ET/8pm CT, only on UPtv.

Gil Bates, Kelly Bates, Trace Bates, Chaney
Gil Bates, Kelly Bates, Trace Bates, Chaney

At the batting cages

Trace and Chaney
Trace and Chaney

Thursday, April 2
6:30am: The Purity Ring
8:30pm: Happy News and Health Concerns
9pm: Texas Or Bust? NEW!
Trace, Gil, and Kelly Jo are headed to Texas, where Trace is planning to ask Chaney to be his girlfriend, and the pressure is on to make it a memorable moment.They spend quality time in the Lone Star State with Chaney’s family enjoying Tex-Mex and some friendly competition. First stop is go-kart racing, where it appears Trace has met his match! But later at the batting cages, will Trace get the green light from Chaney’s dad to date his daughter? Meanwhile, Kelly Jo and Chaney’s mom put Trace’s courting plan in motion when the two families come together for a picnic. Trace takes Chaney aside for the perfect moment alone to ask her if she will be his girlfriend; will she say yes?

Photos courtesy of UPtv


  1. These are bittersweet moments for these young people. If I were Chaney or Trace, I wouldn't want all my life's moments to be on TV like this. It is their choice, though.

  2. I think UP should have filmed something else. How heartless to have a show on Trace and Chaney after they broke up. I won’t watch this...what’s the point??

    1. Obviously UP didn’t know they were going to break up when they filmed it! They are supposed to be showing their lives not a made up version of it. They were in a relationship which didn’t work out. It happens to a lot of people. They will both move on. There is no harm in showing what happened.

    2. Totally agree. To watch such a happy moment and know their courtship is no longer is just sad. I feel for them both to know that episode will be televised tonight.

  3. Sure, this is a great way for a two young people to get to know each other...with distractions and plenty of other people right around them. This "system" is terrible. NO wonder ultimately Chaney said 'no'. We all know how this turned out already, so this write up is unnecessary. These parents need to start trusting their children a little to be on their own while 'dating'......which they don't let them actually DO.

    1. As someone who went through dating on my own, I still had a couple relationships that did not work out before I married. Whether parents are beside you or not does not make any difference to the final outcome.

  4. "The pressure is on to make it a memorable event." Therein lies the problem... pressure. Trace was only wanting to date the girl, not carry her off to his kingdom and marry her. I think it's putting the cart way before the horse, especially filming the whole thing for TV. You're kind of setting yourself up for embarrassment and huge disappointment if it doesn't work out, which in this case, it did not. All this fanfare looks rather silly now, in retrospect. Why not just "date", get to know each other, and save the fanfare for when the girl agrees to marry you and you become officially engaged. It seems these fundamentalist families are adding this courtship step and I don't see how it serves any useful purpose, other than to put more pressure on to get married and have something for viewers to watch. TV contracts being what they are, I have to wonder if they had no choice but to air this content, despite the eventual outcome. If that's the case, I feel very sorry for Chaney and Trace. This is the third Bates boy to have experienced this kind of made-for-TV courtship that resulted in a break up. You'd think they'd have learned a thing or two by now.

    1. agree. sort of like selling out your family because you're under contract. Now all these details are coming out about the concessions the Duggar kids had to make for the "family franchise". I think the Bates should not renew their contract. They have a world-wide audience now. They can continue to do meaningful ministry with their platform on social media and speaking engagements, allowing them to go back to normal life for the sake of everyone.

    2. 6:43AM: I agree with you. Pressure, so much pressure. When our son asked his now fiancee to "date and be exclusive", it was a 2am phone call (as they lived 50 miles apart), the night before Thanksgiving. She said yes. At Thanksgiving dinner, he introduced her to extended family as "his girlfriend". No fanfare, no TV, just a 2am phone call.
      The Bates Family just has too much pressure, to make everything so spectacular. Like you said, probably added pressure to make for interesting TV.
      And I agree, UPTv should not be showing this episode.

    3. Whether filmed or not, people get together and break up all the time. It is part of life. They could pretend it doesn’t happen but why? They are adults and choose whether to being filmed or not. They aren’t being forced. Carlin recently talked about someone she was in a relationship with before she met Evan. It wasn’t filmed. We would not have known if she hadn’t said something.... so they have the choice!

    4. 1:30 Of course break-ups are common. I think the point is that it's over-the-top when asking a girl to simply date you is turned into a major event requiring elaborate plans involving multiple family members. It turns it into something more than it is and adds pressure to get eventually married. Whatever happened to a realtionship just quietly evolving into something serious? The last time I recall anyone making anything close to a big deal about going steady with someone was back in the dark ages of high school, where the guy gave the girl his class ring and letterman jacket to wear.

    5. I did not realize that I lived in the "dark ages".I got the class ring. It did lead to marriage. In May we will be married 56 years.

    6. @11:116 am, I think your missing the point. Having a class ring is a beautiful thing. Having your parents and his parents come for a dinner, planning something that looks like an engagement when it just will you be my gf/bf. Very different.

  5. MO- This is the perfect example of why I don't watch the show anymore. The episodes are so out-of-date. I understand that a lot of fans just want to see the family, but I'd just rather read the Blog. I think UPTV needs to realize that keeping the show off the air for so many months makes people lose interest. :o)

    1. Perhaps this is UPTV'S plan. The fewer viewers this show has, the easier it will be for the network to cancel it.

    2. The reason it's off air has to due with the fact that they are filming for the next season. They also have to wait for the network to give them a thumbs up to film and order a number of episodes. That's how reality TV works, just like other shows/series as well.

