
Friday, April 17, 2020

Zach Loves Food

Zach Bates and Whitney Bates
Local couples' date night

Zach: "Right now, I'm very hungry. I could order the whole menu, but once I start finishing with these appetizers, I won't be as hungry."

Whitney: "When we're in, you know, group settings, sometimes you have to just remind him that he needs a fork, and a plate, and a napkin before he starts digging in."

It's not secret that Zach is a foodie. If you have been a long-time viewer of Bringing Up Bates, you have likely picked up on this. In Zach's opinion, no gathering or event is complete without something delicious to eat. And he doesn't just talk about food, he prepares it, as well.

In the video below, Zach and Whitney discuss Zach's love for food, during their date night with the other local couples.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. MO- Zack's funny- I like the dynamic between Whitney and Zack. When they are together commenting on an event, they both speak. I've noticed that Erin does all the talking and now "Miss Shy" Tory does all the talking and their husbands just sit there with a smile on their face- like they're hypnotized. :o)

    1. I like Zach & Whitney, too! They seem like a great couple!

  2. Maybe Zach needs to have a little snack at home before he goes to a restaurant. That would "take the edge" off his hunger and perhaps slow him down so he can remember to pray and use dinnerware. I'm not seeing the humor in Zach's behavior as apparently, it happens a lot. Is this the reputation he wants?

  3. Zach looks like he's a good eater!

    1. I know, that's what I thought too;-)

  4. Serious question. Why do the Duggars and Bateses have such poor table manners?

    1. I wonder that too. Remember the episode when Erin had Carlin’s dinner before Evan asked her to court? Zach pick up food and put it back on the plate before choosing the one he wanted to eat!

  5. I’m a food lover too, Zach! I live to eat; not eat to live:). Good for you to take charge of the meal and order an appetizer right off the bat! And, yes, I exercise :)

  6. Sometimes I will order an appetizer for my meal, but not in addtion to one. It's just too much food!

  7. I too agree he lacks in table manners. I was surprised shrimp & broiled fish wasn't ever in their childhood diet. Exercising seems to not be Gil or Zachs thing off to me.

    1. Gil is an athletic guy, with a physically demanding job.

  8. I love how Whitney told him he was being "very rude." And he was.

    1. I think that being raised in a huge family may have influenced his eating and his manners! Grab quickly before it’s gone!’😄

    2. I agree I thought Kelly might teach manners in her home schooling ?

    3. We've seen her teaching manners. Apparently it didn't take with him.

    4. MO- The Bates's table manners and grammar leave a lot to be desired. I don't think they care about it or they would have worked on correcting it. Many people are the same way and don't care. I guess we all have different ideas of what is important to us. :o)

  9. Whitney and the sisters sure make excuses for Zachs poor manners.

  10. I can't believe that most of these grown up people don't know what an appetizer is. They certainly have lived a sheltered life.

  11. Zach loves food. No kidding.

  12. Something I have noticed about Christians is they are incredibly vocal about no alcohol, but celebrate their gluttony.

    1. I agree, most every church celebrates that with potlucks all the time.

    2. You are so right! My Baptist uncle and family were always excited about any type of meal and “fellow shipping seem to include the infamous pot luck! Heaven forbid not a drop of wine!

    3. Maybe food is a substitute for alcohol!

    4. Honestly, I’ve kind of surmised the Whitney & Zack and Papa Bill & Mama Jane enjoy a cocktail. Just a hunch.

    5. Not everyone. I've heard several pastors talk about gluttony. It is a sin. But I've heard of anyone killing someone else with their car under the influence of food. Or abusing their families under the influence of food.

    6. 8:36. People most definitely abuse their families under the influence of food. Children become care-takers of obese parents who have become inactive and imobile. Husbands/wives become unattractive and/or unable to be intimate due to obesity. I’ve heard a lot of Christians joke about it being the “acceptable sin” because as you believe it doesn’t harm anyone except the overweight person. I know this is an uncomfortable topic for most as they don’t like the ugly truth. My husband ( who is a Christian) has chosen food. We are seldom intimate because food has affected his biology. So, yes, gluttony does harm family members. And, as you say it is sin.

    7. 10:26. Thank you for being open and honest. What you say affects many families and married couples. It’s seldom talked about because confronting obesity has become taboo as it’s now considered body shaming. But, when we marry our bodies belong to our spouses. We have the right, always in love and kindness, to confront this issue as delicate a subject as it may be.

  13. He sure does love food. Zach is a great man though.

  14. He probably has food insecurity from living in poverty with so many siblings.

    1. I think you are on to something here. Some of the older Duggar daughters made comments about how if they didn't grab food right when it was served they wouldn't get any. One of them, I believe it was Jill or Jessa, said that she would hide in a bathroom to eat, so her siblings wouldn't steal her food. Since Zach is the oldest Bates and his family wasn't on TV when he was younger and therefore getting extra income, he probably spent a significant amount of his formative years in a similar environment to the older Duggars. Habits like that from childhood tend to stick with people into adulthood. I've seen similar behaviors in people I know who grew up in large families.

    2. And how sad that now he's being accused of gluttony! The lack of food in his childhood (from poverty and numerous siblings) is simply affecting him today.

  15. Does'nt live in poverty never did . Exteme comment.

    1. The Bates were quite poor before they became well know. Watch any of their old videos--the older kids talk about it. One man with a tree service is not going to earn enough for 21 people to live and eat well.

  16. Yes, the Bates family did live in poverty. Their house was falling down around them; Gil didn't have any grocery money; he had to borrow from some of his sons to grocery shop. They had no real medical care; they used the emergency room at community hospitals as a doctor's office so they didn't have to pay. They lived on taxpayers' money in that way. It was publicized by them, themselves that they were always short of money. They sewed those awful prairie dresses for their daughters too. Used shoes are not a good thing for growing feet either. I would say that was pretty much a poverty level existence. They were lucky that TV and Jim Bob Duggar came along. He suggested that his friend, Gil Bates, get himself on TV like the Duggars did....and it worked.

  17. All you guys want is to rag on the Bates. Who are any of you to pass judgement over another? Look in the mirror and take a good long hard look inside and maybe then you can work on your own flaws.


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