
Friday, May 1, 2020

Bates Leaf Houses

Tori Bates Smith and Bobby Smith
Tori explains the concept of a leaf house to Bobby

Michael Keilen: "We'd take all Mom's silverware and plates out and have picnics."

Tori Smith: "You'd have your other friends come visit you from their leaf houses."

What exactly is a "leaf house"? Most people are familiar with the traditional fall activity of raking leaves into piles and jumping in them, but have you ever built a leaf house? Once the Bates siblings start talking about this fun family activity from their childhoods, they can't stop (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. MO- Bobby looks so different. He used to be outgoing and now he just sits there. I guess it doesn't bother me to see the other husbands just sit there, they were pretty quiet to begin with. But not Bobby, he liked to join in on a conversation. But the story of "leaf houses" was funny. :o)

    1. Maybe he figures the less he says, the less people can pick his words apart.

    2. Maybe, it's because he had no idea what a "leaf house"is, therefore he had nothing to say. It was from his wife's childhood, not his.

  2. They took the leaf blowers out of their dad's truck? When they were little?

    1. Why would you assume they would do that when they were little? The older ones were probably the ones doing the leaf blowing.

  3. Leaf houses! Sounds like fun!!!

  4. Michaela you are so very kind.

  5. This is so adorable!! I love hearing the older Bates kids talk about their lives together as kids... I had a lot of creative fun with my siblings when I was little & hearing them talk about their fun times together brings back good memories for me as well <3 thanks for sharing this! God bless

  6. We did something similar as kids, only it was with snow. I remember making snow bricks for the walls and even sculpted tables and chairs.

  7. I used to build leaf houses as a kid. I totally forgot all about that. I would use chicken wire as the frame. I would cover the chicken wire with the pecan tree leaves. The house was just large enough for two friends and I. What a wonderful memory to remember! Thank you!

    1. That sounds like so much fun!

  8. We made pine straw houses. We cooked mud pies and weeds. Those were fun and innocent times. Sweet memories.


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