  6. When it is your life you can have the say until than don't judge another person's life when you are not ones living it. The Bates have their own beliefs based on what they feel God has planned for them. We all have our own beliefs and that is what makes us each an individual. It is so often that just because a family truly believes in God and the bible they are called fundamentalists and you what maybe each of you saying this should take a look in the minor and deal with yourself before you start to strike at another. If they clearly don't have an issue with the way they each live then why should any of you? Just stop putting others down to make yourself feel better already! Trace has allowed others to see that not all things work out the way WE HAVE PLANNED and that it is going to hurt, however if you do not lose sight of what is waiting for you down the road than your faith in GOD and in HIS LOVE will bring you the JOY GOD WANTS YOU TO HAVE. Bottom line, no one is perfect we are all flawed and if faith brings hope to anyone then why take that from them?

  7. I'm thinking of Michaela. Is she doing hands-on training at the hospital as part of her nursing program?

  8. Why can’t adults go on a date by themselves? All this over the top spectacle is just to much. It’s not any wonder why Chaney bolted.

    1. Gil and Kelly need to rethink their courting rules if they want their sons to get married. No girl want to marry into a family stricter than theirs. Why do you think the daughters marry so quickly and start wearing pants?

    2. Response to 8:54 PM.. MO- To your point of "women waring the pants". I have noticed that Bobbie just sits next to Tori with a smile on his face. Tori rattles on and on as if she's in charge. Bobbie used to be much more outgoing and seemed to enjoy contributing to the conversation while Tori never said too much. Very different. Reminds me of Chad. :o)

  9. Such an awkward looking hug...and strange they would even air this episode after their break up! Can you imagine being that couple??

    1. First hug . . . on camera . . . why wouldn't it be awkward?

  10. Full on frontal hug right there! What happened to side hugs!? LOL. S.

    1. Pretty sure the Bates never did side hugs. That’s the Duggars.

  11. I love the shoe, and I am so thankful that up TV has the Bates on. There are not a lot of encouraging shows on TV. I am not really into fiction stories even though they can be fun to watch. My favorite shows are the Duggers and the Bates. With all that said though, I’m really sad that they have to air this episode. It must hurt Trace very much since it said that Chaney is the one that broke up with him. I think they should not air this show...The outcome was too sad.

  12. Depending on how their contract was worded, they may not have had a choice in the matter. I’m sure Trace has learned that life goes on after a break up. He will find the right one when the time is right and so will Chaney.

  13. I just could not watch. Nathan's heartbreak was enough for me.

  14. I wonder if both of them got a choice in whether this was aired. I would have said no way . . .

  15. The courting ritual and 'levels' of a relationship that these people abide by are not biblical, nor are they Christian or religious in any way IMO. They are archaic SOCIAL customs. Nothing to do with a belief in God or a creator. Jesus never said anything about this that I know of. If He did, please refer me to it.

  16. So now they go from special friends to dating to courtship to engagement to marriage...each event with an over the top celebration where the parents and even some of the siblings are part of the event. How can anyone get to know a person with no private time whatsoever? And for 20 year olds to require a chaperone at all time, IMO, shows a total lack of trust. If I were a girl receiving attention from a boy and had to put up with Judson and Jeb inserting themselves between the guy and me such as last weeks episode, I wouldn't take the relationship a step further and would have ended it then and there. But they have to live their lives as they see fit. I just wonder if there are enough singles out there who have been raised with the same rules so that they young ADULTS can find a partner.

  17. I say to each their own and let each person make take the path they feel is right for them. SO really it would be grate for the Bates if others would stop being so rotten to them for the way they live. You wouldn't like someone doing that to you so just let it go or don't keep up with what goes on in THIER LIFE!

  18. Such an encouraging family! Congrats Trace & Chaney!

    1. You do know they've already broken up, don't you?

    2. Congrats on what? They broke up

  19. Watching Chaney's family you can see why Trace and Chaney did not move forward. Chaney's dad did not seem impress with the Bates or Trace at all.

    Chaney has made a couple of comments about the strict rules the Bates have for dating. Waiting 9 months to call someone your gf or hold their hands? During those 9 months having a seven year old "charpaone" your "dating". They're over 21 years old and should be treat as adults. Either you trust your kids, Kelly Jo and Gil or you don't.

    Ellie, I have tried to post this comment more than twice. Nothing I stated was rude and I do hope that you allow everyone to post their comments no matter if they agree or disagree.

  20. Some people actually follow God's plan for marriage as indicated in the Bible. No couple in the Bible ever had a relationship that did NOT include their parents. I am a teenager, and I have seen the disaster 'dating' includes, and how unbiblical it is. Everyone keeps saying that the Bates are too strict about relationships, but I differ greatly. The Bates are following the example found in the Bible and are being open about making that bold choice and being public about it. Does no one applaud them for standing up for a Biblical outlook and applying of it? You might say that the certain sort of outlook is old-fashioned, but is it really? God set those guidelines for a reason, none of them are just 'there'. Besides, my word! Respect what these people do! They are taking a stand for all the Bible says, and applying it in every aspect they can. Courtship is 100% Biblical, as it not only includes the parents in all the decisions, but it is with the intention of marriage, as in the Bible. Be kind, and I applaud these people greatly. Trace and Chaney's relationship might not have worked out because God wanted to teach them something during that relationship, and yet they were not meant to be. God works in strange ways, and we cannot theorize WHY Chaney left or not.


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