
Thursday, May 14, 2020

'Brandon's Book and Kelly Jo's New Look' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Brandon's Book and Kelly Jo's New Look"
  • Both Christmas and baby Holland Paine will be arriving soon. Chad comes home with gifts for Erin. “With the kids, trying to get them involved, thinking about Mama and all she’s doing for them,” says Chad. “I mean, that helps a child say, ‘Hey, you know what, life’s not just about me. I’ve got a mom here that’s serving me.’ So that’s what we were trying to do tonight.”
  • The big gift is a foot spa, and Erin is thrilled because she loves having her feet pampered. But once Chad gets the foot spa set up, the kids are eager to take part, too. “I love that he includes the kids in everything,” says Erin. “Even if it’s going to make a mess. Even if it’s going to be a crazy night. We’re making memories.”
  • Erin asks Carson if he is going to spoil his wife someday. He replies, referring to the foot spa: “I’m going to get her one of these. No, I’m going to get myself one of these.”
  • At a Christian bookstore in Knoxville, Brandon has his first book signing. He reads a chapter from his book and then signs copies. “Tonight was definitely pretty surreal,” says Brandon, with his arm around Michael. “I mean, we’ve been working on this book for so long. I didn’t think I’d get it finished. Thanks to this girl right here, it got done.”
  • Later, Kelly arrives at Josie’s house ahead of an anniversary date with Gil. “We have a lot of dates but not a lot of fancy dates,” says Kelly. That’s why she has asked her daughters for help with hair and makeup.
  • “My mom is used to wearing her hair the same way, and she doesn’t normally change it, just because that’s what she’s done for years,” says Josie. “So today, we’re going to try something different and see how she handles it.” Kelly tells Josie to surprise her with a hairstyle.
  • After working in a salon, Josie discovered that her passion is weddings. She and a friend now has a business doing hair for weddings.
  • Katie and Carlin arrive and start Kelly’s makeup. Katie has just returned from a week with Travis and his family and says that the relationship is going well.
  • Kelly ends up with an up-do, beautiful makeup, freshly painted nails, and fake eyelashes. She chooses a black maxi dress. One of the options that Carlin brings over is a dress with leopard prints, which isn’t Kelly's taste.
  • When Gil arrives in his suit carrying flowers, he is stunned. “She was really hot, I’ll just tell you,” says the Bates dad. Gil chooses Kitchen 919 in Downtown Knoxville. During dinner, Gil gives Kelly a long, silver necklace
  • “My dad, he’s got some experience romanticizing my mom,” says Zach. The other siblings say that Gil frequently brings home flowers and other gifts and leaves love notes around the house. “At some point or another, there’s going to be trials,” says Kelly. “But knowing that whatever comes our way, we’re committed to see this through and to get through it together and to stay together no matter what, we’re still best friends.”
  • “It’s what feels the closest in the marriage when you both feel safe with each other, you both trust each other, and you both are willing to sacrifice for each other,” says Gil. “But when you’re sacrificing, it’s really not a sacrifice. It’s just what comes natural when you love somebody.”


  1. It’s khloe not Christmas lol

    1. Holland was born the end of November so I do think it means Christmas. Especially since the focus is on gifts.

    2. I thought the same thing lol

  2. Another wonderful, albeit too short, episode!!! Please tell me there is one coming up next week and this was not the season finale!!!

    1. This show has been the tv highlight of every week during these difficult days. UPTV and the Bates would do us all a favor if there were some way to keep this show on all year, or most of the year. I realize with the pandemic it may be impossible to do. But it is wonderful while it lasts.
      (I’d be happy to see reruns at 9:00 Eastern time On Thursdays for the off seasons of the show.)

  3. Love, love, love this family!!! Does anyone know if Gil ministers to married couples struggling? No one’s marriage is perfect; I’d love to hear from he & Kelly how they got through struggles in their marriage!

    1. The best advice I ever got was from my grandmother: Don't keep score. You're both going to mess up in one way or another. (I'm not referring to big stuff like infidelity, abuse, or drug addiction.)
      Ask for forgiveness/forgive and move on.

    2. I’d would like Gil and/or Kelly to discuss the serious marriage issues; especially if either has gone through such tough problems.

  4. Loved this episode! I think it’s my favorite so far this season. I’ll be watching it again later tdday!

  5. When in 2020 is Lawson going to have out his new album? I need the info so I can buy it!

  6. Where can I buy a copy of the book for my little ones?

    1. The book is for sale on the Keilens' website:

      Have a wonderful day,
      Lily and Ellie

    2. Thank You So Much!

  7. Enjoyed the episode, BUT - "AGAIN" = too short. When you deduct the time for advertisements we only see approx. 18 minutes. . . .An hour show would be much appreciated.

  8. I am always disappointed when the show ends. That time goes by so fast. I wish UP would give them an hour.

  9. Agree, wish it was an hour show. My favorite show on tv! Goes by too fast!

  10. I just love the Bates family!! Why doesn't the UP network give them more air time each week?


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