
Friday, April 24, 2020

'Your Girl Ain't Doing That'

Katie Bates and Travis
"They're trying to, like, flip upside down. Your girl ain't doing that, so I am not going to help with any part of this. Peddling is not going to happen."
-Katie Bates

When Katie and Travis compete against Nathan and Josie on a crazy ride at WonderWorks, it's clear who is having fun and who isn't. Could you see yourself going on this ride?

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Katie and Josie are overbleaching their hair. It looks unnatural when it's so light. Perhaps it's because they are so young, but they could use some guidance.

    1. It looks cute and it’s their hair, mind your own.

    2. Well, I think they're both hair stylists. Who do you think they should go to for guidance? In any event, hair color is matter of personal preference. It could be that you've chosen a rather superficial and unimportant bone to pick.

    3. They could use some advice from more experienced stylists. Katie, in fact, hasn't even graduated. She is not a stylist yet. She is a student and still learning. As for Josie, she practiced for about a year. There are more experienced stylists who can guide them into a more natural look.

    4. Maybe what this person was trying to tell you was that words can hurt and not very many are kind to the Bates at times. So treat others the way you wish to be treated and don't hurt someone just because they ain't like you and say I live in NY we say ain't all the time because we live in a farming town. P.S. farmers feed the U.S. ain't no one else going to.

    5. It's just a matter of opinion and observation. I happen to agree that Katie and Josie are overprocessing their hair too. There is no depth to the color.

    6. "Ain't no one else going to?" We can purchase food from a variety of different countries. I have no problem with that. Farmers around the world all have families that need to survive. Personally, I prefer food products from the east--noodles, won tons, sauces, etc. All are delicious!

    7. Food from the east, think about this for a sec. Nothing is coming in from outside of the U.S. right now so you are being feed by farmers in the U.S. Or you can always take the chance of getting something from outside the U.S. and all that could be with it right now. I am not trying to upset anyone but when you think about ain't no one else going to has a strong point.

    8. Katie and Josie are destroying their hair with all that overprocessing. Katie in particular. They need some advice and help. Katie does not have the complexion for such a light color, it looks mismatched. Josie's hair looks dry and brittle. Those girls have a lot to learn about color. They are sweet girls, though.

  2. Do all Bates say "ain't"?

    1. It sure sounds that way. I hate to stereotype, but it is not unusual for people from the rural South to frequently use that word. I have family in East TN that I visit every year. They are transplants from NJ and do not use that word, but a lot of the locals do.

    2. MO- "Ain't" is like nails on a chalk board to me. Yes- I know it's accepted, but I still can't stand it.

    3. @10:53 Same for me!!! I do not ever accept saying “ain’t!”

    4. Oh, my...reminds me of the song from Music Man; Pick a little, talk a little, pick, pick, pick..........
      Ain't to me is not quite as bad as the "rampant" misuse of the word in "like I said, like I was saying". The appropriate word is as..."as I said, etc.". I just cringe when I hear television announcers and newsmen misuse the word like. There, now I've said it!!!!

    5. What brings out the grammar Nazi in me is when I hear anyone - the Bates family included - say "me and John went....." It should always be the other person first and then it should be "I" such as "John and I went..." You wouldn't say "me went to..." it would be "I went to..." The other thing I heard Kelly Jo say was that something was the funnest thing. It should be "most fun". Like I said, it grates on me but I'm sure people will tell me that I'm too picky.

    6. They've been using the Abeka program for years, so I KNOW they know better. Abeka is pretty rigorous in grammar.

  3. I'm not quite sure what to make of Katie's behavior. Maybe it's like her sister said, "she wants to be all prim and proper". Maybe Katie was afraid of being upside down. Another reason may be that she was unprepared-her clothing was not appropriate for a ride like this. (Her sister was appropriately dressed).

    1. Josie was wearing a mini dress, same as Katie.

    2. Josie had on tall boots and tights on her legs. She was not having to hold down her skirt like Katie. Yes, both women were wearing a mini dress but Josie was more "covered".

  4. Time 4:58PM Fri 4/24/20
    It depends on how high the ride is.

  5. I hate to tell you Katie, but you have no control over what a plane does. The pilot, air traffic controller, and any other outside factors have complete control over the plane.

    1. Katie has flown planes before... I imagine she was speaking of when she was piloting the aircrafts herself.

  6. Katie NEEDS A DEEP CONDITIONER on her hair. Its ruined and a short haircut. Also wear pants on these kinds of rides please.

    1. Gil and Kelly will not allow the girls living at home to wear pants, so the best they can do is wear leggings under their dress. Seems unrealistic to me but their house, their rules.


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